Tartarin, as part of her previous post, wrote:
"...There are parts of the country -- social and professional areas -- where racism has all but disappeared. That is my experience of the art world in major urban areas..."
That was also my experience until some African-American friends in San Francisco disabused me of that misperception. I was told that sometimes they felt an undercurrent, apparently beneath our radar, of racism just below the surface of a lot of 'friendly', read politically correct, people and that they were quite uncomfortable with it. One person shared that he even thinks, although he never really would, of returning to a more backward area just to have the hatred straight out rather than feeling that he had to spend time just wading through what he perceived as a lot of insincere crap that left him wondering... I can understand that, but I find it very disheartening. Unfortunately, that has become my experience of life in one of the most progressive cities in the country