Phoenix32890 wrote:steissd- I hear what you are saying, and in a perfect world, you would be absolutely right. But this is not a perfect world, and gay people in the US have had a rough time of it.
I think Steissd is full of soup on this.
I too am straight -- but I sure as hell can see why the gay community would want to have a "pride" event -- and I think Steissd's remarks are the kind of unfeeling blather some people think passes for sophistication.
His remarks remind me of a TV piece I once saw John Stossel do on bald men. He had the audacity to stand there with his full head of hair and snicker SNICKER at bald or balding guys who go to extraordinary lengths to grow their hair back. (I have a full head of hair, if you're wondering.)
Steissd's comparison to Nazi this-or-that was another bit of over-reaching.
"...the group could not hold the event because Gay Pride Month, which is June, has not been recognized with a formal proclamation from President Bush."
My Guess: There is a better chance of Dubya recognizing Stupid President's Month with a formal proclamation.