I've been watching this show with some regularity. I'm wondering why the Fab Five are assigned to married guys. What's the point of making over the guy--his home, his kitchen stores, etc--if his wife is as much of a slob as he is?
Maybe she'll be inspired to clean up her act, too. Though, frankly, I wonder how long any of the straight guys will stick with their new regimens?
On a related note, I've read articles about "metrosexuals" lately, i.e., straight guys who really care about grooming, clothes and so forth. Like guys who were visited by the Fab 5 and stuck with the game plan. These articles have suggested that women really like men like this, including those who spend more time preening before going out than women typically do.
I realize that generalizations are usually useless, but I'd be curious to hear how women feel about this. Does this sound like a great guy to go out with, all things being equal?
For sure!
I mean, not overboard of course. But to some extent.
E.G. is now hooked.

He has been doing some things -- hair stuff, skin stuff -- and I wholeheartedly approve.
Hope that's all that rubs off, sozobe!
This is what he USED to look like:
I remember seeing that pic 'across the street', and goin' whooooooooooaaaaaaa!
He could be in bipolar's band with those pants. :wink:
Warning, he looks nothing like that anymore. Well, somewhat, but he could pass for a young (ish) Republican.
and will you be wearing your red kerchief?
I thought about that. Hee hee! And blue workshirt...
I wonder what I could wear that the Sozlet would recognize? Antlers, perhaps? In honour of the Christmas deerhuahua :wink: of course.
Is he actually applying product in his hair from the back of his head, sozobe? It looks to like that's how he always did it. Tell him following all their suggestions won't make him gay but it may make him a little nervous.
D'Art, Too neat makes me uncomfortable. Too sloppy has a similar effect. I guess semisloppy is ok with me.
Apropos of something else altogether, Daniel Pinkwater said on NPR recently that this show should generate some spinoffs. He suggested 'Black Eye for the White Guy' and 'Jew Eye for the Goy Guy' as possibilities. (His point being, I think, why single out persons of a particular sexual prefernce as social arbiters? A bit patronizing and stereotyping, that.)
Dear MsRoberta - I think that is brilliant - semisloppy!
Perhaps you could submit it to the Oxford for their next revision. It is so right.
"I like that man. He's semisloppy."
Wiz, at about that time he was purposely intimating that he was gay (though he wasn't) just to stand up for gay friends who were getting harassed, and to irritate Kansas rednecks. And irritate them he did. (He was regularly in fights.) So following the grooming tips of some friendly gay folk is not exactly gonna make him nervous.
ehBeth, funny you say that... I have told her, "you're going to meet the deerhuaha!" She got excited.
Hi ehBeth, Glad you like semisloppy. I suppose I could have said semineat. But that doesn't sound right. And I really lean more to the sloppy than the neat.
I knew that, sozobe, and it didn't take too much conjecture -- we've been friends too long.
Well, Merry, I hate labeling people other than they are human beings. I don't see anything particularly negative about this or any gay shows. Even the fact that they have developed a huge straight audience. The planet goes round and round and we should have the ability to take the trip with at least some abandonment of some old screwed up ideals.
Oh, I agree with you, Wizard. And I got the distinct feeling that Pinkwater actually liked the show but had to find a context for those throwaway lines. 'Black eye for the White Guy' particularly appeals to me for some reason. I visualize a Jerry Springer type show where some Mike Tyson type goes around punching out wimps.
Jimmy Farrell used "Black Eye from a White Guy" on the MTV Awards a couple of weeks ago...
That would be funny if an Afro-American crew got hold of some white executive and taught him how to close business deals in street rap.