What did one ghost ask another ghost?
Do you believe in people?
A lot of conflict in the Wild West could've been avoided completely if cowboy architects had made towns big enough for everyone…
I had a neck brace fitted years ago. And I've never looked back since.
My wife is on a tropical fruit diet........
the house is full of the stuff!
It's enough to make a man go crazy.
There is absolutely no excuse for laziness. But if you find one, let me know.
Pulled out a nose hair today to see if it hurt. Judging my the reaction of the old man sleeping next to me on the bus, it seemed pretty painful……
Will glass coffins be a success?
Remains to be seen.
Maybe if we tell people the brain is an app, they’ll start using it……..
I went into a shoe shop this morning and asked to see a pair of loafers.......
The salesperson brought down the 2 owners.
Golfing today wasn't a total loss.
I did manage to hit two good balls.
when I stepped on a rake in the bunker....
After kissing a girl on her sofa she said.....
"let's take this upstairs"."
Ok" I said
"You grab one end and I'll grab the other"