What causes racial hatred: racists or racial friction?

Sun 1 Jun, 2003 11:48 am
Monger: A few months ago I found the article at the top of google news, but I'm not able to locate it anymore.

I understand. We read so much that we can't be expected to keep sources. I would have enjoyed reading that article, though. Thanks anyway.

Monger: What was happening was that the few non-whites living in & visiting the areas had a much greater proportional risk of danger than they would in other multi-racial areas.

I understand the point. And there are "cosmopolitan" areas in Western countries. These are the areas that suffer most from racial hatred, but they do have a significant number of people who are multi-culturalist. You could say the same about America. You have the most racial hatred in areas that are the most multi-cultural, but "proportionally" there is greater danger for blacks in Idaho, much like the same "proportional" danger exists for whites in Watts.

But let me ask you, Monger. Where would you personally experience the most racial hatred, in Boise Idaho, or Watts?

This brings us back to the importance of balance that we want to maintain between the benefits of multi-culturalism, (varieties of restaurants, etc), and the degree of racial hatred we can tolerate.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 1 Jun, 2003 01:36 pm
I'd like to see the day when Japan allows large numbers of Arabs and Africans to move into their country. My answer? Nevah happen. For the primary reason, they're already over-crowded. c.i.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 02:23 pm
I find this thread very strange but continue to return to it, so I must have something to say. We have had horrible racial strife, tensions, hatred in this country. But, it was pointed out to us, in a rather peaceful manner, in the 1960s. We have for the past 40 years worked on, improved, eventually even practically eliminated, this racial strife.

But, it will never end as people have been immigrating here forever and now from even countries most of us have never visited. I watch them marching on TV (FreeSpeech somethingorother channel) and it appears a little scarey but I'm sure we'll overcome their "hatred" and their kids will be Americans as you'd have to guess this is what they now demand.

I don't truly relate with the Cherokee Indian girl my Irish/Welsh great-great grandfather married. Both the Irish & Cherokee people suffered from racial hatred. Now, most Americans are part Irish, and the "Native American" making it at long last.

Well, what the heck, I don't really have much to say. Maybe to ask...what? what? what? It's like: Our ancestors arrived here from afar to escape racial tension, only to become "Americans" now pointing fingers at others coming here to escape racial hatreds.

JosephMorgan, have you received any acceptable answers at all?
Guess I can say we cannot live in the past with all those horrors.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 02:43 pm
Setanta - some rape is indeed racially motivated. Rape during war is a crime of violence, motivated by the hatred of a particular race and a desire to degrade and defile it, far greater than the sexual element.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 02:48 pm
Rae and Craven - YES. My city is multicultural and groups coexist pretty well. Very few people here do not have friends, neighbours and colleagues of other cultures.

If there is only one race then the predjudice will be about religion (Ireland?)- only one religion?? then it would be hair colour or something else.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 1 Jun, 2003 03:01 pm
We live in Sunnyvale, California, with a population of approximately 130,000, made up of many different cultures and races. The crime rate here is almost non-existent. The San Jose Mercury News has a Police Blotter report every day, and our city is rarely mention, although places like Palo Alto, Los Altos, and Saratoga are. For those of you not familiar with the three towns mentioned, their home prices are some of the most expensive in Silicon Valley. c.i.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 03:36 pm
Can you see why I fear racial hatred?
Tex Star: We have for the past 40 years worked on, improved, eventually even practically eliminated, this racial strife.

I would like to think that things have improved, but judging by the FBI statistics on hate crimes I don't know if I agree with this. Obviously, in the South there are no longer the overt vestiges of racial hatred, but is there less hate in the South? Why did John Rocker receive ovations in Atalanta by most of the white fans? Why do blacks still say that America has not changed in its racist nature, but that it is now more covert? Why are whites still afraid to go into places like Watts and Harlem at night? Why do black rap artists still sing songs about murdering white people? Why does La Raza talk about breaking off the American Southwest to create an Hispanic country? Why do we have a dramatic rise in the level of white hate group membership?

An Hispanic friend who use to be a racist and a member of La Raza gave me these quotes last saturday:

Charles Truxillo, professor, University of New Mexico: "Republica del Norte," the Republic of the North, which would include the present U.S. states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, plus southern Colorado, along with several current Mexican states, is "an inevitability." The new "Hispanic homeland" should be brought into being "by any means necessary."

Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington; founder of La Raza Unida political party; and beneficiary of American generosity: "We have an aging white America. . . . They are dying. . . . They are shi*tting in their pants with fear! I love it!" "We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets: "Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future! You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. . . . Through love of having children, we are going to take over."

David Lopez, sociologist, California State University, Northridge: "In 1848, Mexico lost the war, but in 2050, Mexico will have reclaimed what was rightfully theirs."

My own belief is that the level of racial hatred in America does not exceed our benefits from multi-culturalism, but how much hatred will it take to outweigh this?
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 04:22 pm
JosephMorgan, what you just said I do know about. It is not surprising and it probably will happen. Does it surprise you that I say that? Possibly, by the time all of the above happens the hatreds will not be as strong. Mexican people are well liked people, actually. My son just married a Mexican girl, from Hermasillo.
Something MUST improve for the Mexican people and it's not as though it will come like a bolt of lightening. What amazes me is they, as they arrive here, are gentle natured, hard working people.

I agree. Some of these old white people are just wearing out. But, that is only because they are bigots. Negativity can't really survive.
I do recall reading one of those futuristic books during the 70s where one prediction was that TX would be split into 3 states.

I don't know about the old white people, JM, but TX is very confusing right now. Mostly, you see people from all over the world, then there are pockets of old Texans hanging onto their 500+ acre ranches even with no cows.

BTW, I spent my entire adult life in northern states, New England, Ohio, Michigan. I am a stranger in a strange land.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 1 Jun, 2003 04:52 pm
Tex-Star, But you seem to have acclimated very well to the Lone Star State. It speaks volumes, because your own child married a Mexican. Our family is also made up of many cultures and races, and this happened during my generation. Growing up as a child in Sacramento, California, I never thought this day would arrive. c.i.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 05:27 pm
Tex: JosephMorgan, what you just said I do know about. It is not surprising and it probably will happen

My hope is that it is done with the least amount of violence towards whites. Ethnic cleansing is like mob psychology. The white Rhodesians have been almost completely driven out of Zimbabwe, primarily using a tactic of mass rape and murder in the countryside against whites.

Obviously, this is the down side of multi-culturalism. Whether we are talking about the Palestinians cleansed by the Jews in Israel, the Jew cleansed from most parts of Russia and the Ukraine, the whites from Rhodesia, and most probably the whites from Astlan.

The question for us is, how do we intelligently come to an understanding of all this? Do we do it by pretending that multi-culturalism prevents no risk, or for those who truly want to make multi-culturalism work, is it neccessary to alow the truth to overpower dogma?
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 05:37 pm
The truth?

JosephMorgan ~ multi-culturalism is a FACT OF LIFE.

You use the word 'cleansed' without much shame.

'Pretending that multi-culturalism is no risk'??????

I'm done with this thread.

Go on and live in your dream-world ~ agendas and all.

I will hope that you'll spend some time helping the problem instead of causing more problems.
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Craven de Kere
Sun 1 Jun, 2003 05:47 pm

How long are you going to ignore the holes I poked in your logic and how long are you simply going to say "based on what I read I won't accpt the overwhelming evidence that contradicts what I say"?

Again, the existence of one thing in parallel with the existsence of another DOES NOT PROVE that one caused the other.

To make such a fantastic assertion you need to come up with better arguments. Evidence that is not patently false is another lofty ideal.

Anytime. I am waiting.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 06:02 pm
Rae: You use the word 'cleansed' without much shame.

I use it with fear.

This is why I am looking for balance. We all are looking for balance aren't we? But to find that balance we must first understand what we are balancing.

The world can be a very unforgiving place. Just ask the Jews ethnically cleansed from the Ukraine, or the Palestinians ethnically cleansed from Palestine, or the blacks who were persecuted by the KKK.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 06:05 pm
The fact that you used the word 'cleansed' is enough to turn me off.

Good-bye JosephMorgan.

Hope that you'll be able to present a clear argument one of these days. Until then, good luck with your nonsense.
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Craven de Kere
Sun 1 Jun, 2003 06:06 pm
Anytime joe...

Does oxygen cause murder? Oxegen has been present is the overwhelming majority of the mureders that ahve happened.

Should we stop thinking with a cult mentality and recognize the "truth" that oxygen is the cause of all violence?

Awaiting your peculiar brand of "wisdom".
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 06:09 pm
JosephMorgan- I have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about. You circumlocute, dodge when people ask you about what you have written, and make overgeneralized statements without any factual backup.

Would you mind giving me a Reader's Digest version of:

What is your thesis?
What do you think is wrong?
How do you propose to right that wrong?

If you are unable to do this, I must conclude that you are playing some sick, perverted game with me as well as other members, and will exit from this thread.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 06:50 pm
JosephMorgan, good grief, who are you saying could be "violent?" America sets examples. Mexicans are welcome by more people here than not. They are speaking out now and that has been a long time coming. Were you proud of your kids when they gained enough self-esteem to speak up, demand, you know, as in "I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking this s**t anymore." There's a group at U. of T. that insist Mexicans should take back all land that was once theirs but I have every faith they'll complete college and get a great job. Have some faith, stop being so serious. Nobody will "cleanse" Texas of whites. Hahahaha. Better to laugh than cry.

c.i., no, I haven't, really. I miss a certain intellectualism but maybe closer to Austin will suffice. The house is for sale.
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Mon 2 Jun, 2003 07:44 am
Craven: Anytime joe...

Does oxygen cause murder? oxygen has been present is the overwhelming majority of the murders that have happened.

I would replace "oxygen" with friction created by diversity. The less friction in a society, the more harmonious that society. Politics, race, religion, and sexual orientation can create friction.

All these areas create friction in societies. That's why I have used real-life examples to show this. Israel would still have problems with hatred caused by political and religious diversity, but would be dramatically less hateful if she were mono-racial. Israel is unbalanced, having too much racial diversity. The racial hatred outweighs what she benefits from from cultural diversity.

Iceland has hatred caused by political and religious differences, but would be dramatically MORE hateful if she became multi-racial.

Another example would be the Indians in the Americas. Their culture has be subjegated and is still subjugated, and suffers from an extreme overabundance of racial diversity. I know that it is politically incorrect to say this but Indians deserve at least one country where they can totally control their destiny and their culture, and to end the oppression from whites.

The question for us who value multi-cultural societies is how much hatred caused by the racial source of friction do we want to endure before the benefits of multi-culturalism are outweighed.
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Mon 2 Jun, 2003 08:09 am
Phoenix: What is your thesis?
What do you think is wrong?
How do you propose to right that wrong?

I've presented my thesis, that racial friction causes racial hatred, and that racial friction is caused by 2 or more races trying to share the same space. The second part of the thesis is that societies must decide when the benefits of multi-culturalism are outweighed by the racial hatred generated. For example, Israel suffers from too much multi-culturalism and would be insane if she went out of her way to increase the amount of racial diversity there.

Iceland could make the case that she is not enjoying the benefits from multi-culturalism, (greater variety of restaurants, etc.), and might decide that increasing the racial diversity there would be wise. But knowing that this will increase the level of hatred is important for us, for Iceland. One must be able to make important decisions based upon truth instead of dogma in this area. When they start having to deal with racial hatred, they need to know that racists are the symptom and not the cause.

What is wrong:
Ignorance as to the cause of racial hatred, which leads to eronious conclusions and decisions.

How do I propose to right that wrong:

I'm doing that now in communicating an idea as objectively and honestly as I can.
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Walter Hinteler
Mon 2 Jun, 2003 08:18 am

Your reflection on "greater variety of restaurants" doesn't work at all: you find in Iceland as many different restaurants as in many other North European towns with such a population.
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