Well hey, ya is a snappy dresser there Merry Andrew!

Hey Ratzenhofer, you not proud of your German heritage??
Im gonna watch this show because
1 I need help developing a look. I have all these lavendar and pink linen shirst and I need to coordinate .
2 I cant get any other stations with this fu..... dish.
I'm glad you plan on watching the show, farmerman. It indicates to me that you have decided to expand your horizons, to dig deep into your inner self and extract the real farmerman. Maybe some surprises will be revealed. Good luck to you, brother. I'll be watching for your reports.
fishin' and all -- the gay style today seems to be to "dress down,"
wearing short hair even to the extreme of a buzz cut and generally try to look like an AWOL Marine (no, Matt Lauer is not gay). There is that element of "gayness" that creeps into everthing. Ellen Degeneres on her recent HBO special made a joke out of inserting one obligatory gay joke and then moving on to other material. It was hilarious.
However, the proof will be in the pudding. Do the gay guys really end up making over the straight guys and do they really look sharper and are sold on the look themselves? Somehow I don't think they are going to dress them in drag, although the look mentioned above could be referred to as "straight drag."
Hey, they were on the Today show this morning and did a one-hour make over of a rather robust fellow. He came out look quite cool and casual and not the least over done -- a definite improvement.
This is sounding better all the time. Not that I'll watch. But I'd appreciate the results if they came my way. :wink:
You want to have them dress you up as a man, ehBeth? Is this your hidden desire to emulate Marlene Dietrich?
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I actually met those five guys the last time I was in New York. Before they got their hands on me I was a skinny black guy with a shaved head and I always wore three piece suits. Well, after several months they turned me into the guy that you now see. I am not sure if I am totally comfortable with my new look -- I kind of miss having a shirt when the temperatures plummet, but I'm going to give it time and see how everything works out.
Gust - I'm just thinking out loud here - you're a budding super action movie hero?
Hmmmm - now I fancy the Marlene Dietrich look!
Yeah, this show is just a way for gay people to throw stereotypes at straight men. *ugh* The viscious cycle continues.
I think Gust should be in "Terminator IV" as "The Germinator."
Marlene deftly blurred the lines between what is male and what is female, didn't she? We're all made up of both parts in our geneology -- why is it so hard to understand that some people are wired differently. It's no different than being born with black skin.
chemist wrote:Yeah, this show is just a way for gay people to throw stereotypes at straight men. *ugh* The viscious cycle continues.

From what I've heard about this show (I haven't seen it but NPR did a feature on it, interview with producer etc.), it perpetuates gay stereotypes in a somewhat tongue-in-sheek fashion. These are gays laughing at themselves and 'putting on' the straights.
Okay, I saw both episodes and I thought it was well put together and although there is one rather effeminate "stylist" who tends to run over on the camping, it's quite entertaining. The straight guys seem comfortable and actually seem sincere in wanting the help. They certainly do a lot of improving -- interior design, personal grooming, food, et al. During the show, they are running ads for "Boy Meets Boy," the answer to all the hetero dating reality shows. The twist -- some of the contestants are straight and the single gay male subject doesn't know it! Oy.
Dang..missed it again.
I did see the guy on the Today show but, missed the makeover...wouldve liked to have seen how he turned out actually....typical all american work from home overweight middle aged guy...just needed some help...head to toe.
wATCHED it, wasnt anything to be alarmed at, we all agreed that both guys needed help really quick. The gay stereotying , coupled with some
visuals, made the show entertaining. I got some fashion tips. I went out and bought a bunch of tee shirts to go with summer sport coats.
The living space of the first guy wasnt an issue about gayness or straighjt life. It was about simple hygiene. That guy was a future street person. He had no clue that all the dirt and stuff in his apartment was not cool.
Ill watch it and laugh, and I guess thats the whole idea.
You know guys aren't the only dirty gender, or gender in need of fashion assistance. Entertaining or not, I'm not interested in seeing another show like this.
I have no problem with the show, any more than with that Craig Wilson guy who writes for USA Today. Perhaps I should worry? I dont think gay is catching, especially from a tv.Just to be sure however, Ill just sit farther away from the tv next time.
Toodleth. I muth go and hang thum drapeth
You mean you're finally giving up on that cross-dressing fetish of yours, farmerman? I heard those flower painter's smocks were the talk of the town.
Glad to hear that so many actually enjoyed it.
When was/is it on?