JosephMorgan wrote:Craven: Anytime joe...
Does oxygen cause murder? oxygen has been present is the overwhelming majority of the murders that have happened.
I would replace "oxygen" with friction created by diversity. The less friction in a society, the more harmonious that society. Politics, race, religion, and sexual orientation can create friction.
No duh.
The point made was that it's as stupid as claiming oxygen is a problem.
JosephMorgan wrote:That's why I have used real-life examples to show this.
Your "real life" examples have been repeatedly and soundly refuted. You simply choose to accuse others of cult mentality and declare your garbage truth.
Again, still waiting for you to:
A) tackle the assault on your fallacious logic of "if X exists where A is present, A causes X"
That is some of the most stupid lines of thinking I have heard and I have asked you to defend it many times.
For the sake of entertainment here is more "Joe logic":
Domestic disputes only happen when people exist, therefore a society with no people is needed.
Drugs are taken only by people who are alive, we must kill all people to rid ourselves of drugs...
I can go on forever, and wil, for as long as you ignore the holes in your logic. Why? Because this kind of logic is VERY fun to poke holes in and I get to make up many analogies as stupid as the original theory. :-)
B) Come up with examples that are not shot down, dragged around, skinned and sent to a taxidermist.
Every example you have given has had huge flaws illustrated.
Stop harping on the ones that don't work.
Trying to teach me about Brazil is gonna come across as funny.
Trying to teach Monger about Japan will come across as funny......
Anytime Joe..
And please try something harder to pick apart than:
"For example in Isreal"
"For example in Iceland.."
That sounds like a broken record and as an argument it started out broken.