Would any of you straight girls have a makeover from 5 gay women?
Not unless they would look good in motorcycle jackets.
Just kidding -- Lipstick Lesbians can be quite fetching.
And quite fashionable, as well.
I watch the show sometimes, the one that kind of irritates me is Carson. But the rest are okay i guess.
Aww -- too stereotyped?
BTW, welcome to A2K, MuzikQueen79
Chrissakes I watch the show . I learned I have metrosexual tendencies . But, at leaast i havent memorized the names of these guys.
Theres the "over the top really queeny guy"-he does fashion
Then theres a seemingly regular guy-he does food
Then a dweebie one-he does the decorating
i forget the other two fabs
Is your avatar a metrosexual?
With shows like this , how can anyone wonder why discrimination occurs .
Homophobes will likely remain homophobes regardless of what is on TV. It may convince those on the fence that they should live and let live but you can bet that the bigots are not just prejudiced against homosexuals.
"Angels in America" is likely far more convincing but how many of the ignorant bigots will watch it and how many of those will have any idea what the Hell it means? Not that the influx of gay oriented shows is all preaching to the choir. It will increase the public dialogue and reveal the true colors of many people.
As a Baptist, I have no problem with this show. Because it helps men with their Hygene. "Cleanlyness is Godlyness!"
Congratulations, kjbtrue and welcome to A2K. The holiday show where the Fab Five revisited their first season makeovers was really funny -- they made surprise visits where they critiqued how well the subjects had done. Picking on them for cleanliness and organization was high on the list. They all actually looked even better having to go it alone!
I watched that show once for about fourty-three seconds. It's just plain ridiculous. But then again, I hate anything that has to do with making people over, making them look hip, making them look stylish . . . that is NOT entertainment to me. I guess I think that way because I'm neither gay, nor a woman. And I guess it also kind of pisses me off that people actually believe that because a guy is gay, that gives him some special magical ability to decide what's fashionable and stylish. What trash.
I don't agree with this really stupid.
Has anyone seen "Straight Plan for the Gay Man" (I think that's the title) on Comedy Central? It's a spoof, but done cleverly, I think. The straight guys (who are actors) show respect for their gay client, though sometime a little disbelief at what they find at first. Then again, it's the same situation on "Queer Eye", no?
"You mean you actually WEAR these clothes?!?"
How about "Black Eye for the White Guy" where some Brothers try to teach a white dude how to be hip? Is that a high concept or what?
The original concept proving to be marketable is likely to bring off many imitators. That's TV (or film, or newspapers and magazines for that matter). Actually, Merry, you may have given someone an idea (at least if they read A2K). I like the ironic humor of "Black Eye."
Like any show this isn't for everyone. It's success may piss some people off because they are paranoid about a gay agenda.
Hello.....I found A2K by accident surfing the net and I joined right away. As a young gay lad living in England I am even more happy that I did after reading this thread. I don't normally like American sitcoms..sorry about that!...EXCEPT for Friends (RIP

) and Will and Grace. Cool!