InfraBlue wrote:And, I'm sure, the situation has gotten worse the older the middle agers have become.
I dunno.
I'm midde aged, and I haven't yet started spouting about degeneracy etc.
Actually, I am kind of impressed with some of the moral progress we have in the last 50 years.
You know, unimportant stuff like:
. Better civil rights for black people in both our countries.
. Decriminalizing homosexual activity.
. The beginnings of tolerating cruelty to animals less in agriculture.
. More recognition of the rights of the disabled and mentally ill.
. The beginnings of protecting children from abuse.
These are off the top of my head, and I recognize there is still a LOOOOOOONG way to go on the things I have mentioned.
But let us not let such things cause us to cease dwelling on how liberals are destroying the world by doing stuff like creating prostitution in Holland (I assume they didn't have it until we "liberals" [I am so not a liberal, but I guess I have to speak American] made them have it?)