Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2008 02:12 pm
One American professor who is not a communist has this view about the state of affairs in Iraq.

"I am quoted in this NYT piece today on John McCain's allegations that the US is fighting "al-Qaeda" in Iraq and that there is a danger of "al-Qaeda" taking over the country if the US leaves.

Those allegations don't make any sense. McCain contradicts himself because he sometimes warns that the Shiites or Iran will take over Iraq. He doesn't seem to realize that the US presided over the ascension to power in Iraq of pro-Iranian Shiite parties like Nuri al-Maliki's Islamic Mission Party and Abdul Aziz al-Hakim's Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq. So which is it? There is a danger that pro-Iranian Shiites will take over (which is anyway what we have engineered) or that al-Qaeda will? It is not as if they can coexist. Since the Shiites are 60 percent and by now well armed and trained, how could the 1 percent of the 17 percent of the country that is Sunni Arab and maybe supports Salafi radicalism hope to take over?

Even if McCain only means, as his campaign manager tried to suggest, that "al-Qaeda" could take over the Sunni Arab areas of Iraq, that doesn't make any sense either (McCain has actually alleged that al-Qaeda would take over the whole country.) The Salafi radicals have lost in al-Anbar Province. Diyala Province, one of the other three predominantly Sunni areas, is ruled by pro-Iranian Shiites. That leaves Salahuddin and Ninevah Provinces. Among the major military forces in Ninevah is the Kurdish Peshmerga, some of them integrated e.g. into the Mosul police force. Hint: The Kurds don't like "al-Qaeda", i.e. Salafi radicalism. Jalal Talabani is a socialist.

So the Shiites and the Kurds among the Iraqis, now more powerful than the Sunni Arabs, would never allow a radical Salafi mini-state in their midst. They would crush them. And substantial segments of the Iraqi Sunni population have already helped crush them.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2008 04:56 pm
Ramafuchs wrote:
Ask Mysterymann who had been there.
I was there and my views are not based on political attachment.
The fact is this.
There are less Christians in Iraq now after this invassion and more terroriasts are active( both organized and disorganized terrorists)

Fewer Christians are fleeing Iraq now than when you were there, Ramafuchs.

Fewer Christians are being mass murdered in Iraq now than when you were there.

Fewer terrorists are active in Iraq than when you were there.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Apr, 2008 06:07 am
Rice Calls Sadr a "Coward"; Echoes "Bring'em On"

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice mocked anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr as a coward on Sunday, hours after the radical leader threatened to declare war unless U.S. and Iraqi forces end a military crackdown on his followers.
"I know he's sitting in Iran," Rice said dismissively, when asked about al-Sadr's latest threat to lift a self-imposed cease-fire with government and U.S. forces. "I guess it's all-out war for anybody but him," Rice said. "I guess that's the message; his followers can go to their deaths and he's in Iran."

And Condoleezza Rice is doing the exact same thing; taunting Sadr but cowardly going back to safety leaving the mess she will create with her double dog dare you tactic to Iraqis to face.

Meanwhile Generals has to try and smooth it over.

However, the U.S. military insists the campaign is not aimed at the mainstream Sadrist movement but against criminals and Iranian-backed splinter groups.

"We've made it very clear that the Mahdi Army itself ... is not the enemy," said Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, which controls a large region south of the capital. "The enemy is Sunni extremists, Shiite extremists and Iranian influence."


So Iranian influence is one of the enemies except of course when they help them. The ironies in Iraq just keep multiplying daily.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 21 Apr, 2008 11:57 am
revel wrote: So Iranian influence is one of the enemies except of course when they help them. The ironies in Iraq just keep multiplying daily.

It can't multiply any more; it's already reached its apex long ago. Bush and Petraeus just doesn't realize it, and never will.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Apr, 2008 01:04 pm
Reuters is reporting that Defense Secretary Robert Gates has publicly chastised the USAF for foot-dragging in its deployment of drones (unmanned aircraft) in Iraq and Afghanistan. AF generals in the Pentagon prefer to use planes with pilots for missions that the drones were designed and built for in the last decade or so, despite the drones being cheaper and safer to operate. Gates noted that getting the AF to use them has "...been like pulling teeth."

It strikes me as strange that Gates would take this public. It would seem to me that he, or certainly his boss, the Commander In Chief, could deliver one or two swift butt kicks.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Apr, 2008 01:14 pm
be not a blind intellectual.
I had been there to know the first-hand information
and one more observer of this A2K form was there on duty.

Your retort to my above observation based on personal views are unsalable if not pathetic.

"Fewer Christians are fleeing Iraq now than when you were there, Ramafuchs.

Fewer Christians are being mass murdered in Iraq now than when you were there.

Fewer terrorists are active in Iraq than when you were there..
I can type some nonsense with my barbaric EngliBUSH
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Apr, 2008 06:26 am
U.S. and Iran find common ground in Iraq's Shiite conflict
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Apr, 2008 10:23 am
Ramafuchs wrote:
be not a blind intellectual.
I had been there to know the first-hand information
and one more observer of this A2K form was there on duty.

Your retort to my above observation based on personal views are unsalable if not pathetic.

"Fewer Christians are fleeing Iraq now than when you were there, Ramafuchs.

Fewer Christians are being mass murdered in Iraq now than when you were there.

Fewer terrorists are active in Iraq than when you were there..

I can type some nonsense with my barbaric EngliBUSH

A Month by Month, Daily Average of IBC's Count of Violent Deaths in Iraq, After April 30, 2007:

May = 3,755 / 31 = ……………….... 121 per day
…………….. Surge fully operational in June …………….
June = 2,386 / 30 = …………......…. 80 per day.
July = 2,077 / 31 = …………........ 67 per day.
August = 2,084 / 31 = ……...….... 67 per day.
September = 1,333 / 30 = ………... 44 per day.
October = 1,962 / 31 = ……...…... 63 per day.
November = 980 / 30 = ……………. 33 per day.
December = 1044 / 31 = ………... 34 per day.
January = 527/ 31 = ……………...…. 17 per day.
February = 926 / 29 = …………….. 32 per day.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Apr, 2008 05:49 pm
For me one death is too much.
whether the death is caused by the flag waving invaders or secretly paid criminals.
USA has no business to torture, humiliate humanity in the name of personal interests or security..
I feel extremely sorry for those who were misled and lost their life.
Violence begets violence.

I beg you as the author of this thread to make a short visit as tourist to see the reality.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Apr, 2008 10:53 am
Ramafuchs wrote:
For me one death is too much.
whether the death is caused by the flag waving invaders or secretly paid criminals.
USA has no business to torture, humiliate humanity in the name of personal interests or security..
I feel extremely sorry for those who were misled and lost their life.
Violence begets violence.

I beg you as the author of this thread to make a short visit as tourist to see the reality.

While I am the initiator of this 11th thread, I am not the initiator of the 10 threads that preceeded this one.

You wrote: "For me one death is too much." For me one death of a non-murderer is too much.

Also for me any reduction in the number of mass murdered non-murderers is a blessing. The Surge over a 9 month period reduced the number of mass murdered non-murderers by more than a 3rd. That is an extraordinary blessing. I pray we can achieve at least that again over the next 9 months. We will achieve that, if we succeed in murderering enough of those damnable mass murderers of non-murderers.

You also wrote: "I beg you as the author of this thread to make a short visit as tourist to see the reality."

I do not now want to make a short or long visit to any country. Instead, I recommend that you visit Iraq to see the reality there now. Then truthfully report here the reality you see there now.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Apr, 2008 07:39 pm
Thank you sir.
I beg you to read this article whish is 60 percent of the reality.

"The Agenda Behind the Hoax
What the Iraq War is About

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Apr, 2008 07:43 am


Turkish army strikes PKK group in northern Iraq

Ankara: Turkish warplanes have fired on a group of rebels of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in northern Iraq, the army said is a statement on Thursday.

The statement came a day after a military source said at least four Turkish military jets bombed Kurdish separatist targets inside northern Iraq.

The Turkish military staged an eight-day incursion in northern Iraq in February against the Iraq-based PKK.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Apr, 2008 01:33 pm
Truth sucks and
absolute truth abour Iraq war stinks, smells.
Sorry for my banal compliment.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Apr, 2008 06:47 pm
Ramafuchs wrote:
Thank you sir.
I beg you to read this article whish is 60 percent of the reality.

"The Agenda Behind the Hoax
What the Iraq War is About


There are a great many allegations in this article that I know to be false. The following are only four of those false allegations.

some 300,000 U.S. troops are suffering from major depression or post traumatic stress from serving in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 320,000 received brain injuries.

Turning to Iraqi deaths, expert studies support as many as 1.2 million dead Iraqis, almost entirely civilians. Another 2 million Iraqis have fled their country, and there are 2 million displaced Iraqis within Iraq.

"Our" government has still not told "we the people" the real reasons "our" government invaded Afghanistan and Iraq.
Instead, the American sheeple have accepted a succession of transparent lies: weapons of mass destruction, al Qaeda connections and complicity in the 9/11 attack, overthrowing a dictator and "bringing democracy" to Iraqis.

The fact is that Bush invaded Iraq with the intent of turning Iraq into an American colony. The so-called government of al-Maliki is not a government. Maliki is the well paid front man for US colonial rule. Maliki's government does not exist outside the protected Green Zone, the headquarters of the American occupation.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2008 06:08 am
Aide to Iraq's al-Sadr: Threat of open war aimed at US

BAGHDAD - An aide says the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's threat to unleash a full-scale war applies only to U.S.-led forces.

Last week, al-Sadr warned he would declare "open war" if the government did not end its crackdown against his fighters.

Sheik Hassan Al-Edhari says al-Sadr is appealing to Iraqi soldiers and police "not to support the occupiers in combatting your brothers."

But he says al-Sadr's "threat of an open war until liberation" is meant as "a war against the occupier."

Al-Edhari read the message during Friday prayers in Baghdad's Sadr City.

Overnight clashes in Sadr City between U.S. and Iraqi forces and Shiite militants killed seven people, hospitals officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2008 09:59 am
revel wrote:
Aide to Iraq's al-Sadr: Threat of open war aimed at US

BAGHDAD - An aide says the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's threat to unleash a full-scale war applies only to U.S.-led forces.

Last week, al-Sadr warned he would declare "open war" if the government did not end its crackdown against his fighters.

Sheik Hassan Al-Edhari says al-Sadr is appealing to Iraqi soldiers and police "not to support the occupiers in combatting your brothers."

But he says al-Sadr's "threat of an open war until liberation" is meant as "a war against the occupier."

Al-Edhari read the message during Friday prayers in Baghdad's Sadr City.

Overnight clashes in Sadr City between U.S. and Iraqi forces and Shiite militants killed seven people, hospitals officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.


I wish al-Sadr could convince the rest of Iraqi mass murderers of Iraqi non-murderers to cease war against Iraqi non-murderers and instead launch an exclusive "war against the occupier." Then the USA would thereby win and succeed and leave Iraq.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2008 01:47 pm
I respect your candid authoritative rebuttal to my quote without any personal source or any referential links.
The fact is this.
Mission accomplished was the statment from the commander in-Chief.
Why USA's half educated, unfed, ill-equiped Generals are there ?
To spread non-viloence?
To educate the people with English?

Extremely sorry.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2008 02:05 pm
Ramafuchs wrote:
I respect your candid authoritative rebuttal to my quote without any personal source or any referential links.
The fact is this.
Mission accomplished was the statment from the commander in-Chief.
Why USA's half educated, unfed, ill-equiped Generals are there ?
To spread non-viloence?
To educate the people with English?

Extremely sorry.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream!

I as well "respect your candid authoritative rebuttal to my quote without any personal source or any referential links."

Up in the air, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman. ... SPLAT ... oops ... no ... it's a bird ... Sad
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2008 02:40 pm
Let their be some birds to sing the indivual songs.
Let us not crush the singing bird to silent the music.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Apr, 2008 04:41 pm
Ramafuchs wrote:
Let their be some birds to sing the indivual songs.
Let us not crush the singing bird to silent the music.

Let us now
bird and human mass murderers
singing bird and human non-murderers
mass murdering singing bird and human non-murderers
murdering bird and human murderers
singing bird and human non-murderers.
0 Replies

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