McGentrix wrote:I am sure Mary Cheney will raise her child well. The only reason this is even being discussed is because her dad is Dick Cheney who has a different belief about homosexuals then some of the posters here. Yet, despite that, I bet he loves her very much and is happy she will be bringing him a grandchild that he can scowl at and guarantee a wonderful future with all his Haliburton money.
No, the reason it is being discussed is because LSM brought the subject up. In fact, Mr. Mountie already took notice of this circumstance hours earlier in his thread on homosexual marriage, in which it was appropriate.
As Mr. Mountie inferentially notices, LSM was treated to a "pile up," which, given her demeanor for weeks, is understandable. Mr. Mountie also makes a reasonable appeal to cut her some slack.
But leave it to McG to divine a deep-laid, vile librul conspiracy evident in this thread.
I won't say you're paranoid, McG, because is suspect that by now, there are many people here who are out to get you.