Foley Quits Amid Allegations of Email Sex Scandal

Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 02:56 pm
Yup. several ways. a whole buncha different ways. Yessirree bob.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 03:43 pm
mm, Jefferson hasn't even been charged with anything.

The issues with Kennedy and Studds are ancient, and not relevant to the present Dems. Moreover, can you back up your statement that Dems did not call for their resignations. It is your assertion, so prove it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 04:06 pm
Advocate wrote:
mm, Jefferson hasn't even been charged with anything.

The issues with Kennedy and Studds are ancient, and not relevant to the present Dems. Moreover, can you back up your statement that Dems did not call for their resignations. It is your assertion, so prove it.

What has Foley been charged with?

What has Hastert been charged with?
Nothing,yet the dems are calling for his resignation because he "knew" about Foley.
Isnt that a little hypocritical?
After all,he hasnt been charged with anything.

Since the issue with Kennedy and Studds isnt relevant,what about Jefferson?
Can you name me one dem that has called on him to resign?
After all,he was caught with $90,000 in possible bribr money in his freezer.
That should be enough to call for his resignation.

Also,Senator George Allen of Va supposedly used the "n word" 20 or 30 years ago,yet the dems are bringing that up like it happened yesterday.
Isnt that ancient history and not relevant to anything today?

Studds was censured by the congress,but NOBODY asked him to or demanded his resignation...


Then there is this...

That would have been an opportune juncture for the Times to call out Democratic hypocrisy about "understanding the gravity" of such situations, by bringing up the 1983 case of Rep. Gerry Studds, the former Democrat congressman of Massachusetts, when he (along with Republican Rep. Daniel Crane) was censured by the House for sexual affairs with teenage pages (Studds with a male page). The Democratic Party did not pressure Studds to resign, and he served thirteen more years in liberal Massachusetts. By contrast, Crane lost in a Republican primary.


If you can find even one dem that demanded that Stubbs resign,please post that evidence.
I can find no evidence that happened.

As for Ted Kennedy,I can find NO EVIDENCE that anyone demanded he resign his seat in the Senate after he killed Mary Jo.
Why is that?
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Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 04:08 pm
Talk about old news. Before Ted was born, the Kennedy gene pool went empty.
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Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 04:47 pm
Mysteryman- Here is the entire story on Studds- Note that he actually engaged in Sexual Relations with the underage page, but since he had a D. after his name and since every gay in the USA votes for the Democrats, the party of sexual liberation did nothing. Until that viciously perverted man( Foley) sent out a (gasp) suggestive e-mail to a Page. Foley resigned. Studds was feted but the frepublicans got their revenge. I noted that his "husband" will not receive all the benefits due to a "married couple" How intolerant of the Republicans.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:38 pm Post: 2319802 -

Why--that's terrible. But I heard that before Foley resigned, he was desperately trying to change himself into a Democrat because he was sure he would have been able to stay in the House of Representatives.His fellow gay did it. Why not Foley? But his colleague was Democrat and that made all of the difference, Why his buddy, Studds, not only sent messages to an underage male page, he had "consensual" sex with him and YET WAS RE-ELECTED. But it must be noted that his re-election happened in Massachusetts. Even Scumbag Ted Kennedy got re-elected there after he allowed Kopechnie to drown in Chappaquiddick Bay.


BOSTON, Oct. 15, 2006
By JAY LINDSAY Associated Press Writer

(AP) Former Rep. Gerry Studds, who became the first openly gay member of Congress when his homosexuality was exposed during a teenage page sex scandal, died early Saturday. He was 69.

Studds died at Boston Medical Center several days after he collapsed while walking his dog, his husband said. Doctors determined his loss of consciousness was due to a blood clot in his lung, Dean Hara said.

Studds regained consciousness and seemed to be improving, but his condition deteriorated Friday because of a second blood clot. The origin of the second clot was not immediately determined, said Hara, who married Studds shortly after same-sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts in 2004.

Hara said Studds gave courage to gay people by winning re-election after publicly acknowledging his homosexuality.

"He gave people of his generation, of my generation, of future generations, the courage to do whatever they wanted to do," said Hara, 49.

Studds was first elected in 1972 and represented Cape Cod and the Islands, New Bedford, and the South Shore for 12 Congressional terms. He retired from Congress in 1997.

In his early career, Studds was known for opposing the Vietnam War and military intervention in Central America. Studds later became an advocate for a stronger federal response to the AIDS crisis and was among the first members of Congress to endorse lifting the ban on gays serving in the military.

In 1983, Studds acknowledged his homosexuality after a 27-year-old man disclosed that he and Studds had had a sexual relationship a decade earlier when the man was a teenage congressional page.

The House of Representatives censured Studds, who then went home to face his constituents in a series of public meetings.

At the time, Studds called the relationship with the teenage page, which included a trip to Europe, "a very serious error in judgment." But he did not apologize and defended the relationship as a consensual relationship with a young adult. The former page later appeared publicly with Studds in support of him.

The scandal recently resurfaced when Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., resigned after exchanging sexually explicit instant messages with a page. Republicans accused Democrats of hypocrisy for savaging Foley while saying little about Studds at that time.

Hara said Studds was never ashamed of the relationship with the page.

"This young man knew what he was doing," Hara said. "He was at (Studds') side."

Studds told his colleagues in a speech on the floor of the House that everyone faces a daily challenge of balancing public and private lives.

"These challenges are made substantially more complex when one is, as am I, both an elected public official and gay," Studds said at the time.

In Congress, Studds was an outspoken advocate for the fishing industry and was hailed by his constituents for his work establishing a limit for foreign fishing vessels 200 miles from the coast. After leaving Congress, he became a lobbyist for the fishing industry and environmental causes.

"His work on behalf of our fishing industry and the protection of our waters has guided the fishing industry into the future and ensured that generations to come will have the opportunity to love and learn from the sea," Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said in a statement. "He was a steward of the oceans."

In 1996, Congress named the 842-square-mile Gerry E. Studds Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary after him in recognition of his work protecting the marine environment.

In addition to Hara, Studds is survived by a brother, a sister and four nephews.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 04:52 pm
Cjhsa- I must warn you. I do agree with your posts but you cannot and must not cross swords with Joe from Chicago. He is one of the most brilliant and successful lawyers in Chicago who regularly comments on these threads, along with the finest female legal mind in the United States, Debra L A W, on Constitutional Law. Despite the fact that, as an attorney making over $300,000 a year, and thereby having to put in long hours, Joe From Chicago is so brilliant and can dispose of his complex cases so quickly that he can spend hours on this venue.
I have heard that Joe from Chicago made his fortune in the halls of Traffic Court bargaining with gangbangers but I do not for a moment believe it.

But don't waste your time with Joe from Chicago, cjhsa. If and when you post evidence or a fact that incontroversibly shows his argument is bovine excrement, he will leave the courtroom.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 06:11 pm
Marion T, sounds like some jealousy in your voice. Conservatives all have a laissez faire attitude and dont begrudge fortunes made by others., just so they dont have to give up any of their own.

Computers are always with us. Posting from a coffeeshop or (a lab) or an office is fun and a diversion. Are you only able to walk or chew gum but not both?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 06:19 pm

The pederast's back and there's gonna be a party.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 06:31 pm
You don't understand, Farmerman. I am taunting Joe from Chicago. I do enjoy taking him apart since he is usually way off the beam. He has, because he fears debating me(?) taken to hiding. I will therefore continue to prod him with my insights. I do know more about Joe from Chicago than he knows and will continue to show how he is a fraud!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 06:35 pm
MarionT wrote:
You don't understand, Farmerman. I am taunting Joe from Chicago. I do enjoy taking him apart since he is usually way off the beam. He has, because he fears debating me(?) taken to hiding. I will therefore continue to prod him with my insights. I do know more about Joe from Chicago than he knows and will continue to show how he is a fraud![/quote
The only reason to avoid debade with Possum is the difficulty in finding a low enough vocabulary so that he might comprehend. This is a common problem with non-carbon based life forms.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 06:44 pm
Oh, I assure you, Dyslexic, I am not dyslexic.
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Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 06:45 pm
MarionT wrote:
Oh, I assure you, Dyslexic, I am not dyslexic.

Quite rightly I am sure, the question however is "are you human?'
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 06:49 pm
Oh, I assure you, Dyslexic, I am not dyslexic. Furthermore, if that is really a picture of you, I am puzzled as to why the Board of Health has not been called in. I really don't know why anyone would be proud to look like an alcoholic demented derelict.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 06:52 pm
MarionT wrote:
Oh, I assure you, Dyslexic, I am not dyslexic. Furthermore, if that is really a picture of you, I am puzzled as to why the Board of Health has not been called in. I really don't know why anyone would be proud to look like an alcoholic demented derelict.

It's just a cross I must bear in being an honest human being, it's unfortunate you can't do the same.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 06:53 pm
Hey Dys - I can't answer PMs. But I assure you, I know that this is just one individual, and I don't think him to be representative of anything but his drooling self.
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Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 07:04 pm
snood wrote:
Hey Dys - I can't answer PMs. But I assure you, I know that this is just one individual, and I don't think him to be representative of anything but his drooling self.

That really is a relief in my mind snood.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 07:20 pm
Consider this piece by Michelle Cottle in TNR an answer to some of Timberlandko's posts earlier in this thread:

Was the Foley scandal an October Surprise?
Trick or Treat

by Michelle Cottle
TNR Online

[..] the House Republican conference [..] -- in its frenzy to avoid being relabeled the Who's-Your-Daddy Party -- first rushed to blame each other for this unpleasantness before settling on the more comfortable course of blaming Democrats. A profile in grace under fire, Speaker Dennis Hastert floated the most elaborate conspiracy theory, in which not only the much-maligned liberal media but also Bill Clinton and George Soros had orchestrated this sordid October Surprise. [..] But Denny was hardly alone in his finger-pointing, with rank-and-file Republicans taking to the airwaves to recast the Foley Follies as a political dirty trick. As Representative Jack Kingston ominously mused on "Fox News Sunday": "Are we saying that a 15-year-old child would've sat on e-mails that were triple-X-rated for three years and suddenly spring them right on the eve of an election? That's just a little bit too suspicious, even for Washington, D.C." Translation: Yeah, we let a sexual predator run amok. But the Dems might have known something too--so how dare they blow the whistle on us with an election looming.

What insight! What clarity! What political acumen! Thank God these guys haven't let their years in power warp their sense of perspective.

Don't misunderstand, I'm perfectly willing to believe that Dems played a role in Foley's downfall. The Washington Post, in fact, has reported that at least one Democratic operative was pitching a handful of Foley's milder emails back in May (which, it must be noted, was well before the election season and so utterly undercuts Republicans' they-sat-on-this-until-it-would-really-hurt-us theory). And it doesn't take a jaded political analyst to suspect that any such effort by Dems was at least as much about trouncing their opponents as about protecting pages. To which my only response is: Let's hear it for political savagery!

Seriously. As much energy as members of Congress invest in covering their asses and protecting their own, partisan politics may be our last best hope for ever finding out anything going on in Washington, from sexual predation on the Hill to the bungling of our national security. [..]

Let us not forget that, a mere heartbeat before the Foley news broke, the White House was peddling the political-trickery excuse in regards to leaks from the National Intelligence Estimate. Desperate to draw attention away from the report's conclusion that the administration's little Iraq odyssey has in fact made America less safe from terrorism, President Bush's immediate reaction was to huff and puff about how someone had leaked the info for political purposes.

Yeah. OK. Probably. And that changes the content of the leak how? The notion that most whistle blowers in any field act out of some selfless sense of the common good is absurd. As often as not, people only screw up the nerve to screw their bosses after they have been personally wronged in some way (like fired tobacco-company whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand, on whom the movie The Insider was based). But even self-serving motives can lead to important revelations. Teddy Kennedy could have typed tidbits from the NIE into The New York Times's computer system himself and that would in no way alter the findings that the Bushies to have bungled this nation's foreign policy so badly that it will take countless years and multiple acts of God to repair the damage. Considering the gravity of the subject, I don't give a flying fig if the leaker acted in an attempt to somehow exact revenge on an old boyfriend. I'm just glad somebody finally managed to sneak a few facts to the American public.

[..] Apparently, Republicans have spent so much time ginning up faux scandals (Think: "swiftboat") that they can no longer grasp the concept of a real one. [..] But Republicans' confusion notwithstanding, there is a difference between a dirty trick and a genuine outrage. If, say, Dems had chosen this month to out a (non-pedophiliac) Republican with an eye toward upsetting a party that has replaced race-baiting with gay-baiting as the favorite way to stoke its base, that would have been a dirty trick. Instead, we're talking about exposing a Congressman who not only had online sex with an underage page while he was supposed to be voting on an Iraq war bill, but also got likkered up one night and tried to storm a page's dorm room. Worse still, we're talking about a House leadership that was, at best, so incompetent or, at worst, so obsessed with clinging to power that it ignored years of "red flags" about Foley's icky proclivities.

Exposing such malfeasance may well have been a political maneuver, but it was also a public service.
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Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 01:20 am
That post isn't worth a damn compared to this one, Nimh. If you werent sequestered in that Socialist Hell hole called Hungary, you would know of the hypocracy and bias of the US media which is almost totally left wing oriented. Because you are a dishonest left wing partisan, you will not acknowledge the blatant partisanship involved in the article below. But the American people, who do not accept gays so lovingly as the corrupt Hungarian perverts do, know and are aware of the hypocrisy:

Gerry Studds, first open gay in House, dies
October 15, 2006

From combined dispatches
BOSTON -- Former Rep. Gerry Studds, a Massachusetts Democrat who was censured in 1983 for having a sexual relationship with a male 17-year-old congressional intern, died yesterday at Boston Medical Center, an official said. He was 69.
Mr. Studds died several days after he collapsed while walking his dog, his partner said. Doctors determined his loss of consciousness was caused by a blood clot in his lung, Dean Hara said.
Mr. Studds regained consciousness and seemed to be improving, but his condition deteriorated Friday because of a second blood clot. The origin of the second clot has not yet been determined, said Mr. Hara, who "married" Mr. Studds soon after same-sex unions were legalized by court edict in Massachusetts in 2004.
Mr. Hara said the former congressman gave courage to homosexuals by winning re-election after publicly acknowledging his sexual preference.
"He gave people of his generation, of my generation, of future generations, the courage to do whatever they wanted to do," said Mr. Hara, 49.
Mr. Studds was first elected in 1972 and served for 12 congressional terms. He retired from Congress in 1997.
Early in his career, Mr. Studds was known for opposing the Vietnam War and military intervention in Central America. Mr. Studds later became an advocate for a stronger federal response to the AIDS crisis and was among the first members of Congress to endorse lifting the ban on homosexuals serving in the military.
In 1983, Mr. Studds acknowledged his homosexuality after a 27-year-old man disclosed that he and the congressman had had a sexual relationship a decade earlier when the man was a teenage congressional page.
The House censured Mr. Studds, who then went home to face his constituents in a series of public meetings. At the time, Mr. Studds called the relationship with the page, which included a trip to Europe, "a very serious error in judgment," but he did not apologize and defended the relationship as a consensual relationship with a young adult. The former page later appeared publicly with Mr. Studds in support of him.
The scandal recently resurfaced when Rep. Mark Foley, Florida Republican, resigned after exchanging sexually explicit instant messages with a former teenage male page. Republicans accused Democrats of hypocrisy for savaging Mr. Foley while saying little about Mr. Studds at that time.
In Congress, Mr. Studds, an outspoken advocate for the fishing industry, was hailed by his constituents for his work to establish a limit for foreign fishing vessels 200 miles from the coast. After leaving Congress, he became a lobbyist for the fishing industry and environmental causes.


0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 10:49 am
What's this latest piece of info about Foley entertaining a priest, both of them naked, in a sauna?

(Heard on CBS radio)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Oct, 2006 11:01 am
Other way around; remember Foley's explanation that he was 'abused' by a priest? More is coming out about it.

In other news, I hear that an Illinois Republican's campaign is going to go all topsy-turvy either today or tommorrow. We'll see how it plays out.

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