The Liberals Lack Of Morality

Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 01:34 am
Do liberals have any concept as to why the right is so "religious"? Maybe it is not because they want to discriminate or cause stupid wars. Maybe it is for the simple reason of spiritual harmony with "God", did that ever occur to these mealy mouthed liberal jerks? Maybe some want quality of life rather than spreading death and disease to others without a single consideration of conscience?

Maybe an animal house, up in smoke world where riding around speeding drunk and coked out in cars trashing people's private property is distasteful to some ethically minded individuals? Maybe the hooter-ville boys who are nightly tucking their hard earned dollars (that could pay for their kids education) in the string bikinis of disease ridden strippers will never own up to the fact that they have a serious problem. The lack luster lifestyle that grows old sooner than puberty may never be revealed to such sex addicts. Most of them will not cease until the boys in blue set them up in the heartbreak hotel (translation, Betty Ford Clinic).

These liberals and a number of misguided religious hypocrites (Foleys) will never see beyond their own thirst for rank corruption.

Who ever said that the liberal ideology was supposed to lead to wild abandoned? The law of liberty is exactly that... A LAW! The law is, "love God and do unto others as you would have done unto you". NOT, do whatever the hell you want, that is not the heart of the liberal ideal... that is the heart of the CRIMINAL MIND!

How liberal do we need to get? We now have Britney Spears exposing her genitalia to the paparazzi three times in one night and then this being the number one search on Google... Why not just pose in playboy? Well that would not have been has hurtful to her younger fans! But, that was the whole point, to hurt young people, miss smutty Paris Hilton in tow. Hollywood is on the highway to hell!

Where do honest moral people get their pound of flesh? Where is justice for all of the young minds that Britney has now corrupted with her sluttery?

This LAW of liberty is not something to take lightly. It is one thing to let the legal system become so cumbersome that laws become so numerous that one becomes fettered by so much law that liberty and human rights cannot survive. But it is wholly another thing to assume that liberty is not a LAW but something that represents pure unadulterated immorality and recklessness. Can you say INDECENT exposure? NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW OF LIBERTY!

It is one thing to be immoral in one's own consenting relationships but it is another thing to run around trashing the system of justice and ethics for all.

How far do we want to go? Do we want to fall to the level of decadence of cities like Amsterdam? NO!

I have been to Amsterdam. I remember the crack dealers hanging in the alley ways waiting some unsuspecting pissing tourist to roll them of their money and leave them in the gutter half dead or worse.

The Amsterdam Tourist Board, which is websited as visitamsterdam.nl, previous known as the VVV Amsterdam, wrote early 2001 on her website (smartguide - avoid):
"Avoid the following streets:
After dark: the alleyways of Nieuwendijk - a mugger's delight, and pretty foul; the Southern end of Zeedijk and the streets off it. Sleazy and riddled with miserable-looking junkies; Damrak - the worst, tackiest, neon-infested tourist excess in the country."
The text is not there anymore, but the situation is not changed at all, so the warning still stands !

Comment: THIS is where the left is heading with America! Undoing Jessica's law with liberal judges and taking the one true God out of every vestige of American culture!

It is time to start putting some of the worst offenders of the "HOLY" way of life in prison for life... This will teach them what liberty is all about! This will be a deterrent to anyone else who decides to make a career out of poisoning the minds of our most valuable natural resource, our youth.

It is time to shut down some of these strip joints that attract so many deviants. It is time for America to clean the crap eating grin off her face and put on some panties!

I can't stand these nasty liberal pigs anymore! (prayer) God, send Christ Jesus back soon please to instruct these liberal morons what the golden rule means. It is certainly not just "liberty" it is "THE LAW OF LIBERTY"! That means to sin against liberty is WORSE than sinning against just the law! Jesus would not have condoned this fall from morality!!! Maybe this should be taught in schools rather than evolution or creation?

Jas 1:25
But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

Jas 2:12
So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.

The liberals have become so decadent that they now rationalize everything. America cause 9/11, Bush is the dictator not Saddam, the poor suicide bombing Palestinians. Next the UN will be giving Vladimir Putin a Nobel peace prize for is work in nuclear assassination. I need to vomit (excuse me)...
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 13,988 • Replies: 227
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Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 02:09 am
Surprising to me, I couldn't read through this.
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Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 02:17 am
ossobuco wrote:
Surprising to me, I couldn't read through this.

That is because you have some taste, rationality and logical ability.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 02:59 am
ossobuco wrote:
Surprising to me, I couldn't read through this.

Mirror mirror... it is hard to face the truth sometimes isn't it?

It take courage to look into one's own tightly shut closet.

Time for some house cleaning.

How hard do you think it is for me to read through the liberals talking points daily? I have had six years of slurs and pure partisan politics. Enough is enough!!!!! Nearly every Hollywood video (not worth owning), Letterman, O'Brian, Actors galore and even Oprah's largely left swinging roster. The left can take these rotten to the core people and glorify them but I want to puke! I do not accept or revere hard core holy rollers any better than the next guy but I would rather have a cross stuck in my face than this liberals gone wild San Francisco hate middle America decadence.

The liberals have gotten nasty and as Jesus got "angry" and threw over the tables of the money lenders it is time for the right to take drastic measures to rid this country of these low-life scum... They can go to Amsterdam and France but where do the right go? America is the last frontier for the righteous of "God".

It seems the Dutch have removed Fox News from their cable subscriptions. This is not fair and balanced this is them moving toward Russia and dictatorial rule or unplug those who disagree.

Fox news is watched more in America than the other three major news outlets combind!

I love Amsterdam, but to frigging hell with them if they cannot be fair and balanced! Time will reveal their folly when the potheads ravage the country with their crystal meth. Fourteen year olds being sold for sex and legally sanctioned by the drug crazed government of liberals. These people should be ashamed of themselves!

They surely fit the description Euro-trash... America is not that far behind with Nancy Pelosi at hookah bong...

Our university are not even worth spitting at, and kids are shooting up schools. The liberal culture is depriving them of a wholesome education of God and respect for country. Where is the damn hope, it has been replaces with Britney Spears. In the sixties it was Timothy Leary and look at the burnouts in the democratic party.

I will never vote for another liberal or green member as long as I live. To think I voted for Al Gore. (what a joke) I see the vastly liberal media for what it is, blatantly dishonest, unconscionably corrupt and bought off by immoral foreign interest.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 03:00 am
dlowan wrote:
ossobuco wrote:
Surprising to me, I couldn't read through this.

That is because you have some taste, rationality and logical ability.

And what do you have, flash-backs?

And you call the Dutch pimping out fourteen year olds in the red-light district "taste, rationality and logical ability"?

Phooey on you!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 05:54 am
Such idiocy. Not worth a comment, beyond that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 06:46 am
I have not written what I have here to please anyone. I have written it to vent my outright anger.

I am the son of a Norwegian immigrant to America.

My father came over to America and landed on Ellis Island about the year 1920 he was born in 1905.

That made me 20 years old when he was 80.

He was quite old when I was growing up, as old as many of your grandparents were. I am now in my mid forties and he has been dead for about 20 years.

He was a difficult man and I rebelled at around the age 12? It was so easy to become a rebel and my father was chastised for caring what his children were doing.

Well I can't blame my faults on him because he lived an exemplary life.

In fact he was what one would term old fashioned. He was raised by the hickory stick and pretty much raised us with an iron will. I hope to one day live up to his standard of living.

I was in my late thirties before I even knew what the difference between a democrat and republican was. This was how lost I was in American "culture".

Though I found the Bible at age 18 and became a missionary in a cult this all independent of my parents I was by that time "already gone".

Even my father detested religion. He was part of the age of reason as were the people on my mother's side. They were republicans that has swallowed the left wing mumbo jumbo too.

Rock and roll captured my attention and I became obsessed by American drug culture only to years later find out that it was not really representative of morality but it was fostered by a left wing pull to destroy all that we hold dear and sacred. Anarchy, pure and simple, fostered by "Hollywood" and the major media outlets.

For this I will never trust the American media again. Even Fox News is not conservative enough for me. I feel like I was deceived. I have a multitude of song lyrics in my head infected by double meanings and dark sarcasm. "Wasted away again in margaritaville..." Hidden drug lyrics "written between the lines" and of course the hatred for the right wing. One cannot escape these media dogs. "God shuffled his feat..." What the hell does the left know about God? NOTHING. They first infiltrated the American culture with bobby socks and rumble seats until today it has evolved to the suggestion that woman wear no undergarments at all and shoot crystal meth. They ride around in limos while nanny's raise their poor unloved children. So they can grow up as children of stars and prodigies that push our country further into ruin.

This relentless cycle has got to stop somewhere. There is going to be hell to pay and SOON. The left wing have said that the war on terror is making the terrorism worse... Maybe it is the left's war on culture that many on the right is seemingly oblivious to that is only to embolden the terrorists further.

The terrorists come from, a simple time when life is FAR less decadent. They resort to terror because they don't have a bit of respect for coke addicts and sleazy people. I seem to agree with them!

Lucille Ball once said that the men were turning into dirt balls and the woman into sex machines. What would she say today???

And to think, Lucille was quite liberal as it was...

We have come a long way and it is time to put the undergarments back on ladies and start acting reasonably respectable again. It is time to start raising our children and stop leaving them for the education system to raise them like common bastards. It time for the "kid rocks" to become kids with brains.

It is time to resurrect American values that have been downtrodden by crappy Hollywood movies and the constant bombardment of negative misleading media.

How much farther? Do we need to ruin this God given land before people wake the hell up?

It has taken me nearly forty years to wake up to what is going on around me. Now I can see it as clear as daylight.

9/11 was only the tip of the iceberg must we wait until the fire and brimstone comes down from heaven? I will weep for you all for sure.

America the beautiful is nothing more than a common whore today. We can lay the blame on the liberal democrats solely that have replaced the houses of worship with strip joints and sleazy bars. They legalize prostitution and the pie in the sky gambling casinos They are constantly chipping away at the moral fiber of our country.

The once proud American Indians are now seriously cheapened by their bingo cards that have somehow morphed into slot machines and roulette tables.

Madonna had some small fraction of class when she wanted to diss our president at least she moved to London. At least her child seemed to wise her up. But all Madonna was was an introduction to Britney Spears and her dump the kid off and go out pubing all night.

To quote a line from Charles Manson, "Sick Sick Sick City"...

I have only just begun my tyraid.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 06:48 am
You and Manson. Seems apt.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 06:49 am
edgarblythe wrote:
You and Manson. Seems apt.

Manson was a democrat.

So that would be you and Manson, Edgar. Seems Apt.

You are not in very good company. Apparently that is not an issue to you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 07:33 am
Do liberals have any concept as to why the right is so "religious"? Maybe it is not because they want to discriminate or cause stupid wars. Maybe it is for the simple reason of spiritual harmony with "God", did that ever occur to these mealy mouthed liberal jerks? Maybe some want quality of life rather than spreading death and disease to others without a single consideration of conscience?

God does love humor.

But does Rex understand irony and the humor that is often contained in the irony?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 07:44 am
DiD you forget to take your meds?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 07:49 am
In the particular case of the Kennedy clan, aside from every other problem of shabby living, there is the problem that it is a small step from thinking oneself above man's laws to thinking oneself to be above things like the laws of probability or the laws of physics. That's part of what keeps getting them killed off. Like


I'm a Kennedy, no reason on Earth why I shouldn't be able to ski downhill, throw footballs, and operate a camcorder at the same time, the trees know who I am, they'll get out of the way...



I'm a Kennedy, I don't need no steenkin instruments to fly out over the North Atlantic at night, the ocean knows who I ****in am....

Apparently, at least one jury in the United States finally got tired of hearing such stories and threw one of the losers (Skakel) in the slammer. Must have figured their intelligence had been insulted.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 07:49 am
Manson's insanity puts him in your category, RR.
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Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 07:50 am
The thing about Mr Red that is really scary is that he is not the most wacko poster on a2k.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 07:58 am
Rex we are here for you. Are you all vented out for now?


((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BEAR HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

[size=7](just please don't touch my butt)[/size]
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 08:04 am
RexRed wrote:
The law is, "love God and do unto others as you would have done unto you"

I can't even begin to call you the names you have called liberals Rex. That is your goal is it not? To be treated as you have just treated liberals? You want to be railed against and called names. It seems you are being treated exactly as you wished.

Of course I do wonder about people that quote verses from the bible while ignoring the rest of the chapter.

8If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

9But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

10For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
11For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

12So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.

13For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.

It seems you have broken God's royal law, Rex, in not loving your neighbor and by railing against him. And as you break one law of God, you break them all.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 08:07 am
As for liberals... many of the worst leftist elk are unfortunately members of this forum. It is evident by the titles of your threads like: Is Bush a liar or a warmonger? Choose... No one is "able to know" with such a partisan slant, every time you win the American people lose a bit of their souls.

Your are nasty (with the exception of a few) with absolutely no conscience or concern for the TRUTH. Just dysfunctional talking points designed to dilute the truth even further with error built upon error. Your favorite news papers print lies before they are even spoken or affirmed all with the aim to compound MORE failure in anything our democratically elected government and republican president attempts to do. All criticisms and not one single solution... Well I am here and now it is time for payback! Wait till I smear your political idols you will rue the day you ever smeared mine. I am not here to win a popularity contest I am here to expose you for the unethical half-wits that you are.

Remember the person who said Laura Bush was on happy pills. Well, Laura's doctor is now exclusively prescribing them to Hillary now and Nancy. This will not be good for Hillary's dizzy spells.

Elephants have a long memory and just you wait.

All you have aimed for is for us to lose this war and become defeated in any other strides our government attempts to make in political policies. I guess so the united nations can continue to take us to the cleaners with oil for food blood money.

You are brain washed by "special interest" and LAWLESS selfish liberty. No quality of debate will ever reveal to the left the error of your ways. Your minds are seared with a hot iron and all that is left is scar tissue.

Many of you leftist anarchists are lower than dirt and have nothing better to do but to try to bring the rest of us down to your lowlife level. Like the mysteriously disappearing anarchist thief who fought to take prayer out of our schools.

Diseased minds.

What does this thread have to do with politics? Well, what do the countless unproductive inappropriate slurs and slants day after day have to do with the TRUE heart of the matter, which is that most of you are losers and are not even bright enough to realize it.

So I am here to voice a vastly differing opinion, that the leftist bias here in this "political" forum is nothing but worthless tripe. So precious little truth is spoken here daily that for posterity sake many of you will eventually only subtract from this world any real personal contribution. Thousands or worthless posts without a shred to truth to show for it.

George Bush will go down in history as a president who stood tough on a war that no one asked for and that the left did everything in their power to help aid and comfort the enemy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 08:12 am
Leftish Elk?


I consider RR to often be a sad case--talking more to himself than to any of us. My experience is that he will post repeatedly, even if no one reponds to him. My experience is that no amount of reasonable response to his obsessive views will alter those views. I do not consider him a troll, although he sometimes exhibits trollish behavior. Therefore, as regards this thread, my advice is:

0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 08:14 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Rex we are here for you. Are you all vented out for now?


((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BEAR HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

[size=7](just please don't touch my butt)[/size]

As you can see I am not done my tirade. This one may last for days.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 08:18 am
Setanta wrote:
Leftish Elk?


I consider RR to often be a sad case--talking more to himself than to any of us. My experience is that he will post repeatedly, even if no one reponds to him. My experience is that no amount of reasonable response to his obsessive views will alter those views. I do not consider him a troll, although he sometimes exhibits trollish behavior. Therefore, as regards this thread, my advice is:


The name "elk" was given to the second largest member of the deer family by early explorers because they resembled the elk or moose of Europe. Because the American elk is not very closely related biologically to the European elk, the American Indian term "Wapiti" is sometimes used interchangeably to identify the animal.
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