Your constant harping on "unteaching" racism, of course, posits that racism is a natural human state. You've not demonstrated this to be case, nor even attempted to do so.
Like a rock . . .
I also suspect he hasn't read the article I posted....
Racism is tribalism. Therefore, tribalism is racism. What happens when they're all the same 'race?' c.i.
Interesting how everyone shouted that racism is learned, or that it comes from ignorance, etc., but then when you ask for examples for multi-racial countries where racism was never taught or was untaught there is silence.
Tribalism can be based upon race, politics, sexual preference, religion, etc. In times of extreme resource competition, as we have had for most of human evolution, you would have competition between competing groups within the same race.
This comes back to the idea that we trust and empathize most with those most like us. When you have societies that are subsistance living, one narrows down the definition of tribe to the smallest grouping possible.
Racism has now become tribalism. How do we get rid of tribalism? c.i.
The last time, c.i., it took the allies nearly 6 years until the prominent advocate of such an idea committed suicide and WWII ended.
Walter, Now there's an idea....... c.i.
Walter Hinteler wrote:The last time, c.i., it took the allies nearly 6 years until the prominent advocate of such an idea committed suicide and WWII ended.
Ok boys... that's a little extreme. Hey - I know, lets ask GWB and his friends!
GreenEyes, And you don't think your idea is an extreme? LOL c.i.
um, thinking he would misunderestimate the question. I heard he and Rush went to different schools together.
JM, I think the US has untaught racism. It's just that it's an ongoing thing. As more and different races continue to move here the "unteaching" goes on. Currently, it's Arabs that are being picked out of the crowd. Notice: We are all being educated constantly NOT TO feel prejudiced against Arabs and the Muslim religion. Isn't that so?
JM, you have an obsession. Why not just say "This, too, will pass."
Tex-Star wrote:JM, I think the US has untaught racism.
No, there is still racial hatred in the US. Is the racial hatred increasing or decreasing? Is La Raza's rhetoric about Aztlan and ethnic cleansing a sign of racial hatred decreasing in America?
Yes, racial hatred is decreasing. And yes there is still racial hatred in the US. Just as there is still racial hatred in Iceland.
I entertain no illustions that you will get it but we will always have fools among us and we will always have racial hatred. Even if we try your dumb segregation idea.
JM, Do you have first hand information about LaRaza, and how many people actually support such "crazy/stupid" ideas? How many Hispanics have you personally talked to? One, ten, a hundred? Probably, not even one - is my guess. When you come back and tell us you spoke to over 50 percent of the Hispanics in this country to confirm what you've been trying to tell us on this forum, I may then believe in your thesis. But you know what? I know that'll never happen. c.i.
We all live in different sectors of this country, I presume. Some of us have lived in several, thanks to our jobs and professions and/or great age! There are parts of the country -- social and professional areas -- where racism has all but disappeared. That is my experience of the art world in major urban areas. The closer the art world gets to the world of entertainment, the more racism one finds (more racism in Hollywood, say, than in Soho galleries) -- that is, the closer the world of art gets to the American public, the more racism one finds. For what it's worth...
cicerone imposter wrote: How many Hispanics have you personally talked to? One, ten, a hundred? ... But you know what? I know that'll never happen.
The one friend that use to be active in La Raza is my only connection to the group. But when you have the leadership talking this way, I think that signifies the depth of the problem.
When you say you know it will never happen, then why is ethnic cleansing so common in human history? Over the last 100 years, how many cases of ethnic cleansing have occured?
JM, You must learn some lessons in LOGIC. A + B doesn't always necessarily result in C. c.i.
One guy said he was god. Yeah, sure. c.i.
<thump thump thump>
heart re-started
<thump thump thump>
Well, I agree with you Tartarin....if you are referring to Jim Carrey, I saw The Majestic....he should have stuck to talking out of his ass....Now...George Clooney may have pulled that role off better...