Scipio wrote: I still don't quite get you. What do you mean by "Greater Israel?"
Greater Isreal is a term used to describe Isreal in addition to the Palestinian territories. Many in Isreal believe that the Paestinian territories should belong to them and consitute what they call "Greater Isreal".
Not dissimilar to certain Palestinians who also want the whole cake.
Scipio wrote:
As to B) I also feel there's a double standard. Remember who kicked out the Palestinians in the first place: Jordan. So, Israel
Craven de Kere wrote:should have to assimilate people and give up land
because Jordan wanted more living space? So Israel should have to do the above because Arab countries, during the 1948 War of independence, encouraged them to leave their houses? Sounds fair.
I wish you'd not wrap your words around mine and ask me to defend yours. I have never once said that I think it's fair for Isreal to assimilate the refugees.
Jordan did not kick the refugees out, incidentally and it's a shame that they lost their homes but expecting Isreal to give up its identity and assimilate all the refugees is unreasonable.
That would make it an Arab state or they would have to cease to be democratic.
At the same time I do not think the solution is to simply say other nations should assimilate the Palestinians and that Isreal should have the territories.
Scipio wrote:
Imagine if...
Mexico sent suicide bombers to malls and other public places because they wanted the land that we won? Imagine the outcry. Don't we have a right to settle the land that we won?
Isreal did not "win" Palestinian land.
Scipio wrote:I realize I'm coming off as a hardball here, but its partly to play devil's advocate.
Against things i did not say (e.g. that Ireal should concede to "the right to return")???
Scipio wrote:I do believe that Israel doesn't always get its fair hand in the press. And the only way I can see peace is through that article I posted above. See, the last time Israel offered almost everything the Palestinians asked for (97 percent, if I do recall correctly) the Palestinians refused the offer! Now, I'm not saying this might happen again, but I do think it is a little bit off that the Palestinians signed onto the Rodmap before the Israelis even knew about it!
I'm unclear as to whether you followed the recent events. Palestinians are currently quick to accept deals.
They made a mistake in overplaying their hand in the last elections and are now pretty eager to get to the table even though the 97 isn't on the table anymore.
But on what basis do you say that the Palestinians had "signed" the Roadmap before the Isrealis knew about it?
BTW, I know few people who think their political ideology gets fair play in the press.