Ut Oh, Could Nancy Be Facing....

Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 06:28 pm
dyslexia wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Mocking me, lol, you don't have enough class to mock me....dearie.
Oh, & mind showing me the post wher i used ilk first? Now I of course am too much of a lady to question your, er, honesty/integrity, As ronald Regan said Trust but verify, please verify.

Yes of course, have you ever done that?

Done what?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 09:08 pm
LoneStarMadam wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Mocking me, lol, you don't have enough class to mock me....dearie.
Oh, & mind showing me the post wher i used ilk first? Now I of course am too much of a lady to question your, er, honesty/integrity, As ronald Regan said Trust but verify, please verify.

Yes of course, have you ever done that?

Done what?

Verified your gutter scandal rag crap before you post filthy libels and scurrilous sniggering innuendo as fact.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 09:57 pm


Where is YOUR Mrs Santa Claus Avatar "lady?"
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 11:20 pm
LoneStarMadam wrote:
ebrown_p wrote:
What you want in the Speaker in the House is someone who can get things done for the base of her party. I think Pelosi is very shrewd. I don't think people with your political views are going to be very happy.

I don't see her as a liberal, but I hope that she sees me (a true liberal) as the base of the Democratic party. In short, she should represent my interests (just as the Republicans have represented the interests of their base by killing the immigration compromise, attacking abortion rights, trying to pass an anti-gay-marriage amendment etc. etc.).

For the record there are a couple of definitions of the word "liberal". I am a "progressive" liberal. To me this means I am not part of the protectionist, isolationist liberals who border on anti-semitism and think Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks.

My issues are protecting civil rights for all Americans, providing opportunity and protection for the poor, investing in health care and education, and promoting a diverse multicultural society.

I hope the Democrats will stand for these core American values.

Pelosi is two heartbeats away from the presidency, I want her to do what's right for AMericans, liberal, conservative, Dems & repubs, her base is very questionable. Ever hear of Harry Hay, NAMBLA, there's a connection to Pelosi there. S, liberal? She's over the top. with her social views.
She rails agaibst mark Foley for his fondness of young men/boys, (which she should) yet she & Harry Hays....
There's lots more about Pelosi & the unions, other stuff that she lies about too.

Like most of us, I ignore most of LSM's posts and rarely click on this entity's links, alerted on another thread by dlowan, this one is not to be missed. Now remember, folks, LSM only linked this, this entity did not write it but it is implicit that this entity agress withe the POV.

ecial Report
When Nancy Met Harry
By Jeffrey Lord
Published 10/5/2006 12:08:06 AM

The Pride Parade.

That's what it's called in San Francisco when the community gathers for a parade during the annual San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration. It is, by all accounts, a wingding of a celebration, too. As the San Francisco Chronicle, the media sponsor of the Pride Parade, put it in their special section devoted to the celebration in 2001, the parade is "the granddaddy, grandma and grandtrannie of 'em all." (That would be trannie as in "transvestite.")

The paper, bursting with civic pride, was also pleased to publish the marching order of the parade and all its celebrants. It's quite a list. A who's who of San Francisco. Then Supervisor and now Democratic mayor Gavin Newsom, members of two Democratic Clubs, California Democratic legislators, the police, sheriff and fire departments and even the director of the Golden Gate Bridge were marching right alongside celebrants from Vulva University, The Stud Bar, and Leather Pride.

It is, in short, the San Francisco political establishment whooping it up with its constituents.

What interests in all of this in light of the unfolding scandal involving Florida Republican Rep. Mark Foley and his mind-boggling e-mails to a young House page are the participants in spots number 31 and 34 of the Pride Parade.

Celebrant number 31 was the late Harry Hay. Harry, it seems, was quite the guy. In fact, it is not too much to say that he was famous in San Francisco. He was famous not only as a founder of the gay rights movement, for his one-time relationship with actor Will Geer (who played Grandpa Walton on The Waltons TV series,) he was also known for being featured in the 1976 documentary film of gay life titled Word Is Out. When he died the following year after the parade, at 90, the New York Times Magazine featured him in "The Lives They Lived," its annual pictorial salute to famous Americans who had passed away during the preceding year. In addition to laudatory obits in both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, the Chronicle did a considerably flattering obituary. "Harry Hay, gay rights pioneer, dies at 90." The paper favorably notes a number of things in Harry's life, including his left-leaning politics, his connection with the Communist Party in the 1930s and his founding of "The Mattachine Society," a group the Chronicle calls "the first sustained homosexual rights organization in the United States."

Fair enough. The Chronicle, however, left something else out of the obituary entirely. It was a very strong belief held by Harry Hay that, if one is to believe all the attention devoted to Harry on the Internet, was common knowledge in San Francisco.

Harry Hay was a fierce advocate of man/boy love. While The Chronicle simply ignored Harry's views, the North American Man/Boy Love Association was only too delighted to put up a collection of Harry's views on the need for young boys to have older men as sexual partners. Here's just a sample taken from a talk at a New York University forum sponsored by a campus gay group in 1983.

Said Harry: "Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world."

In short, San Francisco's beloved Harry Hay was a vigorous and well-known advocate of older men having sex with young boys. He was a fearless and quite famous advocate for Congressman Mark Foley's behavior.

Which makes one curious about the presence of marcher number 34 in the 2001 Pride Parade. Marching a mere three spots away from the famous Harry Hay, no doubt waving and smiling to the crowd, was, as the Chronicle logged her in the Official Guide and Program Parade Lineup: "U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi."

That would be now Democratic leader of the U.S. Congress and the candidate of the Democratic Party to be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives, the official third in line to be President of the United States.

Surely this is a different Rep. Nancy Pelosi from the one who currently has on her website as Minority Leader the following statement:

"Republican leaders admitted to knowing about Mr. Foley's abhorrent behavior for six months to a year and failed to protect the children in their trust. Republican Leaders must be investigated by the Ethics Committee and immediately questioned under oath."

Abhorrent behavior? If men having sex with children is "abhorrent behavior" then it seems it would be quite logical for a United States Congresswoman to stand up and protest the presence of one of its leading advocates having a place of honor in a civic parade -- a parade in which she herself would be marching mere steps behind him.

If Representative Pelosi took the time to condemn Harry Hay's presence in the Pride Parade, there is no evidence that I can find. Nor did she refuse to march in the parade as a protest of Mr. Hay. Nor did she issue a statement warning parents that they were bringing their kids to a parade where Mr. Hay was one of the featured attractions.

What Representative Pelosi chose to do instead -- as did much of civic San Francisco -- is blithely give a wink-and-a-nod to ole Harry and his interest in little boys.

Not only does a moment like this unintentionally reveal the mindset of what Representative Pelosi and her fellow Democrats may really think but can't -- yet -- support. (This is, after all, the city where now-Mayor Newsom took it upon himself to break new cultural ground by authorizing the performance of same-sex marriages -- in violation of California law.) It also raises the question of whether the acceptance of Harry Hay and his views is a snapshot of a larger, unspoken agenda that San Francisco Democrats want the national Democratic Party to eventually pursue when they return to a Congressional majority -- and the White House. After all, if Harry Hay's views were not only celebrated in a parade in San Francisco but were not even thought out-of-the-mainstream enough to draw the slightest protest from Ms. Pelosi, why should there be protests over a move to eventually change the laws about men having sex with boys in Pennsylvania or Missouri or Virginia?

There's two words for that kind of agenda.

"Abhorrent behavior."

Well, that is one sick piece of ****, trying to smear Pelosi because she marched in the Pride Parade. Realy, this guy needs professional help.

And one has to wonder about any entity who would promote such crap.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 11:32 pm
dlowan wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Mocking me, lol, you don't have enough class to mock me....dearie.
Oh, & mind showing me the post wher i used ilk first? Now I of course am too much of a lady to question your, er, honesty/integrity, As ronald Regan said Trust but verify, please verify.

Yes of course, have you ever done that?

Done what?

Verified your gutter scandal rag crap before you post filthy libels and scurrilous sniggering innuendo as fact.

Such hate coursing through your empty veins, my, my. Such fallacies passing through your stubs of fingers. Is your little dark, dank basement cubicle getting to you? Prozak might help.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 11:33 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:


Where is YOUR Mrs Santa Claus Avatar "lady?"

Hmmm, that looks like a dyke known as Twin_Peaks_Niki. Maybe you know her?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 11:34 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
LoneStarMadam wrote:
ebrown_p wrote:
What you want in the Speaker in the House is someone who can get things done for the base of her party. I think Pelosi is very shrewd. I don't think people with your political views are going to be very happy.

I don't see her as a liberal, but I hope that she sees me (a true liberal) as the base of the Democratic party. In short, she should represent my interests (just as the Republicans have represented the interests of their base by killing the immigration compromise, attacking abortion rights, trying to pass an anti-gay-marriage amendment etc. etc.).

For the record there are a couple of definitions of the word "liberal". I am a "progressive" liberal. To me this means I am not part of the protectionist, isolationist liberals who border on anti-semitism and think Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks.

My issues are protecting civil rights for all Americans, providing opportunity and protection for the poor, investing in health care and education, and promoting a diverse multicultural society.

I hope the Democrats will stand for these core American values.

Pelosi is two heartbeats away from the presidency, I want her to do what's right for AMericans, liberal, conservative, Dems & repubs, her base is very questionable. Ever hear of Harry Hay, NAMBLA, there's a connection to Pelosi there. S, liberal? She's over the top. with her social views.
She rails agaibst mark Foley for his fondness of young men/boys, (which she should) yet she & Harry Hays....
There's lots more about Pelosi & the unions, other stuff that she lies about too.

Like most of us, I ignore most of LSM's posts and rarely click on this entity's links, alerted on another thread by dlowan, this one is not to be missed. Now remember, folks, LSM only linked this, this entity did not write it but it is implicit that this entity agress withe the POV.

ecial Report
When Nancy Met Harry
By Jeffrey Lord
Published 10/5/2006 12:08:06 AM

The Pride Parade.

That's what it's called in San Francisco when the community gathers for a parade during the annual San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration. It is, by all accounts, a wingding of a celebration, too. As the San Francisco Chronicle, the media sponsor of the Pride Parade, put it in their special section devoted to the celebration in 2001, the parade is "the granddaddy, grandma and grandtrannie of 'em all." (That would be trannie as in "transvestite.")

The paper, bursting with civic pride, was also pleased to publish the marching order of the parade and all its celebrants. It's quite a list. A who's who of San Francisco. Then Supervisor and now Democratic mayor Gavin Newsom, members of two Democratic Clubs, California Democratic legislators, the police, sheriff and fire departments and even the director of the Golden Gate Bridge were marching right alongside celebrants from Vulva University, The Stud Bar, and Leather Pride.

It is, in short, the San Francisco political establishment whooping it up with its constituents.

What interests in all of this in light of the unfolding scandal involving Florida Republican Rep. Mark Foley and his mind-boggling e-mails to a young House page are the participants in spots number 31 and 34 of the Pride Parade.

Celebrant number 31 was the late Harry Hay. Harry, it seems, was quite the guy. In fact, it is not too much to say that he was famous in San Francisco. He was famous not only as a founder of the gay rights movement, for his one-time relationship with actor Will Geer (who played Grandpa Walton on The Waltons TV series,) he was also known for being featured in the 1976 documentary film of gay life titled Word Is Out. When he died the following year after the parade, at 90, the New York Times Magazine featured him in "The Lives They Lived," its annual pictorial salute to famous Americans who had passed away during the preceding year. In addition to laudatory obits in both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, the Chronicle did a considerably flattering obituary. "Harry Hay, gay rights pioneer, dies at 90." The paper favorably notes a number of things in Harry's life, including his left-leaning politics, his connection with the Communist Party in the 1930s and his founding of "The Mattachine Society," a group the Chronicle calls "the first sustained homosexual rights organization in the United States."

Fair enough. The Chronicle, however, left something else out of the obituary entirely. It was a very strong belief held by Harry Hay that, if one is to believe all the attention devoted to Harry on the Internet, was common knowledge in San Francisco.

Harry Hay was a fierce advocate of man/boy love. While The Chronicle simply ignored Harry's views, the North American Man/Boy Love Association was only too delighted to put up a collection of Harry's views on the need for young boys to have older men as sexual partners. Here's just a sample taken from a talk at a New York University forum sponsored by a campus gay group in 1983.

Said Harry: "Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world."

In short, San Francisco's beloved Harry Hay was a vigorous and well-known advocate of older men having sex with young boys. He was a fearless and quite famous advocate for Congressman Mark Foley's behavior.

Which makes one curious about the presence of marcher number 34 in the 2001 Pride Parade. Marching a mere three spots away from the famous Harry Hay, no doubt waving and smiling to the crowd, was, as the Chronicle logged her in the Official Guide and Program Parade Lineup: "U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi."

That would be now Democratic leader of the U.S. Congress and the candidate of the Democratic Party to be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives, the official third in line to be President of the United States.

Surely this is a different Rep. Nancy Pelosi from the one who currently has on her website as Minority Leader the following statement:

"Republican leaders admitted to knowing about Mr. Foley's abhorrent behavior for six months to a year and failed to protect the children in their trust. Republican Leaders must be investigated by the Ethics Committee and immediately questioned under oath."

Abhorrent behavior? If men having sex with children is "abhorrent behavior" then it seems it would be quite logical for a United States Congresswoman to stand up and protest the presence of one of its leading advocates having a place of honor in a civic parade -- a parade in which she herself would be marching mere steps behind him.

If Representative Pelosi took the time to condemn Harry Hay's presence in the Pride Parade, there is no evidence that I can find. Nor did she refuse to march in the parade as a protest of Mr. Hay. Nor did she issue a statement warning parents that they were bringing their kids to a parade where Mr. Hay was one of the featured attractions.

What Representative Pelosi chose to do instead -- as did much of civic San Francisco -- is blithely give a wink-and-a-nod to ole Harry and his interest in little boys.

Not only does a moment like this unintentionally reveal the mindset of what Representative Pelosi and her fellow Democrats may really think but can't -- yet -- support. (This is, after all, the city where now-Mayor Newsom took it upon himself to break new cultural ground by authorizing the performance of same-sex marriages -- in violation of California law.) It also raises the question of whether the acceptance of Harry Hay and his views is a snapshot of a larger, unspoken agenda that San Francisco Democrats want the national Democratic Party to eventually pursue when they return to a Congressional majority -- and the White House. After all, if Harry Hay's views were not only celebrated in a parade in San Francisco but were not even thought out-of-the-mainstream enough to draw the slightest protest from Ms. Pelosi, why should there be protests over a move to eventually change the laws about men having sex with boys in Pennsylvania or Missouri or Virginia?

There's two words for that kind of agenda.

"Abhorrent behavior."

Well, that is one sick piece of ****, trying to smear Pelosi because she marched in the Pride Parade. Realy, this guy needs professional help.

And one has to wonder about any entity who would promote such crap.

You ignore me? LMAO, what a load of crap, you've been after me since day 1 & sweetie, i don't swing like that. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 12:01 am
You? Swing? Oh please. I just had dinner.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 12:20 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
You? Swing? Oh please. I just had dinner.

Eat another bit of crow, did ya.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 12:31 am
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
You? Swing? Oh please. I just had dinner.

Eat another bit of crow, did ya.

Did you have a tough day at the Chicken Ranche today, Madam? Are we in our cups again tonight?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 02:47 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
Come on Madam, Pelosi is a poltician-- just like all of them. And American politics is, and always will be, about winning the game.

I like Pelosi because I think she is good at playing the game. I think she is politically smart and tough. This means she will win some political victories for our side (I hope). I suspect this is why I like her and you dislike her.

The point is whether she is a good person is irrelevant. When was the last a decent person held the position of Speaker of the House? I don't think a decent person has the qualifications needed for the job.

Then using your own words,you like President Bush and Karl Rove.
After all,they both fit the description you posted.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 02:52 pm

Where is YOUR Mrs Santa Claus Avatar "lady?"

Hmmm, that looks like a dyke known as Twin_Peaks_Niki. Maybe you know her?

I'm wondering how you would know this information, LSM.

There is zero doubt left in my mind that you are the reincarnation of a previous poster.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 03:41 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Where is YOUR Mrs Santa Claus Avatar "lady?"

Hmmm, that looks like a dyke known as Twin_Peaks_Niki. Maybe you know her?

I'm wondering how you would know this information, LSM.

There is zero doubt left in my mind that you are the reincarnation of a previous poster.


Then you mind is playing tricks on you, because I am NOT a former poster of a2k. You could find that out quite easily, IF you truly believe it.
Roxxxanne is a veteran poster from another board that I used to frequent. She posts exactly like a poster by the name of Twin_Peaks_Niki that said she was a lesbian. I have suspected that TPN & Roxxxanne are one & the same.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 03:54 pm
oh, they are. He/She has posted here under several different names.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:01 pm
mysteryman wrote:
ebrown_p wrote:
Come on Madam, Pelosi is a poltician-- just like all of them. And American politics is, and always will be, about winning the game.

I like Pelosi because I think she is good at playing the game. I think she is politically smart and tough. This means she will win some political victories for our side (I hope). I suspect this is why I like her and you dislike her.

The point is whether she is a good person is irrelevant. When was the last a decent person held the position of Speaker of the House? I don't think a decent person has the qualifications needed for the job.

Then using your own words,you like President Bush and Karl Rove.
After all,they both fit the description you posted.

Nonsense, he said she was politically smart and tough. That sure as Hell does not describe the Shrub.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:13 pm
McGentrix wrote:
oh, they are. He/She has posted here under several different names.

Oh really? Funny that Roxxxanne or whatever his/her name is isn't questioned by the higher archy here. :wink:
Wonder if it's the politics. lol
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:14 pm
Setanta wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
ebrown_p wrote:
Come on Madam, Pelosi is a poltician-- just like all of them. And American politics is, and always will be, about winning the game.

I like Pelosi because I think she is good at playing the game. I think she is politically smart and tough. This means she will win some political victories for our side (I hope). I suspect this is why I like her and you dislike her.

The point is whether she is a good person is irrelevant. When was the last a decent person held the position of Speaker of the House? I don't think a decent person has the qualifications needed for the job.

Then using your own words,you like President Bush and Karl Rove.
After all,they both fit the description you posted.

Nonsense, he said she was politically smart and tough. That sure as Hell does not describe the Shrub.

Ebrown also said that politics was about winnning.

Lets see,Bush has won every election he has run in,both at the state and federal level.

So,that makes Bush a good politician,according to ebrown.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:16 pm
Roxxxxxxxxxannie is a leftwingnutcase, no doubt about it.

Yeah, we know she's a reincarnation, but that's not a violation of the TOS. When people wondered if you were Massagato when you first arrived, the case was different. Massagato has been here in many incarnations, and has gotten banned each time. When he comes back, if he comes back, the likelihood is pretty high that he will lose it again, and be banned again.

As long as Roxxxxxxxannie isn't violating the TOS, it doesn't matter if she's a reincarnation or not. If Massagato comes back, and can manage not to lose it and lash out at people, as long as he can avoid violating the TOS, it won't matter if he's a reincarnation.

When it comes to Massagato, though, the likelihood is that he'll lose it, and sooner rather than later.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:20 pm
LoneStarMadam wrote:

Oh really? Funny that Roxxxanne or whatever his/her name is isn't questioned by the higher archy here. :wink:
Wonder if it's the politics. lol

Would your postulate be based on unwarranted assumption, or might you be privvy to information not generally available?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:25 pm
Oh, just 'fess up, Big Bird, you damned old commie . . .
0 Replies

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