Thu 14 Dec, 2006 03:33 pm
I don't know what to do!
Ever since we became vegetarians, he spends hours every night with tofu. Then I noticed that he was spending a little more time at the mirror in the mornings, but I wasn't too worried. But then he started wearing kicky sport coats with a "co-ordinated pocket square."
Now some nights he doesn't come home till two o'clock in the morning! I'm just so afraid he's been hanging out at one of these gay soy clubs I hear about, because I found edamame in the pocket of his jacket. Also, when I was checking the computer history, I found all these websites about hot teen boys drinking soymilk.
Should I be concerned?
Are you sure he "became" a vegetarian, and wasn't born that way?
Cypher, it's quite natural for a man to look at soy now and again, but if he is spending more than four hours a day staring at the stuff, then he may indeed have a problem.
Does he just look at soy?, or does this extend to other non meat based products, such as broccoli, iceberg lettuce perhaps?
Does he bash a carrot whilst viewing, or does he save that carrot for you to enjoy at a later time?
Sorry but you're husband is lost.
Soy RUINS relationships. It is from the devil.
He thinks your fat and ugly and doesn't want to have sex with you any more.
I think it's ok if he looks at soy, but putting soy in his mouth is crossing the line.
Re: My husband looks at soy
cyphercat wrote:I don't know what to do!
Ever since we became vegetarians, he spends hours every night with tofu. Then I noticed that he was spending a little more time at the mirror in the mornings, but I wasn't too worried. But then he started wearing kicky sport coats with a "co-ordinated pocket square."
Now some nights he doesn't come home till two o'clock in the morning! I'm just so afraid he's been hanging out at one of these gay soy clubs I hear about, because I found edamame in the pocket of his jacket. Also, when I was checking the computer history, I found all these websites about hot teen boys drinking soymilk.
Should I be concerned?
So, like . . . you're sayin' your main squeeze may actually be gay ? ! ? ! ?
Ticomaya wrote:Are you sure he "became" a vegetarian, and wasn't born that way?
Well, I don't know about
born that way, but I do think the new theory about the connection between homsexuality/vegetarianism and overuse of soy infant formula sounds pretty likely. I always knew his mother had messed him up somehow...
Is he spending more time contemplating soy than he spends on you?
Is this interfering with his .. er .. marital responsibilities?
Lord Ellpus wrote:Cypher, it's quite natural for a man to look at soy now and again, but if he is spending more than four hours a day staring at the stuff, then he may indeed have a problem.
Does he just look at soy?, or does this extend to other non meat based products, such as broccoli, iceberg lettuce perhaps?
Well, let's just say I love a good summer squash as much as the next girl, but I just don't think we need to be buying
quite so much zucchini.
Bella Dea wrote:Sorry but you're husband is lost.
Soy RUINS relationships. It is from the devil.
He thinks your fat and ugly and doesn't want to have sex with you any more.
I was afraid of that. I mean, how can I compete?
Soy certainly never has to worry about cottage cheese thighs...
Does he make you look at soy, too?
Does he make you (gag) eat it?
Is he not eating his regular foods in favour of soy?
These are things you might want to discuss with a counsellor, you know, a Soycologist.
I suggested a marriage counsoylor, but he wouldn't hear of it.
<I know, I know, that was awful.>

Is any of this not satire? I've never heard of such a thing.
I think it's all the pressure from the outside world to at least TRY soy.
c'mon, one little bite...c'mon.
next thing you know, you're sitting in a circle with a bunch of other guys shaking up cartons of soy milk and letting the foam fly.
sad really.
Does he sniff out isoflavones? Do you find hidden recipe files for stuffed tofu?
You can cure him, it's easy. Look for one of those chinese recipes where you can find tofu with chili beef sauce. THAT will kick his hormone chemistry around the block and back onto a more heterosexually consumptive footing.
There is a pseudo science basis, Bill. Well, not basis; a better phrase would be pseudo science allusion. I can't explain it personally.
Dear Cypher, I justwant you to know that - its true, you have to be carefulit can mean different things. YOu really need totalk about this with him.Dont give up on him yet, you can help him, but I wont lie to you,it canbe a problem.I am only saying this because I,too, was like him.I had a phase in my life,when I was younger still, that I suddenly became worryinglyinterested in soy.It started out with alittle nibble here and then,I thought I was just 'trying things out'and that that was just healthyand natural for a man my age, I mean, we live in a modernage,its not the fifties anymore,men can eat soy.But soon Iwas lookingat soy sites,and lookingup endless soy recipes and printing them out -I even had a self-made bookletwith soy recipes!!! I am just telling you,you ARE right to be worried,I was eating soy morning noon and night as they say,my friends started to notice and make jokes about me,so I didnt see them anymore and instead started meeting these soylover e-groups that would get together for informal meetings called things like SOYlicious.My wife, for her it eventually became too much, she said that when I came homelate at night I smelled of soy,and because I felt she didnt understand whathad become really important for meI couldnt really talk to her anymore.She left and we had a horrid divorce,but what I have logged on tosay to you now is IT DOESNT HAVE TO END UP like that FDOR YOU!! You see,one day I met this person,and he told me about how there are many men who have let the internet catch them all up in this soy thing - you are NOT alone there are MANY!! And so they told me all about this de-soying program they have they call it D-SOYLED,and I think you should check it out. Talk with your man now before he really loses his way and say that you will be there for him IF he vows to de-soyl himself and not just primise it but seek help.I have still not found a new woman but I am now completely soy-free,I never look at it anymore even the thought of the taste of soy in my mouth makes me gag.So he too can get over it!! You need to stick tight and work this out and I just wanted to tell you about this, so you are warned but also so you are still in time and he doesnt end up losing his friends and woman and job and house like I did. Peace and God Bless,