Ut Oh, Could Nancy Be Facing....

Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 11:11 pm
LoneStarMadam wrote:
okie wrote:
John Murtha, of ABSCAM fame, yessiree, the most honest and most ethical operation ever is what Nancy advocates.

John "Cold blooded murdering Marines" Murtha is another wally draggle

And Murtha is one smart military tactician as well. He brilliantly calls for retreating to Okinawa, as "the way forward" from the current quagmire in Iraq. No doubt he draws much of his brilliance from real military experience in WWII.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:05 am
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Baseless & useless speculation? Try reading the very first post on this thread. Did Nancy Pelosi not suffer a defeat, her very fist show of strength by backing John Murtha for majority leader & had her head handed to her when Stenny Hoyer got the nod?
Where this thread went from there is another thing, but as usual, the wally draggles hijack every thread they don't like because they can't debate the facts!
Laughing The thread wasn't hijacked, honey. You imploded it yourself when you trotted out your idiotic accusation of Pelosi endorsing Nambla. When MC, who at least appears capable of mounting a coherent argument, joined you in this sliming; you took to calling her "Nancy Nambla Pelosi". The two of you have steadfastly clung to this unsupportable idiocy ever since.

Harry Hay and Nancy Pelosi both support gay rights, hence, they both marched in the parade. Jeffery Dahmer and I both liked the Green Bay Packers, hence, we may both have sat next to each other at the same game. Were your twisted logic to be valid; that would mean I must support cannibalistic serial killers. I don't believe I've ever publicly condemned Dahmer for his activity. Is this really further evidence that I support cannibalistic serial killers? Of course not. Therefore continuing to forward the idiotic notion that it does would qualify my accuser as a troll.

To hear you accuse others of hijacking, because they objected to your baseless slimy lies, and then suggest they are the real trolls is indicative intentional trolling behavior or simple idiocy.
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Maybe you should mention bomb throwing to some of the real trolls once in awhile.
If you really wish to locate the real trolls, you need look no further than the nearest mirror. This will continue to be the case until you abandon the practice of flaming out at others while forwarding exposed lies all the while ignoring the most basic principles of critical thinking.

LittleBitty, I don't believe I've treated you badly or unfairly in any exchange we've had. I've seen others lump you in with LSM and MC but haven't seen justification for doing so thus far. <shrugs>
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:08 am
okie wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
okie wrote:
John Murtha, of ABSCAM fame, yessiree, the most honest and most ethical operation ever is what Nancy advocates.

John "Cold blooded murdering Marines" Murtha is another wally draggle

And Murtha is one smart military tactician as well. He brilliantly calls for retreating to Okinawa, as "the way forward" from the current quagmire in Iraq. No doubt he draws much of his brilliance from real military experience in WWII.

I'm sure glad that Murtha isn't protecting us now. Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:12 am

LittleBitty, I don't believe I've treated you badly or unfairly in any exchange we've had. I've seen others lump you in with LSM and MC but haven't seen justification for doing so thus far. <shrugs>

I don't believe you're one of the guilty parties in my case.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:19 am
LittleBitty wrote:
I don't believe that I'm deserving of the treatment I've received regardless of the length of time I've been here. My posts have not been personal attacks. I've seen and ignored many comments, some calling me a troll, some calling me other posters, and in general, there's been behavior I'd be ashamed of if I were a veteran. I'm quite certain that I would receive more mutual respect in a coffee shop or sewing circle if only I knew how to sew.

On this point, I'll agree with you! It is too bad you happened to come through the door at the same time as the other two in the posse. Must be that collateral damage and guilt by association thing everyone here is gnawing on. Imagine what it would be like if you were a public figure or politician. No wonder this is the quality of character we have running for public office.

I'm sorry you've been tarnished by it. It would be great if people (this means all stripes and flavors of people) could put forth an opinion without coming away feeling like they'd been mangled and discarded. A lot more people would become involved in the political discussions here again.

I invite you to step into some of the other categories of discussion here. I've seen you in the Marlboro one and know you'd be a welcome participant in a lot of others.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:28 am
Tarnished buy it?
While you may not be insulting LB, you have no qualms on insulting her husband?
Where i come from insulting ones spouse is as bad as insulting the peson one is speaking to.
What a greasy way to suck up. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:29 am
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Baseless & useless speculation? Try reading the very first post on this thread. Did Nancy Pelosi not suffer a defeat, her very fist show of strength by backing John Murtha for majority leader & had her head handed to her when Stenny Hoyer got the nod?
Where this thread went from there is another thing, but as usual, the wally draggles hijack every thread they don't like because they can't debate the facts!
Laughing The thread wasn't hijacked, honey. You imploded it yourself when you trotted out your idiotic accusation of Pelosi endorsing Nambla. When MC, who at least appears capable of mounting a coherent argument, joined you in this sliming; you took to calling her "Nancy Nambla Pelosi". The two of you have steadfastly clung to this unsupportable idiocy ever since.

Harry Hay and Nancy Pelosi both support gay rights, hence, they both marched in the parade. Jeffery Dahmer and I both liked the Green Bay Packers, hence, we may both have sat next to each other at the same game. Were your twisted logic to be valid; that would mean I must support cannibalistic serial killers. I don't believe I've ever publicly condemned Dahmer for his activity. Is this really further evidence that I support cannibalistic serial killers? Of course not. Therefore continuing to forward the idiotic notion that it does would qualify my accuser as a troll.

To hear you accuse others of hijacking, because they objected to your baseless slimy lies, and then suggest they are the real trolls is indicative intentional trolling behavior or simple idiocy.
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Maybe you should mention bomb throwing to some of the real trolls once in awhile.
If you really wish to locate the real trolls, you need look no further than the nearest mirror. This will continue to be the case until you abandon the practice of flaming out at others while forwarding exposed lies all the while ignoring the most basic principles of critical thinking.

LittleBitty, I don't believe I've treated you badly or unfairly in any exchange we've had. I've seen others lump you in with LSM and MC but haven't seen justification for doing so thus far. <shrugs>

I agree with all you say, which is scary...but I would call it low-jacked.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:31 am
LittleBitty wrote:
LittleBitty wrote:
It has been my experience that there is a direct relationship drawn here between the length of time a poster has been on this board and whether or not their argument would therefore be deemed valid.

Perhaps, but in this case the argument itself is what was proved invalid, repeatedly. As a newbie on this site; I too learned the hard way that the standard of evidence is considerably higher here than most venues. The reference I provided to fallacious arguments was provided to me, right here, a couple of years back. When a poster, new or old, chooses to ignore evidence that their argument is fallacious AND chooses to continue forwarding it on multiple threads it is inevitable they will be deemed a troll by the opposition. There are trolls on both sides of the political spectrum, old and new, though the site does an excellent job of weeding out the worst offenders. Aside from the obvious effects of effective moderation, the charge has little to do with member longevity.

While I'm sure us old timers are more likely to give each other the benefit of the doubt after years of civil discussion and a good deal of mutual respect earned, I don't think this is maliscious. Would it be different in a coffee shop, bar or sewing circle?

I don't believe that I'm deserving of the treatment I've received regardless of the length of time I've been here. My posts have not been personal attacks. I've seen and ignored many comments, some calling me a troll, some calling me other posters, and in general, there's been behavior I'd be ashamed of if I were a veteran. I'm quite certain that I would receive more mutual respect in a coffee shop or sewing circle if only I knew how to sew.

Or coff?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:41 am
dlowan wrote:
I agree with all you say, which is scary...but I would call it low-jacked.
Laughing That is pretty scary. I should save this little Gem, or maybe even put it in my Sig line! Razz
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:48 am
"People demand freedom of speech for the freedom of thought which they avoid"
Soren Aabye Kierkegard
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:51 am
Laughing How very appropriate for you to know that quote. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:53 am
Lonestar, if she feels insulted by my post, she's quite capable of speaking up for herself. Please butt out with your rudeness. It is very tedious.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 01:19 am
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Baseless & useless speculation? Try reading the very first post on this thread. Did Nancy Pelosi not suffer a defeat, her very fist show of strength by backing John Murtha for majority leader & had her head handed to her when Stenny Hoyer got the nod?
Where this thread went from there is another thing, but as usual, the wally draggles hijack every thread they don't like because they can't debate the facts!
Laughing The thread wasn't hijacked, honey. You imploded it yourself when you trotted out your idiotic accusation of Pelosi endorsing Nambla. When MC, who at least appears capable of mounting a coherent argument, joined you in this sliming; you took to calling her "Nancy Nambla Pelosi". The two of you have steadfastly clung to this unsupportable idiocy ever since.

Harry Hay and Nancy Pelosi both support gay rights, hence, they both marched in the parade. Jeffery Dahmer and I both liked the Green Bay Packers, hence, we may both have sat next to each other at the same game. Were your twisted logic to be valid; that would mean I must support cannibalistic serial killers. I don't believe I've ever publicly condemned Dahmer for his activity. Is this really further evidence that I support cannibalistic serial killers? Of course not. Therefore continuing to forward the idiotic notion that it does would qualify my accuser as a troll.

To hear you accuse others of hijacking, because they objected to your baseless slimy lies, and then suggest they are the real trolls is indicative intentional trolling behavior or simple idiocy.
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Maybe you should mention bomb throwing to some of the real trolls once in awhile.
If you really wish to locate the real trolls, you need look no further than the nearest mirror. This will continue to be the case until you abandon the practice of flaming out at others while forwarding exposed lies all the while ignoring the most basic principles of critical thinking.

LittleBitty, I don't believe I've treated you badly or unfairly in any exchange we've had. I've seen others lump you in with LSM and MC but haven't seen justification for doing so thus far. <shrugs>

OB, you're obviously an intelligent guy. You apply a clever wit to your posts, remiscent of Dennis Miller.

I can't help but observing that it goes completely over the top to describe an opinion that is shared by the author of the Specator and for a conservative to use descriptors like slime to describe our conjecture or accuse of spreading lies. You know as well as I that you know no better than I or LoneStar if Pelosi knows or does not know. That goes for everyone else who has used that particular epithet against myself, LSM or LB. Calling any of us liars is patently absurd, since no one here has a guest pass into Nancy Pelosi's head.

It's also surprising to me that as a fellow conservative, that you grant an elected highly placed democrat official an unconditional waiver of accountability of her associates. This attempt to present all of these absurd examples is diminished and discredited by the unalterable fact that elected officials are routinely held accountable for the people that they associate with. If you doubt that for a second, think about all the Bush bashing that materialized around Bush associating with the Bin Laden family.

Furthermore, as the poster who is probably most familiar with the various fallacies of logic, you should know best that a point is not proven simply as a result of the number of people that disagree.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 01:27 am
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Tarnished buy it?
While you may not be insulting LB, you have no qualms on insulting her husband?
Where i come from insulting ones spouse is as bad as insulting the peson one is speaking to.
What a greasy way to suck up. Rolling Eyes

Well I for one feel very badly knowing that Butterfly net thinks I've tarnished my wife because I suspect that a politician is aware of a nasty element within the causes she supports (that would be gay rights).

I'll tell everyone that I have seen my wife tonight, and she doesn't appear tarnished in the least. She shines like new money!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 01:36 am
I think Lil Bit is smart enough to realize I was speaking about decorum not opinions.

And my comment wasn't restricted to specific people. There's been a lot of mud slinging from all directions.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 04:50 am
Monte Cargo wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Baseless & useless speculation? Try reading the very first post on this thread. Did Nancy Pelosi not suffer a defeat, her very fist show of strength by backing John Murtha for majority leader & had her head handed to her when Stenny Hoyer got the nod?
Where this thread went from there is another thing, but as usual, the wally draggles hijack every thread they don't like because they can't debate the facts!
Laughing The thread wasn't hijacked, honey. You imploded it yourself when you trotted out your idiotic accusation of Pelosi endorsing Nambla. When MC, who at least appears capable of mounting a coherent argument, joined you in this sliming; you took to calling her "Nancy Nambla Pelosi". The two of you have steadfastly clung to this unsupportable idiocy ever since.

Harry Hay and Nancy Pelosi both support gay rights, hence, they both marched in the parade. Jeffery Dahmer and I both liked the Green Bay Packers, hence, we may both have sat next to each other at the same game. Were your twisted logic to be valid; that would mean I must support cannibalistic serial killers. I don't believe I've ever publicly condemned Dahmer for his activity. Is this really further evidence that I support cannibalistic serial killers? Of course not. Therefore continuing to forward the idiotic notion that it does would qualify my accuser as a troll.

To hear you accuse others of hijacking, because they objected to your baseless slimy lies, and then suggest they are the real trolls is indicative intentional trolling behavior or simple idiocy.
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Maybe you should mention bomb throwing to some of the real trolls once in awhile.
If you really wish to locate the real trolls, you need look no further than the nearest mirror. This will continue to be the case until you abandon the practice of flaming out at others while forwarding exposed lies all the while ignoring the most basic principles of critical thinking.

LittleBitty, I don't believe I've treated you badly or unfairly in any exchange we've had. I've seen others lump you in with LSM and MC but haven't seen justification for doing so thus far. <shrugs>

OB, you're obviously an intelligent guy. You apply a clever wit to your posts, remiscent of Dennis Miller.
That's a tremendous compliment. Thank you.

Monte Cargo wrote:
I can't help but observing that it goes completely over the top to describe an opinion that is shared by the author of the Specator and for a conservative to use descriptors like slime to describe our conjecture or accuse of spreading lies. You know as well as I that you know no better than I or LoneStar if Pelosi knows or does not know. That goes for everyone else who has used that particular epithet against myself, LSM or LB. Calling any of us liars is patently absurd, since no one here has a guest pass into Nancy Pelosi's head.
Lean Right... Not Conservative. I don't know what's in Pelosi's head, true. Most of what comes out of her mouth I disagree with. That is no excuse for accusing her heinous alliances. I don't know what's in your head either. That doesn't give me the right to conjecture you might support heinous acts because it could be right. Were I a public figure, and believe me, in my town I am; would that make it OK for you to conjecture I endorse cannibalistic serial killers as in the example above? That's too weak to label weak. Public or private, that is straight slander... but Nancy's handlers are no doubt smart enough to not draw attention to the lies by holding him liable. That doesn't mean I don't, or anyone else with a sense of fair play doesn't. The guy is a sleazebag, pure and simple.

Monte Cargo wrote:
It's also surprising to me that as a fellow conservative, that you grant an elected highly placed democrat official an unconditional waiver of accountability of her associates. This attempt to present all of these absurd examples is diminished and discredited by the unalterable fact that elected officials are routinely held accountable for the people that they associate with. If you doubt that for a second, think about all the Bush bashing that materialized around Bush associating with the Bin Laden family.
Lean Right... Not Conservative. That was wrong then and it's wrong now. I assure you, no one with the critical thinking skills of Dlowan ever repeated such nonsense, despite despising Bush as much as anyone. People with a sense of fair play AND enough intelligence to distinguish fact from conjecture; wait for legitimate evidence before peddling that kind of dirt. It isn't an unconditional waiver... it is a refusal to repeat sleazy garbage sans proof.

Monte Cargo wrote:
Furthermore, as the poster who is probably most familiar with the various fallacies of logic, you should know best that a point is not proven simply as a result of the number of people that disagree.
Nice of you, but hardly true. Wait till you meet Craven, or Joefromchicago. Shocked I'm not relying on an Argumentum ad populum here, I'm reacting to an utter lack of credible evidence to support an incredibly specious claim.

Further, I never stated, or even speculated, that Pelosi isn't or wasn't aware of who the scumbag marching near her was nor that she isn't aware of the scumbag contingent in the gay community. No such speculation is necessary to see the folly in your argument. Presumably, all members of NAMBLA support gay rights. That doesn't mean all gays and/or gay supporters support NAMBLA. That assumption is absurdÂ… and except for cases of extreme ignorance, bigoted as well. All pigs are mammals but not all mammals are pigs. Get it? You write entirely too eloquently to be as ignorant as the sleazy accusation you keep repeating.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 05:04 am
Also, Butrflynet was simply extending a hand of friendship to a poster she couldn't have known was your wife. She saw her getting lumped in with you and LSM, for virtually no cause and didn't think that was fair. After all, you two have drawn contempt from posters Left and Right, and your wife hasn't yet earned a share of that disdain. I'll expect such misunderstandings from LSM in the future, but surely you can see the truth and your integrity should demand recognition of it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 06:17 am
Monte Cargo wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Baseless & useless speculation? Try reading the very first post on this thread. Did Nancy Pelosi not suffer a defeat, her very fist show of strength by backing John Murtha for majority leader & had her head handed to her when Stenny Hoyer got the nod?
Where this thread went from there is another thing, but as usual, the wally draggles hijack every thread they don't like because they can't debate the facts!
Laughing The thread wasn't hijacked, honey. You imploded it yourself when you trotted out your idiotic accusation of Pelosi endorsing Nambla. When MC, who at least appears capable of mounting a coherent argument, joined you in this sliming; you took to calling her "Nancy Nambla Pelosi". The two of you have steadfastly clung to this unsupportable idiocy ever since.

Harry Hay and Nancy Pelosi both support gay rights, hence, they both marched in the parade. Jeffery Dahmer and I both liked the Green Bay Packers, hence, we may both have sat next to each other at the same game. Were your twisted logic to be valid; that would mean I must support cannibalistic serial killers. I don't believe I've ever publicly condemned Dahmer for his activity. Is this really further evidence that I support cannibalistic serial killers? Of course not. Therefore continuing to forward the idiotic notion that it does would qualify my accuser as a troll.

To hear you accuse others of hijacking, because they objected to your baseless slimy lies, and then suggest they are the real trolls is indicative intentional trolling behavior or simple idiocy.
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Maybe you should mention bomb throwing to some of the real trolls once in awhile.
If you really wish to locate the real trolls, you need look no further than the nearest mirror. This will continue to be the case until you abandon the practice of flaming out at others while forwarding exposed lies all the while ignoring the most basic principles of critical thinking.

LittleBitty, I don't believe I've treated you badly or unfairly in any exchange we've had. I've seen others lump you in with LSM and MC but haven't seen justification for doing so thus far. <shrugs>

OB, you're obviously an intelligent guy. You apply a clever wit to your posts, remiscent of Dennis Miller.

I can't help but observing that it goes completely over the top to describe an opinion that is shared by the author of the Specator and for a conservative to use descriptors like slime to describe our conjecture or accuse of spreading lies. You know as well as I that you know no better than I or LoneStar if Pelosi knows or does not know. That goes for everyone else who has used that particular epithet against myself, LSM or LB. Calling any of us liars is patently absurd, since no one here has a guest pass into Nancy Pelosi's head.

It's also surprising to me that as a fellow conservative, that you grant an elected highly placed democrat official an unconditional waiver of accountability of her associates. This attempt to present all of these absurd examples is diminished and discredited by the unalterable fact that elected officials are routinely held accountable for the people that they associate with. If you doubt that for a second, think about all the Bush bashing that materialized around Bush associating with the Bin Laden family.

Furthermore, as the poster who is probably most familiar with the various fallacies of logic, you should know best that a point is not proven simply as a result of the number of people that disagree.

More and more like troll spoor.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 11:19 am
Butrflynet wrote:
I think Lil Bit is smart enough to realize I was speaking about decorum not opinions.

And my comment wasn't restricted to specific people. There's been a lot of mud slinging from all directions.

Fair enough. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 12:38 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
Lonestar, if she feels insulted by my post, she's quite capable of speaking up for herself. Please butt out with your rudeness. It is very tedious.

I was insulted by your post, got a problem with that, too bad.
tainted by.... Rolling Eyes
0 Replies

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