Ut Oh, Could Nancy Be Facing....

Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 02:40 pm
-28-2006, 08:06 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2000
Posts: 9,555
Originally Posted by saffire1
Well, no, actually I'm thinking about Carter, AIDs had been addressed by the time billzeebubba came along. What i'm saying is, wasn't AIDs around during Carters tour in the WH?
I don't remember AIDS becoming known until sometime around 1984, four years after Carter left office.
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Old 10-28-2006, 08:29 PM
saffire1's Avatar

Join Date: Aug 2004
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Originally Posted by Monte
I don't remember AIDS becoming known until sometime around 1984, four years after Carter left office.
You could be right, but AIDs was here & fairly prevelant before that. This is a "timeline"
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Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 03:02 pm
Uh, what is that, Roxxx?
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Monte Cargo
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 03:16 pm
Setanta wrote:
That would be, one assumes, as contrasted to the defensible hypocrisy of the Republicans.

But does the name "Kimba Wood" happen to ring any bells, Sentana?
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Monte Cargo
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 03:41 pm
dlowan wrote:
Monte Cargo wrote:
The entirety of the Able2Know community apparently wants to let Pelosi off the hook after marching in a parade three positions away from a notorious NAMBLA advocate. I see no reason to change my own position on her after reading the many posts.

The march was in 2001, and this is five years later when the first connection is being discussed. That's because up to 2006, Nancy Pelosi wasn't three heartbeats away from the presidency and she wasn't being as heavily scrutinized. More scrutiny from the opposition always accompanies attainment of power, especially when superlatives are launched like "We will have the most ethical Congress in history" LOL!

The only place in the thread I haven't addressed at this point is:
I earlier branded OccomBill a liberal, though, which is rash.

Haven't got a lot of time, but to Dlowan, it's never nice to laugh at someone who's been called filthy names. There's a real human being behind the keyboard you're talking to. If you don't want to be considered a troll yourself, you might think about that. It takes a big person to admit a mistake. Apparently, not everyone is willing to make the leap.

You admit your huge lie, and we can talk.

Heck, even Pelosi is possibly a human being.

Being fecklessly slimed as a supporter of child abuse might cause even a "liberal" a heartbeat of distress, don't you think (if she took any time at all to reflect in her ceaseless quest to destroy the country).

Hey, have you condemned nambla yet?

I don't think I have seen you do it...and you have been on a thread mentioning Hays and pelosi for ages now...posting RIGHT BESIDE THEM!!!!!

You better denounce right fast, or people will be talking.

Well, those with no grasp of rational argument might be.

Out of all of those disagreeing with me, you by far do it with the most passion. What in the world is so threatening about a poster thinking, "Hey, this woman knew who the other honored parade members were."? Why is this causing such a visceral reaction?

Let's try something:

What if I said that although I believed Pelosi knew Harry Hay was marching in the parade, she agreed with the other 95% of the groups that comprised the march and didn't necessarily support NAMBLA?

All that I am saying is that I believe she knew. I also think that she is shrewd enough to avoid the issue until it's forced upon her, if anyone ever brings it up in an interview or at a press conference.

The officials of the parade actually struggled with the idea of allowing Harry Hay to march and weighed the tradeoffs, finally allowing him in the parade. Whether Pelosi ever paid attention to this or not can only be conjectured.

As I can tell from the multitude of posts, the board's consensus is obviously against Pelosi having any knowledge or there being any connection. My though is whether NAMBLA may invoke Pelosi's presence in their promotional efforts, and treat her silence as a tacit form of support.

Additionally, my guess would be that if someone told her afterwards even if she didn't know and suggested she go on record, she's probably stall because of fears of backlash within her base.
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Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 03:43 pm
Judge Kimba Woods was Bill Clinton's second unsuccessful nominee for attorney general in 1993. She hired an illegal immigrant as a nanny but she did pay the required taxes on the nanny and had broken no laws. Nontheless, this incident ultimately led to a withdrawal of her nomination.

Not sure what that has to do with Pelosi, though.

Oh, wait. I get it! Judge Woods supports NAMBLA!!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 04:08 pm
Monte Cargo wrote:
The entirety of the Able2Know community apparently wants to let Pelosi off the hook after marching in a parade three positions away from a notorious NAMBLA advocate. I see no reason to change my own position on her after reading the many posts.

The march was in 2001, and this is five years later when the first connection is being discussed. That's because up to 2006, Nancy Pelosi wasn't three heartbeats away from the presidency and she wasn't being as heavily scrutinized. More scrutiny from the opposition always accompanies attainment of power, especially when superlatives are launched like "We will have the most ethical Congress in history" LOL!

The entirety of the A2K community is a bit of a stretch. Not all 50,000+ members have checked in to this thread. It's the stretching of truth and facts that will get you called on the A2K carpet, in case you haven't noticed yet.

Scrutiny is one thing. Claiming Pelosi supports NAMBLA is just plain stupid and illogical. You apparently find it funny.

Monte Cargo wrote:
What in the world is so threatening about a poster thinking, "Hey, this woman knew who the other honored parade members were."? Why is this causing such a visceral reaction?

What's threatening about it is that you aren't thinking it. You're posting lies to a public forum. We don't tolerate that too well around here.

Monte Cargo wrote:
Let's try something:

What if I said that although I believed Pelosi knew Harry Hay was marching in the parade, she agreed with the other 95% of the groups that comprised the march and didn't necessarily support NAMBLA?

All that I am saying is that I believe she knew... The officials of the parade actually struggled with the idea of allowing Harry Hay to march and weighed the tradeoffs, finally allowing him in the parade. Whether Pelosi ever paid attention to this or not can only be conjectured.

Now even you don't appear to know what you're saying. Either she knew, which you say you believe, or it's conjecture, which you admit. But wait, back at the top you also said you see no reason to change your position.

You're full of it! Laughing
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 04:27 pm
squinney wrote:
Monte Cargo wrote:
The entirety of the Able2Know community apparently wants to let Pelosi off the hook after marching in a parade three positions away from a notorious NAMBLA advocate. I see no reason to change my own position on her after reading the many posts.

The march was in 2001, and this is five years later when the first connection is being discussed. That's because up to 2006, Nancy Pelosi wasn't three heartbeats away from the presidency and she wasn't being as heavily scrutinized. More scrutiny from the opposition always accompanies attainment of power, especially when superlatives are launched like "We will have the most ethical Congress in history" LOL!

The entirety of the A2K community is a bit of a stretch. Not all 50,000+ members have checked in to this thread. It's the stretching of truth and facts that will get you called on the A2K carpet, in case you haven't noticed yet.

Scrutiny is one thing. Claiming Pelosi supports NAMBLA is just plain stupid and illogical. You apparently find it funny.

Monte Cargo wrote:
What in the world is so threatening about a poster thinking, "Hey, this woman knew who the other honored parade members were."? Why is this causing such a visceral reaction?

What's threatening about it is that you aren't thinking it. You're posting lies to a public forum. We don't tolerate that too well around here.

Monte Cargo wrote:
Let's try something:

What if I said that although I believed Pelosi knew Harry Hay was marching in the parade, she agreed with the other 95% of the groups that comprised the march and didn't necessarily support NAMBLA?

All that I am saying is that I believe she knew... The officials of the parade actually struggled with the idea of allowing Harry Hay to march and weighed the tradeoffs, finally allowing him in the parade. Whether Pelosi ever paid attention to this or not can only be conjectured.

Now even you don't appear to know what you're saying. Either she knew, which you say you believe, or it's conjecture, which you admit. But wait, back at the top you also said you see no reason to change your position.

You're full of it! Laughing

Sir, you are the pot calling the kettle black. Of course, saying that might open me up to a new charge of additionally being labeled as a racist, in addition to being a homophobe, but I'll take that chance.

Your paranoia is something I find strangely amusing. Most people know the difference between saying something is funny, as in ha-ha, as opposed to funny-peculiar. My comments regarding funniness were in the context of funny-peculiar.

My reference to the consensus was meant to apply to posters who have bothered replying to this thread.

Keep reaching.

She knew. She doesn't care. Try to get a clue.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 04:29 pm
squinney wrote:
Judge Kimba Woods was Bill Clinton's second unsuccessful nominee for attorney general in 1993. She hired an illegal immigrant as a nanny but she did pay the required taxes on the nanny and had broken no laws. Nontheless, this incident ultimately led to a withdrawal of her nomination.

Not sure what that has to do with Pelosi, though.

Oh, wait. I get it! Judge Woods supports NAMBLA!!!

The topic temporarily shifted to an article discussing Pelosi and illegal immigration. Try to get a clue.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 04:34 pm
Monte, this whole topic/thread of discussion has been nothing but useless and baseless speculation.

It doesn't matter for a second if there were people with objectionable moralities and viewpoints marching in the same parade as Pelosi, and there's no reason whatsoever to imagine that it would; other than the fact that the Right Wing needs a new boogeyman, and Pelosi seems to be the candidate du jour.

You don't want to be treated like a troll, but you throw bombs and get in people's face constantly (at least for your first 150 posts). Try showing some respect if you want more respect.

You're obviously not a fool, so don't act like one!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 04:52 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You're obviously not a fool, so don't act like one!
It must be infectious. Now Cyclops is jumping to conclusions without evidence to support them.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 05:31 pm
I draw evidence from other conversations I've read of his on the board...

Though, you are correct; my proof is merely anecdotal and subject to personal interpretation and error.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 05:52 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You're obviously not a fool, so don't act like one!
It must be infectious. Now Cyclops is jumping to conclusions without evidence to support them.

O'Bill has a good point. For all we know, this member may well be a fool, and we would be denying him the recognition which is his just due.
0 Replies
Monte Cargo
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 06:19 pm
Cycloptichorn may have ideas that differ politically from mine, but as I told him when I first joined this board, I think he has good ideas. I especially like that last one! :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 10:21 pm
Cyclops at least argues the evidence and responds to points. Quite refreshing as compared to some others here.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 10:42 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Monte, this whole topic/thread of discussion has been nothing but useless and baseless speculation.

It doesn't matter for a second if there were people with objectionable moralities and viewpoints marching in the same parade as Pelosi, and there's no reason whatsoever to imagine that it would; other than the fact that the Right Wing needs a new boogeyman, and Pelosi seems to be the candidate du jour.

You don't want to be treated like a troll, but you throw bombs and get in people's face constantly (at least for your first 150 posts). Try showing some respect if you want more respect.

You're obviously not a fool, so don't act like one!


Baseless & useless speculation? Try reading the very first post on this thread. Did Nancy Pelosi not suffer a defeat, her very fist show of strength by backing John Murtha for majority leader & had her head handed to her when Stenny Hoyer got the nod?
Where this thread went from there is another thing, but as usual, the wally draggles hijack every thread they don't like because they can't debate the facts!
Maybe you should mention bomb throwing to some of the real trolls once in awhile.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 10:52 pm
People who live in glass houses....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 10:53 pm
John Murtha, of ABSCAM fame, yessiree, the most honest and most ethical operation ever is what Nancy advocates.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 11:05 pm
LittleBitty wrote:
It has been my experience that there is a direct relationship drawn here between the length of time a poster has been on this board and whether or not their argument would therefore be deemed valid.

Perhaps, but in this case the argument itself is what was proved invalid, repeatedly. As a newbie on this site; I too learned the hard way that the standard of evidence is considerably higher here than most venues. The reference I provided to fallacious arguments was provided to me, right here, a couple of years back. When a poster, new or old, chooses to ignore evidence that their argument is fallacious AND chooses to continue forwarding it on multiple threads it is inevitable they will be deemed a troll by the opposition. There are trolls on both sides of the political spectrum, old and new, though the site does an excellent job of weeding out the worst offenders. Aside from the obvious effects of effective moderation, the charge has little to do with member longevity.

While I'm sure us old timers are more likely to give each other the benefit of the doubt after years of civil discussion and a good deal of mutual respect earned, I don't think this is maliscious. Would it be different in a coffee shop, bar or sewing circle?

I don't believe that I'm deserving of the treatment I've received regardless of the length of time I've been here. My posts have not been personal attacks. I've seen and ignored many comments, some calling me a troll, some calling me other posters, and in general, there's been behavior I'd be ashamed of if I were a veteran. I'm quite certain that I would receive more mutual respect in a coffee shop or sewing circle if only I knew how to sew.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 11:05 pm
okie wrote:
John Murtha, of ABSCAM fame, yessiree, the most honest and most ethical operation ever is what Nancy advocates.

John "Cold blooded murdering Marines" Murtha is another wally draggle
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 11:06 pm
username wrote:
People who live in glass houses....

Ypou apparently don't understand, you are one of the bomb throwers.
0 Replies

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