Oooo, bear spaghetti sounds SO good right now.
well come on over baby... if your husband insists on tagging along I can always make him some soy meatballs......but Ill leave my balls out of your spaghetti....
dagmaraka wrote:My roommate, whose name I cannot mention here, drinks almond milk by the gallons. Should I tell her she needs help?
I also noticed that Dyslexia is suspiciously absent from this thread. He used to bash soy and tofu publicly and now... this silence. Do you think he will come out of the closet?
I applaud your discretion in not naming names when it regards someone close to you. But, i was wondering . . . does the almond milk which Lil' Kay drinks contain soy?
I don't think we can blame Dys for suffering the impositions of Miss Di . . . er, no, now that you mention it, i haven't seen Dys in this thread.
Not that theres anything wrong with that
Tofu is an excellent binding agent when mixing stucco.
dyslexia wrote:Tofu is an excellent binding agent when mixing stucco.
Perfect! I was JUST about to mix some. What a coincidence.
You're all a bunch of Soygotts, by the way.
Visigoths, Ostrogoths.... and Soygoths? Is it a tribal thing?
Setanta wrote:Borat Sister wrote:This serious?
Soybean makes man homonsexual?
No, it is not serious. There has been a claim made by people who are politically conservative in the United States that the use of soy milk in baby formula makes male babies grow up to be homosexual. It is a silly, and a politically vicious claim.
The point of this thread is to employ satire, to make fun of people who believe such nonsense.
Thanking you Setanta!
I was worry my customers not coming any more.
I don't think you should worry, Borat Sister, unless people in central Asia subscribe to idiotic conservative American rants on the internet.
I need help. My favorite website is Babes in Soyland.
I'm a soytoy.
Someday, soy will lose its stigma. Until that soy-distant time, I must stay in my newly stucco-ed closet.
Joe Nation wrote:First of all, it was the Sixties, actually the part of the Sixties that included 1973, but I'm not offering any excuses. We were hippies then, but again, this isn't offered as any form of deflection from this essential, and shameful, fact:
we made tofu in the backyard.
I don't know how it happened, it was just something else to try and we were already making our own cottage cheese. I believe that cottage cheese making leads to tofu, I mean, I believe that now, I didn't then, there were no ads on TV to warn us.
So, when a friend of ours said she had a source of soybeans and would we like to try making tofu-- dare I say it?-- we lept at the chance. The actual process is so hypnotic: white white bubbles and burst of aromas and gasses and you stick the spoon in and stir and stir and stir. Then you rest, then you stick the spoon in and stir and stir and stir.
The waiting is the worst part. You want it to be hard and firm with just a little whitish creamy stuff on top, but, at first, none of us could wait and we cut into it and mixed it with blueberry jam and spread it on hot bread from the oven.
It was a crazy time. We tofued with garlic greens and tofued with hot peppers and peanuts. Then, we had no shame, we exposed our friends to tofu. We put tofu in the chilli. They didn't notice it wasn't beef. We were mad with delight.
Joe(yes, we gave it to the children, but it didn't take)Nation
JoeNation, I get the feeling you are just getting off on telling your disgusting tales of depraved ensoyment on my thread! This post practically
drips soymilk!
Now look, this is supposed to be a place of healing, not someplace for you to get your warped kicks -- come back when you're clean, okay? Jeez.
Green Witch wrote:I love this thread because I just came from another (more conservative) forum that is talking about the article in a serious tone. This thread proves to me that there is some hope for the world. I would rather roast in Hell with a few good comics than lounge in Heaven with a bunch of loonies from the right. Long live soytire.
Yeah, it kind of depressed me to see that this crackpot idea is getting talked about so much, so I decided I'd better make fun of it to cheer myself up. I'm glad you felt the same.
Bella Dea wrote:OMG
I can't believe it.
I never thought that I would be one of the women affected by this awful epidemic.
I found soy milk hidden in the back of the fridge.
I don't know what to do.
Oh, Bella! I'm so sorry! Maybe it's not too late though-- he could have just been curious, maybe he hated it once he tried it.
Just wondering though-- have you noticed any of your underwear missing? Your platform mules not where you left them?
Soy to the furled
the whirled is scum
Let births decline this year
Get every boy-child
and make him ever meek and mild
and get the stringy cheese
the soy-based if you please
and make, and make the nations gay
Joe(I need a nap)Nation
Ooh, that's catchy! I just wish hubby hadn't heard you, undoubtedly he'll be singing that all day now, in Broadway style.... <sigh>
Sadly, I found a shocking confession from Ellpy, on another thread:
[quote="Lord "Faaabulous" Ellpus"]I, however, consume nothing BUT soy, so if we ever arrange a meeting place, I'll be the one with the pink cravat who minces towards you offering choccies. [/quote]
I suspected as much.
So, the list of a2k men with soy problems (most of them still in denial, of course), as I make it:
Lord Ellpus
The Dys (evidenced by his unusual silence, which he tried to remedy by that transparent comment about stucco)
Joe Nation
Gargamel (based on his hysterical name-calling)
Bi-Polar Bear (Bear's deeper in denial even than Joe Nation)
I'm probably forgetting some, but that's a start. I think we'll have to take up a collection to get The Church of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter to help, I get the impression they're expensive.
dyslexia wrote:Tofu is an excellent binding agent when mixing stucco.
But, it must sort of
hang around, in the atmosphere! Why unknowingly, perfectly innocent folk are
breathing it in all the time!

Has there been any research done on homosexuality rates in areas with a high percentage of stuccoed buildings? This is serious! People need to know the risks!
msolga wrote:dyslexia wrote:Tofu is an excellent binding agent when mixing stucco.
But, it must sort of
hang around, in the atmosphere! Why unknowingly, perfectly innocent folk are
breathing it in all the time!

Has there been any research done on homosexuality rates in areas with a high percentage of stuccoed buildings? This is serious! People need to know the risks!
Interestingly, South Florida does have a high percentage of stucco buildings and gays.
Ooh, msolga, you've uncovered yet another sordid angle to the story! It's just chilling how the vast conspiracy to gay-up society via soy products has insinuated itself into so many parts of our lives-- even stucco isn't safe!