What causes racial hatred: racists or racial friction?

Thu 5 Jun, 2003 09:43 am
Okay JM, you just hung (or is it hanged) yourself with that comment...there are many nations currently attempting to "unteach" racism....most of us live in them. Is it still a problem? Of course it is. Is anyone doing anything about it? Hell ya. Will it take more time than you are comfortable with? Absolutely. Deal with it.
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 09:47 am
Does no one else here appreciate the irony that nitorgen comprises the majority of our atmosphere, and that violence has been endemic in the human race for untolled millenia?

We need to stop nitrogen now--my solution, as the project of eliminating nitrogen from the atmosphere would be prohibitively expensive, is to immediately remove the human race from the atmosphere.
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 09:47 am
I live in the city of NY where every race, religion, and ethnicity known to man live side by side. Believe it or not we are not killing each other. In fact you will probably find less racism here than you will in a homogeneous town anywhere in the nation. Familiarity does not breed contempt it breeds understanding and tolerance.
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 09:50 am
Auugh! Too...much...nitrogen....must...kill....negro....

I always knew that Superman was a Nazi....kryptonite, nitrogen, they have 'nite' in common....
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 09:52 am
Quick, the antidote . . . nitrous oxide . . .

hee . . .

Uh, thanks, that's enough nitrous oxide . . .
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 09:54 am
Just thought I would chime in as obviously this thread isn't going away...

Nowhere in the world is racism as prevalent as it is in the US. In the rest of the world most of the fighting revolves around religion (as in the middle east), class (as in the Indian subcontinent) and tribalism (as in Africa). You don't see people in Europe referring to members of the minority races in such slanderous ways as we do in the US. It has become a vicious circle here.

All we can do is try to stay open minded and teach our children to be the same.
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 09:56 am
au1929 wrote:
I live in the city of NY where every race, religion, and ethnicity known to man live side by side. Believe it or not we are not killing each other. In fact you will probably find less racism here than you will in a homogeneous town anywhere in the nation. Familiarity does not breed contempt it breeds understanding and tolerance.

Please. In my short visit to NYC this year, I had a Ukrainian cab driver do nothing but bitch about the pakistani cab drivers. And, I am sure the gangs are all multi-racial...they probably have quotas.
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 09:57 am
McGentrix, when was the last time you were in Europe?
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Walter Hinteler
Thu 5 Jun, 2003 10:01 am
cavfancier wrote:
McGentrix, when was the last time you were in Europe?

You mean, cav, we are referring to members of the minority "races" in slanderous ways ?
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 10:11 am
Everybody bitches, that is a natural phenomenon. What are 90%, and I am being generous, of the posts on a2k doing? This Ukrainian cab driver was no doubt a recent immigrant and brought his prejudices with him from that great sinkhole called the Ukraine. I should add that everyone has his or her prejudices that is human nature. It is acting out those prejudices is the problem.
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 10:21 am
Hmm, Walter, just challenging the claim there that America is more racist than Europe. I do not believe this is true. "Biques" in France, anti-semetic graffitti all over Austria....it's all the same. I think it is unfair to say that the US is the most racist country in the world. Also, I believe the gangs are, for the most part, mono-racial, with some rare exceptions.
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cicerone imposter
Thu 5 Jun, 2003 10:44 am
cav, I think you're right, but we're all guessing, arn't we? c.i.
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 10:52 am
cavfancier wrote:
McGentrix, when was the last time you were in Europe?

I lived there for nine years, but that was awhile ago. I'll be the first to admit I may not be up on my European culture as I could be, but what is the European equivalent to the KKK? I realize that the skinheads and hooligans do their part to further the European aspects of racism, but do you really feel that racism in Europe even approaches the levels that it does in the US?
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 01:25 pm
From what I have heard, the skinhead/neo-nazi movement in Europe is not only larger and more organized then what the media leads us to believe, they also have ties with the KKK. If America seems more racist than Europe, it is probably just because it is a larger place, and more incidents get reported. Interestingly, the leader of the KKK recently announced on radio that the group is in it's declining years, and is no longer active. It seems that the lynchings and what not have turned into backyard barbeques, the occasional cross burning (but only on their own property, can't do it on a stranger's anymore), and trading racist jokes. I can't actually remember the last time a Klan-related race crime hit the news, but I do recall quite a few neo-nazi related crimes in Europe being reported in the last couple of years.
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 01:33 pm
cavfancier wrote:
From what I have heard, the skinhead/neo-nazi movement in Europe is not only larger and more organized then what the media leads us to believe, they also have ties with the KKK. If America seems more racist than Europe, it is probably just because it is a larger place, and more incidents get reported. Interestingly, the leader of the KKK recently announced on radio that the group is in it's declining years, and is no longer active. It seems that the lynchings and what not have turned into backyard barbeques, the occasional cross burning (but only on their own property, can't do it on a stranger's anymore), and trading racist jokes. I can't actually remember the last time a Klan-related race crime hit the news, but I do recall quite a few neo-nazi related crimes in Europe being reported in the last couple of years.

Probably too many super-sized McDonalds meals! Surprised
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 01:36 pm
Me or the Klan, heh heh, because I never supersize....
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cicerone imposter
Thu 5 Jun, 2003 01:45 pm
cav, Those underground functions of the KKK are still harmful to their children, because they're being brain-washed from early in their innocent lives. They will continue the ignorance of the "superior race." c.i.
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Craven de Kere
Thu 5 Jun, 2003 01:48 pm
JosephMorgan wrote:
Craven, it took a lot of racial hatred to murder James Byrd of Jasper, Texas. That extreme degree of racial hatred does not exist in Iceland. Maybe most Icelanders are racist, but none feel the intense racial hatred that can only be generated in a multi-racial environment.

Violent racism is more common in the US than in other countries. Even countries with more diversity.

As to your determination that it can "only be generated in a multi-racial environment " that's patently false. In America's histiry times of less diversity were times with more racially motivated violence.

JosephMorgan wrote:
Distrust of those who are different is an instinct. Human beings are tribal in nature.

No duh. Lots of species are like that.

Let me tell you about two cats. One is very sweet and meek. The other is a bully and attacks her viciously. Both are scared of me. I have never done anything remotely unkind to the sweet cat yet tat cat prefers to run from me and join the mean cat under the bed.

Under the bed the cat get's her butt whooped and I wonder why she prefers that to me catching her and petting her. She tells me it's because she trusts her species more.

As dlowan said, it's not just race. It can be a disability (blindness), ugliness, religion, language, habits, stupidity....

The solution is not to "eliminate the source of the friction" as this is simply impossible. But through technology we are seeing contagion in culture. As the world gets smaller so do the differences.

Cultures are being imported and exported and this is leading to more tolerance and understanding.

Sure there are culture and race clashes but they work themselves out (unless there is another factor like land, as in your Israel example).

JosephMorgan wrote:

The answer is common sense. Tribalism is not taught; it is an instinct.

Humans are instinctually tribal. But there's nothing wrong with having a multi-cultural tribe and it is exactly this that we are moving toward.

As the world speeds up tribes get bigger.

JosephMorgan wrote:
Then give me even one multi-racial country in history that did not have racial hatred?

Show me ONE 100% mono-cultural nation.

Then show me ONE nation that has NO racial hatred.

Your demands are insane.

McGentrix wrote:

Nowhere in the world is racism as prevalent as it is in the US.

I agree but with a disclaimer. I'd change the word racism to agressive racism.

In other countries the descrimination exists but it ends up in violence less so than in the US (on the whole).

Caveat: certain transitive circumstanses cause some 3rd world nations to FAR exceed the US's numbers in racially motivated violence.
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 02:00 pm
c.i., I think you have just proven my earlier post, that racism is taught, not born.....thanks! Smile
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Thu 5 Jun, 2003 02:49 pm
CdK, I am sorry for delay in responding your posting, but this stems from the difference in time zones between California and Israel. By all means, I really enjoy discussing matters with you, even when we have very few common points on the issue, since you never resort to ad hominem even on the level of "subliminal suggestion".
CdK wrote:
The poll I refer to that showed well over 50% supporting transfer was at the height of the suicide bombings.

I think that if 10 bombings happen in the next 3 months Israeli support for a Palestinian state will wane and Israeli support for transfer will grow.

Completely agree. This is a normal emotional response of civilians being under fire. This proves that Palestinians should urgently decrease level of violence in order to gain popular support in Israel for their issues. By the way, not too much time has elapsed since the peak of the bombings mentioned, but the public opinion has already seriously changed; Israelis are being moved not by revenge ideas, but exclusively by security considerations. When the security threat decreases and real prospects of peaceful solutions are being provided by Mr. Bush, Israelis prefer pragmatic approach to this based on tribal honor idea. Israel is dominated by the people of European descent (there are Sepharadic Jews in the government, but majority of them share European mentality as a result of assimilation in the Israeli society), and therefore pragmatism is not alien to us. When the Arab media write about Mr. Sharon, they attribute to him features of their own mentality (unfortunately, some of the foreign media, especially in Europe, "buy" these statements uncritically); but Mr. Sharon is much more flexible than it is generally thought, and now success of peace process completely depends on Palestinians: if they continue terror attacks, popular support of establishment of their independent state in Israel will return to levels of March 2002, and Mr. Sharon will be necessitated to change his position for sake of mere political survival (I want to remind that he is a democratic leader, and not Saddam Hussein, hence he is dependent on the public opinion of his compatriots).
CdK wrote:
steissd wrote:
I would not say that direct participance of Israeli Arabs in terror is high (they tend rather to support efforts of Palestinians than to put at risk their own life and well-being), but the demographic threat is very sufficient. Just imagine 50+ million Arabs in the USA (20 percent of population) to realize the scale of the problem.

I think the danger you refer to is more in potential than reality. A lot of support that goes to terrorist activities was not given specifically for that purpose.

Contributions to Arab charities often wind up in the hands of extremists.

The problem is not so much imaginatory. Birth rate among the Arabs is almost twice as among Jews, and laws of mathematics work against Israel.
Arafat's metaphor
"The womb of the Arab woman," Arafat says smugly, promising ultimate victory over the Jews, "is my strongest weapon."
is far dangerously close to the reality. I must note that the Israeli Arabs tend to define themselves as Palestinians...
The same source ("Village Voice", quite a liberal edition far from being a clone of "Savage Nation") writes
The updated CIA 2002 factbooks on Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip suggest Arafat is not making an idle boast.

There are 6 million Israelis, the CIA says, 4.8 million of them Jews and 1.2 million Arabs. In the territories, there are 3.4 million Palestinians, 2.2 million on the West Bank and 1.2 million in Gaza.

Do the math. A total of 4.8 million Jews and 4.6 million Arabs live on this tiny sliver of embattled land.

Oh, you say, there are more Jews than Arabs. Well, honey, not for long.

For one thing, Israelis are old, and getting older. Only 27 percent of Israelis are below the age of 15, while 63 percent are between 15 and 64. Nearly 10 percent are 65 and older.

An astonishing 45 percent of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are below the age of 15, and 52 percent are between 15 and 64. A tiny 3.6 percent is over 65.

Israel's population growth rate is a mere 1.48 percent. The Palestinians enjoy a growth rate of about 3.5 percent.

But here's the clincher. The fertility rate is 2.54 children for a woman in Israel, 4.77 kids for our sisters in the West Bank, and 6.29 babies for our beleaguered cousins in the Gaza Strip.

Those figures make the hair stand up on the heads of many Israeli politicians and keep researchers busy calculating future population statistics.

Demographic experts groan over the population growth rates in both Israel and the territories, which they say are among the highest in the world. They estimate that the population will double here every 17 years

The above article deals with territories, but due to large percentage of the Arab citizens in Israel, this problem will not disappear when the Palestinian State emerges. The catastrophic consequences may occur much later, but they have real probability to occur if nothing is done. Proactivity that is not politically correct and even contradicts norms of the international law is the only possibility for Israeli nation to survive.
CdK wrote:
steissd wrote:
Establishment of the Palestinian state completely isolated from Israel and transfer of all the Israeli Arabs (that define themselves as Palestinians, by the way) could solve this problem. They could move to houses that the settlers will leave; if this is not enough, I am ready to pay an additional temporary tax to finance building for them housing on the territory of Palestine.

I support that idea but only if you can lure (not force) them out of Isreal.

Me too, but this is impossible. High living standards of Israel, existence of social security service absent in majority of the Arab states, independence of courts and participation of defense attorneys in trials, abolitionism in death penalty issues (the only person ever sentenced to death in Israel was a Nazi war criminal Eichmann) makes life in Israel very attractive for its Arab citizens; this does not make them loyal to Israel, however. Majority of them should be deprived of citizenship and deported to the Palestinian state (they should be permitted to take their property, though, including money deposed in the Israeli banks, being converted to $ or €). Only Druzes (Arabs belonging to some esoteric "para-Muslim" denomination), Christians, several Bedouin tribes and citizens of the Abu-Ghosh village that always were loyal to Israel should be permitted to stay. This will save lots of bloodshed in future for the both sides of the conflict. I do not share the principle Pereat mundus, sed fiat justitia, pragmatic approach would be much more favorable than the legally dogmatic one.
About economic aid to the future Palestinian state. IMO, it must be in shape of humanitarian donations only on the initial period. Later it should be substituted by small business support funds: this will help to create jobs in Palestine and permit them to build their wealth alone.
If after establishment of the Palestinian state relationships of Israel and Arab countries come to normalization, there will be no need in defense-related aid to Israel (if I remember well, it counts $1.8 billion annually), by the way...
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