JosephMorgan wrote:Craven: The Palestinians have land, we just need to convince them to stop bombing Israelis and convince the Israelis to stop trying to settle land that is not theirs.
This would be my suggestion, but I'm surprised that you would take it since you would place no limits on the amount of multi-culturalism in a country.
Convincing them to stop their illegal activities has nothing to do with "the amount of multi-culturalism".
Let's act this one out.
"Abu, can you get your brothers to stop bombing the Israelis? I mean, you know what we think about multiculturalism. We need to stop killing Israelis if we are to reject the evil that multiculturalism is.
Now Sharon, dear buddy, could you get your zealots to stop stealing Palestinian land? Settling on other people's land is often considered an act of war. That is an amount of multiculturalism that we just can't countenance."
I said they should stop bombing each other and I said that they should stop attempting to take the other side's land.
Nowhere did I say they seek an "amount of multiculturalism" that is unacceptable.
JosephMorgan wrote:
Why not grant citizenship to all the Palestinians in the occupied territories as well as the 2 million Palestinians in refuge camps that have a "right to return" according to the UN.
Because it is impractical. It has nothing to do with multiculturalism.
Asking Isreal to accept that many people would force them to maintain an apartheid or to give up democracy.
It is simply not reasonable to ask Isreal to accept that, they will not agree and we need Isreal to cooperate.
Again, not a knock on multiculturalism. A knock on asking impossible things of a party we need to be involved with.
JosephMorgan wrote:
I would oppose this because it would add another level of multi-culturalism that Israel would not survive. You would not excercise this level of objective, responsible action, because you are tied to the cult dogma called political correctness.
Huh? You make even less esnse now. I do not support the "right to return". Neither do most Arab nations. They have given up that phrase over a year ago and changed it to "fair and equitable settlement" which could mean something negotiated that would not include the refugees returning to Isreal.
Returning that many Arabs to Isreal is not an act of Multiculturalism.
It would DECREASE the diversity by tipping the balance.
Think a bit, it has nothing to do with more "multicultural" it is about tipping the balance to one culture in a way taht would force the other to lose their nation. All while they are in negotiations to create another nation for the Palestinians.
It's not adding your dreaded multiculturalism. It's denying the opportunity to eliminate Isreal as a nation through the "right to return".
But I'm starting to catch a theme.
Anything bad involving two people of different demographics is the dreaded "multiculturalism".
I had some Colombian coffee with American milk today. I forgot the sugar and it tasted bad.
Must be multiculturalism.