ican wrote :
Quote:If we maintain an effective surge long enough, the Iraqis themselves will come to develop the capability to defend themselves. That will of course be a win-win situation--Iraqi and Ameican win situation.
you would have to believe that the shias and sunnis would be able to become allies .
just this morning i was listening on CBC-TV to an interesting program about islam . many islam women (this is in canada) are trying to "modernize" islam , eg. no separation of sexes in the mosque , no need to wear veil ...
there were some islamic scholars and immans interviewed for the program - mostly younger ones . they all seemed to agree with the women - that the koran was free of any restrictions on women . they were all very well educated people and have no problems living in a western society , canada , in this case .
what also came through loud and clear was that the sunnis consider the shias heretics - much like the catholic church considered non-catholic christians as heretics until fairly recently .
imo that will be an obstacle in the reconciliation of the iraqis - unless you have another ruler who is a dictator .
of course , this is no different from europe during the 15th , 16th and 17th century , when catholic nations and protestant nations in europe waged horrendous wars with each other . i'm not sure how well those wars are covered in american history lessons - those wars were probably as bloody as anything we've seen lately .
if anyone had suggested in those times that the different "religious tribes" should live in peace with each other , he would likely have been boiled in oil by both groups .
as many scholars have stated , the peace (and perhaps democracy of some kind) will have to come from the inside . of course , helping iraqis to achieve peace , is a laudable goal , but i doubt it can be achieved by invading the country .