Since you insist on using these examples twice:
JosephMorgan wrote:-- multi-cultural, multi-racial Israel boils over with hatred.
-- mono-racial Iceland does not suffer from race related murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, job discrimination, and housing discrimination.
I've come to the conclusion that the answers here are self-evident.
Albania is practically mono-racial. Had a civil war in 97, crime and violence is rampant. Malaysia is multicultural, multi-racial. Low crime rate, low violence.
Example - counter-example. Nothing much self-evident there.
And to just pick up on one more fallacy, allow me this piss-take
(with apologies to Craven, who wrote much more interesting things in re: of a question of mine on another thread, which I still have to read through again and answer):
JosephMorgan wrote:Racial hatred, by definition, cannot exist in a mono-racial community. How many women are raped for racially motivated reasons in a community that is 100% oriental or white?
Sex crime cannot exist in a mono-gender community. How many men or women are raped or murdered for sexist reasons in a community that is 100% men or women?
I've come to the conclusion that the answer there is self-evident. If I am for mono-gender communities it is not because I am sexist but because I am for gender tolerance.
<shakes head>