Advocate wrote:MM, that is interesting. Thus, Hastert may be a total sleazeball, not serving his constituents well, covering up for pedophiles, ripping off the taxpayer, etc., he should not be hounded out of office if he is not convicted. That is a perverted view.
There is a big difference between Hastert and Reid. Hastert used his office to essentially steal millions. Reid did not use his office.
so,are you saying that Reid DID steal millions,but not thru his office?
You are applying a double standard,or is it only if done thru his office that matters?
I don't see any evidence that Reid stole anything. He held the appreciated land for many years and then transferred it to a LLC. When the land was sold, he reported it as though he personally still owned the land. Where is the stealing?
I assume you know the details of Hastert's land deal.
Advocate wrote:I don't see any evidence that Reid stole anything. He held the appreciated land for many years and then transferred it to a LLC. When the land was sold, he reported it as though he personally still owned the land. Where is the stealing?
I assume you know the details of Hastert's land deal.
I dont know that he stole anything.
You implied that he did,with these words...
Quote:Hastert used his office to essentially steal millions. Reid did not use his office.
If you didnt mean to imply that Reid didnt steal anything,you need to use a better turn of phrase.
What millions did Hastert steal,and do you have evidence to back up that claim?
Reid stole millions, he should change party affiliation to republician.
Hastert bought some land, located in the middle of nowhere, a few years ago. He then tacked on a provision for a federal highway in a pork bill, with the highway conveniently passing close to his land. When the bill passed, a foregone conclusion with this congress, the value of his land immediately soared.
Reid may be a sleaze, but I haven't heard about it. But even if this is true, Hastert is still a thief.
Can I believe my eyes? Dyslexia and BBB, are you serious? If so, please educate your Democratic or liberal friends concerning what Reid did, like Cyclops, Parados, Advocate, Blueflame, etc.
Now, concerning Hastert, he sold his property at a nice profit, but it appears to me that whether he committed something of an insider trading type deal for profit really boils down to one question. That is, did the highway voted by Congress, and which he supported, demonstrably cause more increased value of his land? The highway is 3 to 5 miles away from his land, and he and his supporters claim it had little or no effect. It seems to me that real estate people or appraisers in the area could answer this question once and for all. If it did not affect values, then Hastert is totally innocent. If it did materially increase values, then Hastert has some tough questions to answer.
okie, your bias is showing. If its a democrat it bad. If its a republican, its OK.
Okie, are you trying to trick us? Land that is a few miles from a major highway is worth more than land very close to it. As I said, the land suddenly soared in value when the law was enacted.
Advocate wrote:Okie, are you trying to trick us? Land that is a few miles from a major highway is worth more than land very close to it. As I said, the land suddenly soared in value when the law was enacted.
If there is evidence the highway had something to do with the land values, then Hastert has some explaining to do. I've lived in suburban environments, and 5 miles from a highway is a long ways. It may not have anything to do with it, I don't really know. As I said, there surely are some real estate experts or land appraisers in the area that would shed some light on it. Otherwise, how do you know? Land is appreciating significantly in lots of places, with or without highways.
If you can cite evidence instead of speculation, I would like to see it.
Quote:I've lived in suburban environments, and 5 miles from a highway is a long ways.
There are differing opinions as to actually how far the land is - Hastert says five, some say two, so lets' say 3.5 and call it even.
The question: at what point did the land value appreciate?
Not that any of this matters, as Hastert will be gone soon enough anyways. There have now been three seperate witnesses who have testified under oath that he is lying about how long he knew about Foley. He's toast.
Re: okie
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:okie, your bias is showing. If its a democrat it bad. If its a republican, its OK.
No, I'm just asking for evidence the highway caused the rise in value. If it did, then Hastert is guilty of something. So far, I haven't seen evidence.
In Reid's case, there is still much to know, but we do know I think that Reid bought land before (or was it shortly after) land trades were done with adjacent land, and Reid was involved in these. Reid also partnered with a friend that arm twisted zoning changes. Both the zoning change and the land trades, we know almost certainly greatly affected the value of Reid's land. The land trades involve a sort of insider trading or influence peddling to benefit himself. The zoning change probably could not have been done if it was you or I, but it was done because of the influence and power of Reid and his friend. This is also corrupt. We also do not know if the transactions of Reids land into the LLC was handled correctly with the IRS. We know it was not in terms of reporting it to Congress.
You see, Okie, I warned you, They lie and call you a hypocrite. They say that you are biased/
What did Foley do, Okie? We have no charge that he actually engaged in sexual activity with any pages much less underage ones but the left, always eager to throw mud, scream like monkies.
Now, I'll tell you what REAL HYPOCRISY is, Okie.
1. Studds Had to Die to Get NBC to Recall His Sex with a Teen Page
Gerry Studds had to die for NBC Nightly News to inform viewers of how the former Democratic Congressman had a sexual relationship with 17-year-old male congressional page, misconduct for which the House in 1983 censured him, but did not prompt Democratic House Speaker Tip O'Neill and other leaders to force his resignation -- nor raise calls for O'Neill's resignation. Despite the Democratic hypocrisy given their current calls for Speaker Hastert's resignation and investigations of who knew what and when about Mark Foley, Saturday night -- two weeks into the media-fueled scandal -- was the first time, according to Nexis, any NBC News program mentioned Studds' name. Anchor John Seigenthaler, who called Studds "Gary," relayed how "from Massachusetts comes word of the death of former Democratic Congressman Gary Studds, the first openly gay Member of Congress." Seigenthaler then gave the gentlest of descriptions as he avoided the word "sexual" in his one sentence on the matter: "In 1983 the House of Representatives censured Studds for his relationship with a teenage page."
THAT IS HYPCRASY, OKIE , BUT BUMBLE BEE BOOGIE WILL NEVER ADMIT IT. And that is why you cannot make deals with the devil,Okie./ They will never admit it!
Correct, but I am still not absolutely sure of Hastert myself. I must leave the door open for the possibility that someone might have evidence or proof that the highway did increase Hastert's land significantly, and if his timing was such that it took advantage of that, I would hold him accountable. Hastert appears to be a decent guy. His personality strikes me as probably honest, whereas Reid strikes me as a squirrelly guy from the gitgo and he simply does not strike me as credible, thus he is a prime suspect when evidence comes forth in my mind. Yet, MarionT, you must admit that any politician can stray when they are put into a position of power, so Hastert is innocent until evidence proves otherwise, but I would not rule it out completely.
One thing that bugs me about Hastert is that he simply is not good at forwarding the conservative agenda. We need somebody better in there. But that isn't the same as dishonesty. The Foley thing is an absolute fiasco in my opinion, and Hastert should bear no responsibility in that mess. He isn't the police. If there was a crime, whoever reports it should go to the police.
Oh ,bullsh*t, Okie. Do you want me to list all of the scandals that the Democrats have never noticed? What did Foley do?
What did Studds do? Why wasn't O"Neil asked to resign?
Why is Barney Frank still a member of the House of Representatives when his live in brought his partners into Barney's house and turned it into a male whore house?
Why did Sandy Berger get off with a slap on the wrist when he STOLE CRITICAL PAPERS FROM THE SECURITY FILES. You know, of course, Okie, that those files were evidence that the Clinton approach to terrorism was judged to be completely inadequate.
Why was Clinton not convicted-Perjury--Contempt of Court--
Why was Clinton not charged with the rape of Juanita Broadderick?
Why did Hillary Clinton clear out the files from her lover, Vince Foster's office after his suicide?(IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW)
Why was Hillary allowed to go scot free after she extorted monies from the Tyson Chicken Company( disguised as winning cattle futures)
Why was Kennedy allowed to get away with lying to the American People about a most important showdown--the eye to eye contest with Nikita K.about Cuba?
Why was Kennedy allowed to be a shameless whore monger when he was president?
This is just a beginning, Okie.
I realize all of that. I've said many times on this forum in various places that the Demcrats couldn't care less about corruption. If they did, Clinton would never have been known outside of Arkansas. He has to be one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on the American people and they know it.
However, my first job is to be totally unbiased in my opinions and if a Republican strays, I will hold them accountable. Ethics and honesty must trump politics. We all know that with Democrats, politics trumps everything.
Sure, you hold them accountable and the left wing does not hold their people accountable and because of your fairness and balance, the USA is not only heading for a massive recession because of your accountablity which helped them go into office, a city on the East Coast has gone up in a mushroom cloud from a bomb planted among the packing cases by the Al Quada after the Pelosi cut of funds for border and coast security.
THAT'S A MISTAKE, OKIE! You lower your sword as a good Christian Knight would do and the Moslem Bastards cut your throat!
They can cut the throat of my body, but not my soul. Be sure of one thing. Right will ultimately win.
okie wrote: Right will ultimately win.
It's sure taking a long time!