This has been a really fun thread to read.
Some people want to hold an awards ceremony. If there was ever a better chance to have a boring time, I can't think of one.*
People in suits handing plaques to other people in suits.
Yet it must be somehow dangerous to the Republic for these people to honor two who fought for the rights of others at the Justice Department.
I think the most telling part of the link provided was that there was a policy, but
that it had never been committed to writing. Amazing, in Washington, not committed to writing, a policy transferred, one supposes, in the great tradition of the oral historians and poets, but not the
scribes, they write stuff down. Uh. Yeah. Whatever. Instead of changing the name of the awards ceremony, they should consider changing the name of the Justice Department. (Did someone already say that?)
So the fun was reading all about the stuff gay people do at parades which I have to tell you as a former technical news director is more like this: two thousand six hundred people walk by chanting and carrying signs, (no camera shot), three hundred people walk by waving at the crowd, (wide shot), one guy in a tutu and green eye shadow (close up, mid-shot, close-up of tutu to walk out of frame), twenty seven old gay men holding hands walk by (shot, but not used.) three lesbians in tee-shirts cutout so their breasts show.(mid shot with flittering masking to hide the nasty bits.) three thousand people walk by chanting and waving(long, wide shot). Total time of parade, four and half hours, total time shot, five minutes, eight seconds, total used 31 seconds.
*Wait, being taken at age nine to your aunt's house in August dressed up in your best clothes to celebrate her retirement from the factory and being the only kid there amongst forty fat adults all of whom ask you the same questions "What grade are you in?", "What grade will you be in next month?" and "Where's your mother?"