Dear Diary,
Sorry dahling, I have been neglecting you ever since I came back from that magical city of Prague. Work has been hectic, and I was also on two weeks vacation during the holiday period. I had decided to spend time by myself during my vacation, so you can understand why I did not come into yr all encompassing arms...
The new year has begun, and now we have to show that all the wonderful plans we made last year can actually be achieved. We almost always tend to brag abt our plans a bit more than necessary, in order to secure our budgets - after all in the big bad world of corporate banking, the size of yr importance is dictated by the size of yr (approved) budget
So it has been a bit hectic. And travel looms on the horizon once again - Off to Prague again at the end of this month, then to South Africa in Feb (hopefully will be able to catch a couple of world cup matches) then to Bahrain with a trip to Poland and/or India thrown in between. But the most exciting trip seems to be New York, where I might be going in April - plan to take a week off and shop and meet some people who I always wanted to, but never could. Can u imagine that if NY happens, it will be the first time I will cross the atlantic, even though I have visited 30 odd countries and made 130 odd trips in the past 5 yrs ???
HAd my yearly performance appraisal yesterday, I got a "Full Performer" grade, which means that I fulfill all the criteria of doing my job and often exceeds requirements. This is the second highest grade (out of 5 possible ones) so I guess I am happy. But my boss has told me that this will not neccessarily translate into a pay hike/bonus/stock option as money is very very tight this year (again ??? <sigh>) Damn, since they are predicting that 2003 is going to be the hottest year in 16/17 yrs in London, I was planning to get my house centrally airconditioned (I took a quote, and they said it will cost me $15,000) and I was also looking to change my 3 yr old car. What a bummer - ahh well, another year I guess......But my sweetheart of a boss apologized to me for not challenging me enough during the past year, so that I could show my full potential. He says that it is his personal failing !! What a sweet sweet man !!! I told him that I want to leave the department after a year to do something different (as I get bored easily) and the only thing which I will miss will be him !!
On a more serious note, liking someone who does not like you can be so humiliating and degrading. Isn't it ?
Hugz, and sorry for ignoring you for so long....