Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 09:36 am
Update on how many has died on the bombings.

4 female bombers strike in Iraq, killing 57
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 09:37 am
Assessment of Bush presidency

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:20 am
This is why the US military or anybody else is unable to stop all violence in Iraq. It's an internal war that will continue till dooms day.+

4 female bombers strike in Iraq, killing 57

By SELCAN HACAOGLU, Associated Press Writer 41 minutes ago

BAGHDAD - Female suicide bombers struck a Shiite pilgrimage in Baghdad and a Kurdish protest rally in northern Iraq on Monday, killing at least 57 people and wounding nearly 300, police said.

The U.S. military is recruiting and training women in Iraq's police force, and trying to enlist them to join U.S.-allied Sunni groups fighting against al-Qaida in Iraq. But such attacks are becoming increasingly common, even as overall violence is at the lowest level in four years.

Women are more easily able to hide explosives under their all-encompassing black Islamic robes, or abayas, and often are not searched at checkpoints because of sensitivities.

On Monday, three women blew up their explosive vests in the middle of pilgrims in Baghdad moments after a roadside bomb attack, killing at least 32 people and wounding 102, Iraqi officials said.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:52 am
Why are you still refusing to acknowledge my response to your challenge to ican?
Is it because you dont like to be proven wrong, or is it maybe because you just didnt see it?

To make sure you do see it, I will post it again...

cicerone imposter wrote:
ican, Who are these "disgruntled" who will slander our soldiers?

Find me one.

For a start you can go to this thread..

And read the comments made by "henrygreen".
They start on page 36 of that thread.

Then there was the comment made by "tartarin" on page 4 of that thread...

I'd like to say that I'm hoping that this US invasion of a sovereign nation will be a god-awful flop and mess.

That sure sounds like someone that would slander the military.

Then of course there was this thread that actually linked to the newspaper report...


Then lets not forget Nicholas De Genova, a Columbia University assistant professor of anthropology and Latino studies.

Do you remember him?

Nicholas De Genova, a Columbia University assistant professor of anthropology and Latino studies, shocked students and faculty at a campus anti-war teach-in on March 26 when he expressed his wish that Iraq would defeat the United States and that there would be "a million Mogadishus." This last comment was meant to refer to a 1993 incident in Somalia when 18 U.S. soldiers were killed during a military operation.

De Genova further insulted America's men and women in uniform by declaring that "the only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military," and accused patriotic citizens of being white supremacists.


That sure seems like someone that would slander the troops every chance he got.

Then of course there was joefromchicago's thread titled "I want the US to lose the war in Iraq"

So, I just gave you several examples.
Are you going to deny that any of them occurred?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 12:27 pm
The whole world is fed up with American behaviour in Iraq.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 03:26 pm
McTag wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
ican wrote: It is a disturbed and sadistic mind that wants the coffins of dead military to be put on public display.

What do you think our country does when a president dies? He lies in state in the capitol so that thousands can view his coffin to pay their respects and to say goodbye.


Nobody's talking about wanting to put coffins "on public display"

Cicerone Imposter was "talking about wanting to put coffins on public display"

I'm talking about the practice of secretly repatriating dead soldiers (without due honour) because the sight of the coffins would make the administrations policies look bad.


Huh, secretly repatriating dead soldiers Question


Main Entry: 1 se·cret
1 a : kept from knowledge or view : CONCEALED, HIDDEN <advised> <the> b : marked by the habit of discretion or faithful concealment : loyal to a confidence : trustworthy in preserving secrecy : CONFIDENTIAL, CLOSEMOUTHED, RETICENT c : working with hidden aims or methods : UNDERCOVER <a> d : UNACKNOWLEDGED, UNAVOWED, UNDECLARED <a> <a>
2 : remote from human frequentation or notice : RETIRED, SECLUDED <secret>
3 : known or felt inwardly without avowal <secret> <secret> : INMOST <his>
4 a : revealed only to the initiated : ESOTERIC, MYSTIC <the> b : lying beyond ordinary comprehension : relating to or dealing with mysteries or occult matters : ABSTRUSE, RECONDITE <you>
5 : done or undertaken with evident purpose of concealment <we>
6 : GENITAL <secret>
7 : constructed so as to elude observation or detection <a> <a> or to conceal means or mechanics <secret> <a>
9 : classified below top secret but above confidential in a scale rating the value of information to a nation's security

What do you mean secretly?

The names of all of the dead military brought back from Iraq have been published. Each of them have been given military funerals in full view of their families and friends.

What the hell is secret about that?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 03:37 pm
Ramafuchs wrote:
The whole world is fed up with American behaviour in Iraq.

No, so far only Ramafuchs, McTag, Cicerone Imposter, et cetera are fed up with American behavior in Iraq. Not even a majority of the Iraqi people are fed up with American behavior in Iraq.

The Iraqi people rightfully want us to leave as soon as their government can adequately secure them against the mass murderers of non-murderers in Iraq.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 04:38 pm
ican711nm wrote:
McTag wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
ican wrote: It is a disturbed and sadistic mind that wants the coffins of dead military to be put on public display.

What do you think our country does when a president dies? He lies in state in the capitol so that thousands can view his coffin to pay their respects and to say goodbye.


Nobody's talking about wanting to put coffins "on public display"

Cicerone Imposter was "talking about wanting to put coffins on public display"

I'm talking about the practice of secretly repatriating dead soldiers (without due honour) because the sight of the coffins would make the administrations policies look bad.


Huh, secretly repatriating dead soldiers Question


Main Entry: 1 se·cret
1 a : kept from knowledge or view : CONCEALED, HIDDEN <advised> <the> b : marked by the habit of discretion or faithful concealment : loyal to a confidence : trustworthy in preserving secrecy : CONFIDENTIAL, CLOSEMOUTHED, RETICENT c : working with hidden aims or methods : UNDERCOVER <a> d : UNACKNOWLEDGED, UNAVOWED, UNDECLARED <a> <a>
2 : remote from human frequentation or notice : RETIRED, SECLUDED <secret>
3 : known or felt inwardly without avowal <secret> <secret> : INMOST <his>
4 a : revealed only to the initiated : ESOTERIC, MYSTIC <the> b : lying beyond ordinary comprehension : relating to or dealing with mysteries or occult matters : ABSTRUSE, RECONDITE <you>
5 : done or undertaken with evident purpose of concealment <we>
6 : GENITAL <secret>
7 : constructed so as to elude observation or detection <a> <a> or to conceal means or mechanics <secret> <a>
9 : classified below top secret but above confidential in a scale rating the value of information to a nation's security

What do you mean secretly?

The names of all of the dead military brought back from Iraq have been published. Each of them have been given military funerals in full view of their families and friends.

What the hell is secret about that?

Here you go, Ican


0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 05:19 pm
I said:
What do you mean secretly?

The names of all of the dead military brought back from Iraq have been published. Each of them have been given military funerals in full view of their families and friends.

What the hell is secret about that?

Neither of your links constitute a response to that question. The fact that Bush doesn't want the media to mass video the coffins of our dead military from Iraq is out of respect for those dead military and for the feelings of their families and friends.

Prove me wrong!
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 06:26 pm
From one of links McT posted, above.

So the American dead and injured from Iraq pass through a politically imposed void, until their coffin, stretcher or wheelchair arrives in the back blocks of Idaho or Texas, by which time they have long ceased to be a prime-time or national story. Usually it is only their family and friends who witness the handing over of the triangulated Stars and Stripes to grieving spouses or parents.

It wasn't like this during the Vietnam War. Even during the Afghanistan war, flag-draped coffins were filmed, and during the Kosovo conflict president Bill Clinton was on the tarmac to receive US dead.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 06:46 pm
ican711nm wrote:
I said:
What do you mean secretly?

The names of all of the dead military brought back from Iraq have been published. Each of them have been given military funerals in full view of their families and friends.

What the hell is secret about that?

Neither of your links constitute a response to that question. The fact that Bush doesn't want the media to mass video the coffins of our dead military from Iraq is out of respect for those dead military and for the feelings of their families and friends.

Prove me wrong!

You are wrong.


Because some families want the pictures to be taken, and they are not allowed to have media there. See the following:

Just 10 days on the job, she was handling media coverage for the burial of a Marine colonel who had been killed in Iraq when she noticed that Thurman Higginbotham, the cemetery's deputy superintendent, had moved the media area 50 yards away from the service, obstructing the photographs and making the service inaudible. The Washington Sketch column on April 24 noted that Gray pushed for more access to the service but was "apparently shot down by other cemetery officials."

Gates had his staff inquire with the cemetery about the article and was told that "the policy had not in any way changed," Gates's spokesman, Geoff Morrell, said yesterday. Geren, the Army secretary, added that "the policy has not changed, and I understand the practice hasn't, either."

That, however, is false. Through at least 2005 -- during Rumsfeld's tenure, no less -- reporters were placed in a location where they could hear the prayers and the eulogies and film the handing of the folded flag to the next of kin. The coverage of the ceremonies -- in the nearly two-thirds of cases where families permitted it -- provided moving reminders to a distracted nation that there was a war going on. But the access gradually eroded, and Gray arrived to discover that it was gone.


It doesn't have a damn thing to do with 'respect' for people's families. It has everything to do with keeping the true costs of this war hidden from the public. It's Bush's one great success; keeping the public distracted from what's really going on in Iraq.

There's a lot more material on this subject out there; you ought to try doing some research yourself.

What's wrong with taking pictures of the coffins? Specifically.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 07:35 pm
More than 50,000 military died in the Vietnam war in less than 5 years. Less than 5,000 military died in the Iraq war in more than 5 years.

Clearly photographing our military's coffins during the Vietnam war didn't help much, while not photographing our military's coffins during the Iraq war didn't hurt much.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 08:55 pm
I don't think that's clear from the figures you pointed.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 01:18 am
ican711nm wrote:
More than 50,000 military died in the Vietnam war in less than 5 years. Less than 5,000 military died in the Iraq war in more than 5 years.

Clearly photographing our military's coffins during the Vietnam war didn't help much, while not photographing our military's coffins during the Iraq war didn't hurt much.

Whether or not that's true, news cameras are banned from transport planes and military storage facilities for dead soldiers.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 10:08 am
ican thinks it's for the sake of the soldier and their family to keep it from coffins being published, because as McT has said "I'm talking about the practice of secretly repatriating dead soldiers (without due honour) because the sight of the coffins would make the administrations policies look bad."

It's not about Bush's concern for the families; that's a straw man argument if there ever was one. Bush cut veteran's benefits and services at the same time he was mouthing the words "support our troops." You guys will never learn the truth about the Iraq war if your life depended on it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jul, 2008 08:17 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
ican thinks it's for the sake of the soldier and their family to keep it from coffins being published, because as McT has said "I'm talking about the practice of secretly repatriating dead soldiers (without due honour) because the sight of the coffins would make the administrations policies look bad."

It's not about Bush's concern for the families; that's a straw man argument if there ever was one. Bush cut veteran's benefits and services at the same time he was mouthing the words "support our troops." You guys will never learn the truth about the Iraq war if your life depended on it.

Cice wants the American public to see the almost 5,000 coffins containing dead military from Iraq. Cice also claims to be able to read Bush's mind. Tell you what, Cice, get a court order to exhume and open all those coffins so you and the rest of the covetousliberals can videotape them and celibrate them to your hearts' content.

Sick Crying or Very sad
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jul, 2008 11:38 pm
I agree it is sick, ican, when the Bush haters want us to lose the war. Despite their best efforts, things continue to look more hopeful in Iraq. Must be depressing for the Dems, thats for sure. Maybe it would make them happier if more soldiers were dying? And even happier if they can take pictures of the coffins. Purpose? The only logical purpose is to convince people that we are losing, to increase pressure to give up, so that we will lose, and more Iraqis will die and also lose, and so terrorists and suicide bombers will win. That is sick, ican, very sick.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jul, 2008 01:55 am
okie wrote:
I agree it is sick, ican, when the Bush haters want us to lose the war. Despite their best efforts, things continue to look more hopeful in Iraq. Must be depressing for the Dems, thats for sure. Maybe it would make them happier if more soldiers were dying? And even happier if they can take pictures of the coffins. Purpose? The only logical purpose is to convince people that we are losing, to increase pressure to give up, so that we will lose, and more Iraqis will die and also lose, and so terrorists and suicide bombers will win. That is sick, ican, very sick.

When we (UK) went into Afghanistan, we were told it would be a police job, there would be no shooting.
When we (the "Coalition") went into Iraq, we were told all manner of things, all of which turned out to be wrong, and most of them could be seen to be falsehoods at the outset.

Forgive me if I can't get up any enthusiasm for this.
And also for my intolerance of attempts at news-management.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jul, 2008 06:19 am
Hey McTag, does the press there post pictures of the deceased soldiers coffins as they are unloaded from the planes?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jul, 2008 06:42 am
McGentrix wrote:
Hey McTag, does the press there post pictures of the deceased soldiers coffins as they are unloaded from the planes?

On TV news, the flag-draped coffins are shown as they are unloaded from the military transport planes, on the shoulders of a military funeral party, and with a bugler, or a piper playing a lament.
0 Replies

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