malek wrote:Montana wrote:malek wrote:squinney wrote:
Malek - That aint no lady. That's Montana.
Montana, meet Malek. Malek, Montana.
(Now that you know each other... )

I reserve my judgement on your first statement squinney. Montana hasn't reacted yet and if it was a joke between friends who know each other well, then I apologize.
It's just that Victor started the thread by apparently being shocked that a woman would dare to talk about oral sex, and within a short space of time he's making comments like that to Montana.
I thought that his unsubtlety towards Montana may have been an indicator as to his style of writing, and therefore why his email friend had chosen to respond with a law Statute! :wink:
Squinney and I have actually been friends for several years and it's all in fun.
It does take a lot to offend me and I haven't seen anything here that has done that, but I truly do appreciate you defending me.
Welcome to A2K Malek :-D
Thank you Montana.
I've learnt now that I should get to know this place a bit better before making snap judgments, but I hope you can understand why I did.
This has turned out to be a very "interesting" and funny thread. :wink:
I do understand why you did and if you stick around here long enough, you'll understand how much I appreciate it.
I've known some people here at A2K for several years now and we've grown into quite a nice comfortable family here, which is why we can joke so freely about so many things.
I agree on the "interesting and funny thread", and there are so many more like these.
I almost forgot! I'm female, but I think you already figurd that out