okie wrote:kuvasz wrote:dyslexia wrote:okie wrote:Hey, I thought personal lives were personal and should not matter? I agree he should be thrown out, but I am surprised at you libs getting all stirred up here about somebody's personal life???? I am really confused about you people now. I don't know where you stand on this issue. Please explain.
let it sufice to say that you are confused.
now now, we all know okie's hidden agenda, he fully supports 52 year old men having anal intercourse with underage boys. in fact it might well be one of his own hobbies, otherwise why would he defend as merely "personal" the actions of Foley?
its not that you're dumb, okie; that too, its that you are a gross hypocrite
Who said I supported anything? Those are your words in an attempt to miss the obvious point of my post. I said he should be thrown out, just like I thought a president should be thrown out for cavorting with an intern less than half his age in the White House instead of working, and for having credible accusations of rape by multiple women brought against him. I am totally consistent. I think Foley should be thrown out on his ear, and should have been long ago if something about this was known. I simply reminded you people of YOUR HYPOCRISY, and you don't like it.
The only obvious point in your post was your blatant excuse for a GOP pedophile, calling it a "personal" matter, unworthy of public reprobation, and one for whom you would not have defended in such a manner had the man been a democrat. That was the typical knee-jerk reaction one has come to expect from a right wing mouth-breather such as yourself.
That the GOP House leadership knew of this affair for nearly one year and did nothing to stop such predatory behavior from one of their own because of the potential political fall-out from it to the GOP shows that they placed party above decency and morality. That is the hypocrisy, especially when they cram their brand of morality down the throats of the American people.
If you miss the fact that Bill Clinton had never been prosecuted for rape and admits only to consentual sex with an adult while Foley was hitting on a 16 year old boy, then your remarks show you uncapable of the discernment normal adults exhibit.
What I don't like is continually having to point out your own very deep and shocking inability to think clearly in such matters. That I must do so whenever I log on to A2K proves my point about your underdeveloped mental capabilities.
I don't really care how stupid you are, really, I don't. I am used to it by now. But you shouldn't be so proud of it and raise what normal folk consider an unfortunate congenital flaw to a personal virtue.
I just hope to Christ you haven't bred and have foisted upon us all more people like youself. The world's in a big enough mess as it is without having more dead weight to carry.