historicity of Jesus

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 03:42 pm
snood wrote:
Nothing dishonest about it - she hasn't tried to hide the fact that she needed help, and asked for it. They wouldn't have any reason to come here this time, except Arella keeps taking an unprovoked beating from all you wolrdly wise types.

Timberland, don't you think its strange that no one but men (and Lash) on A2K attack Arella? Do you think there's any method to the reasoning that keeps the women from joining in the pecking parties?

Thanks Snood. I was upfront and very clear. I'm not about to go through what I went through before.

Yeah, I got a bit tired of the "mostly men" attack team. There was never any reason for it in my opinion. There are some very intelligent people on these threads that can get their point across quite fine without being nasty. I tried to get them to playe nice.

But, I guarantee one things, all my friends here, they will play nice. And they know the Bible and its history so I think we might have some really interesting conversations.

Oh, and just so you and everyone else knows, there are more coming. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 03:44 pm
CoastalRat wrote:
Hey there Set. Gotta question for you. Since our discussion, I wanted to better educate myself on the duties and such of Roman Prefects since much of our discussion centered around what you claimed Pilate had no authority to do. I have found a number of places that seem to indicate that Pilate, and indeed the other few prefects of Judea did exercise the right to condemn and execute those accused of treason or advocating resistance to Roman rule.

Could you give me a reference to back up your contention that they did not have this authority? I enjoy history and always like being as knowledgable as possible about things that I discuss, so would like to read up more on the role of the Judean prefects.

Thanks in advance.

I'll tell you what, just as soon as you link the "number of places" which you claim you found saying that Pilate had the right to condemn and execute, and i've had a chance to go look at them, and comment, then, as i have the time, i'll get you the references you have asked for.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 03:47 pm
By the way, CR, i'm not playing games with you here. I strongly suspect that the "number of places" you seen what you claim you've seen are religious sites with an agenda. I'd like to see if that is the case first, before i spend any amount of time digging up for you the evidence you request. I don't intend in indulge in a lot of hard work to refute someone with a religious agenda and no supporting evidence of their own.

This doesn't mean that i would automatically reject a Christian site. It does mean that i wouldn't accept their evidence as statements from authority.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 03:49 pm
J_B wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
Do I want to be an atheist? Pardon the expression but not only no but hell no! And I say that only because the majority of atheists I run across seem to think it's ok to act like total jackasses because they don't believe in God. So, for that reason alone I want to believe.

Thumpers are not typically adverse to being jackasses either, AM.

Excuse me J_B? I never said I couldn't be a jackass if that's what you are implying here. I was being very honest in that statement. Most of the atheists I have contact with, and let me clarify, outside of A2K think it's ok to act like total jackasses. But, I know those particular people. And J_B, I'll never deny I can be a jackass myself. Laughing

All I know about any of you is what you post. So, if the shoe fits, wear it, if it don't, then don't.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 03:59 pm
CR, i'm about to go off the computer for the evening. However, the exact title of the office held by Pilate was Praefectus civitatum. You might try looking that up, and avoiding sites which seek either to prove or to disprove the events of Passion week--either type of site can be assumed to have an axe to grind.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:03 pm
Nonsense - nobody has been beating on anyone. Some, however, are neither able to separate themselves from their positions, nor able to make a coherent case for the positions they espouse. More of the same is but more of the same; inanity is rendered no less inane for there being an increase of it. I expect nothing else from the troops our defenseless freind has marshalled to her support.

Timber, I'll tell you exactly why I invited my friends here. I invited them because I'm sick and tired of being called a liar, etc. I'm sick and tired of things done and said in the past are constantly brought up when I admitted I did it just not when I was first accused of it. I made a very public apology to everyone but no, some people just won't let it go. I'm sick and tired of remarks posted to imply that I'm stupid, etc. I'm sick and tired of people who bash others because they are believers. And please, don't give me that line it has nothing to do with that because if we're all honest here, we know that is true for some. Does that clear my motives up for you Timber? Anything else you'd like to know? I guarantee you this, I won't break the terms of service and I know my friends are intelligent enough to not break them either.

No, not at all. I certainly don't. Are you implying that skeptical criticism might be misogynistic, and/or that the gentler gender might be predisposed to delusion? How unchivalrous of you.

You don't, huh? Hmm, no female has attacked me on this thread. I would never consider J_B's posts attacks by the way. She may not care for me much but she doesn't resort to bashing, etc. But all the rest are men, Timber. And I can think of only one other woman that attacks me. So, you add it up Timber. Fact is, it is mostly men that attack me.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:04 pm
J_B wrote:
It seems as if momma has declared another round of war. So be it.

Nope, no war. Not at all. I didn't say one thing to any of them about spiritual warfare, etc.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:08 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Not much to be had from engaging in a contest of wits against inadequately equipped opponents.

Wow now how about that? They all come and post a hello and a bit of something and you have already concluded they are inadequately equipped? Tell me Timber, why is that?http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/7.gifhttp://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/68.gif
0 Replies
Angel Heart
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:12 pm
Wow Didn't come here to start a war... Just came too put light where there is darkness..I see there is allot of Hate Here.. Well I will stand for what i believe and Hope you'll understand..If not so be it...God Bless Each one.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:15 pm
neologist wrote:
Did I miss the gathering of the clan? Welcome to all the new members. How many of you will stay around to actively participate in the forums? Or, did you just drop by to post a few tedious sermons, never to be heard from again?

Arella, I'm happy to meet your friends; don't get me wrong. But so far I haven't seen any posts of substance.

What is the purpose of their presence?

Hi Neo. I told them all about you by the way. I told them I respected you and I think you're an all right guy. You may believe differently than me but it doesn't take away from the person you are. And I do believe that one of my friends shares your beliefs. :wink:

Oh, they'll stick around Neo. Their purpose? Back-up. Moral support. Oh, they'll post things of substance Neo. They just all stopped by last night to say hi and get acquainted first. Laughing
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:16 pm
J_B wrote:
The army descendeth, neo. It's not about substance, it's about numbers.

Wrong J_B. It's about both. Oh, I thought I told you already, not here for a war, spiritual or otherwise. So, that word army comes from you, not me. :wink:
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:29 pm
timberlandko wrote:
snood wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
snood wrote:
Nothing dishonest about it - she hasn't tried to hide the fact that she needed help, and asked for it.

The dishonesty lies in the concept of the call, snood, not in the manner of its issuance. A mob lends no credence to an argument, only volume.

Assume what you will Timber. I told you the reason for it. I am kind of curious about one thing, though. What's all the fuss because some Christians joined A2K because I asked them to? Hmmm, now why would that bother anyone?

Whatever the hell that means. She hasn't tried to hide the "concept" of the call - those people are her friends, and the fact that they tend to all spout the same scriptural content is just because they think similarly. And there's no dishonesty in the knowledge that they know you don't like it.

Non sequitur, snood, and straw man; wholly irrelevant - no allegation or implication of the call being disquised was presented. To put it more simply, the dishonesty lies in the tactic - marshalling the mob.

Marshalling the mob?http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/39.gif Let's see, they barely get registered and already they are inadequately equipped and a mob? Shame on you Timber. Laughing

They wouldn't have any reason to come here this time, except Arella keeps taking an unprovoked beating from all you wolrdly wise types.

Nonsense - nobody has been beating on anyone. Some, however, apparently unable to support a proposition through argument, seek support in numbers.

Nobody has been beating on anyone, huh? Rolling Eyes I won't even go there with you. But let me clarify something, SUPPORT IN NUMBERS, AS WELL AS IN INTELLECT, which I'm sure you'll find they know so much more than I do!

You seem to really think that if you dress up your lowblows and insults with pretty words, that it makes it other than it is. You cannot disagree with Arella without insulting her. I've seen it time and time again. I know it to be true, because I have disagreed with her myself, and it doesn't have to sink to the same level.

snood, by your posts,you appear to share with some others a propensity to fail to separate argument from arguer, whether in the first person or the third. An attack on an argument and/or its manner of presentation is not an attack on the presenter of that argument, and negative appraisal is not insult, it is criticism, rebuttal, and refutation. Demonstrate that I have "insulted" other than argument or manner of presentation.

Some, however, are neither able to separate themselves from their positions, nor able to make a coherent case for the positions they espouse. More of the same is but more of the same; inanity is rendered no less inane for there being an increase of it. I expect nothing else from the troops our defenseless freind has marshalled to her support.

Make no mistake Timber. I AM NOT defenseless. I'm just not going to resort to calling people names and engaging in frays with those that attack. My friends are pretty cool. We all keep each other in check if our behavior gets out of line.

There - "inane" and incoherent. You can't abuse people into reasoned debate. It would be better all around if you just dropped the pretense, and admitted you get some kind of punkass jollies from picking on her. The position you try to take is that you are somehow being instructive, and you are no more above being personal than anyone else.

Now, here, snood, you fall to ad hominem and invective, and inanely at that. Characteristic of some, to the point of stereotype, serving only to confirm and validate the criticism to which it ineptly and ineffectually is directed, and to reinforce the stereotype thereby exemplified.

Now, THAT made me laugh, Timber!

Timberland, don't you think its strange that no one but men (and Lash) on A2K attack Arella? Do you think there's any method to the reasoning that keeps the women from joining in the pecking parties?

No, not at all. I certainly don't. Are you implying that skeptical criticism might be misogynistic, and/or that the gentler gender might be predisposed to delusion? How unchivalrous of you.

"Skeptical criticism" is one way of looking at it. To some of us, it looks like you're just too weak to let certain things go, too weak not to get the last word...

I know a lot of people to whom "being right" is as important as it is to you. You have to keep proving it, over and over, whether you are being resisted or not.

I find quite revealing that some consistently resort to the ploy of attempting to silence or otherwise dismiss ideas and arguments incongruent with or counter to ideas of their own; whether unwilling or unable to address and withstand opposition, their stock in trade is to not confront the substance of that opposition but rather to decry that such opposition might exist and to disparage those presenting that opposition. That is not argument, snood; along with being disingenuous if not consciously duplicitous discourse, it is avoidance and denial.

snood wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
Not much to be had from engaging in a contest of wits against inadequately equipped opponents.

But then, you can't help yourself, can you?

I neither need help nor have I asked for any, snood - which transparent ploy on the part of another participant in this discussion precisely is at the center of this current digression.

Not transparent Timber. I explained why they are here. Nothing transparent about that at all.

snood wrote:
neologist wrote:
Did I miss the gathering of the clan? Welcome to all the new members. How many of you will stay around to actively participate in the forums? Or, did you just drop by to post a few tedious sermons, never to be heard from again?

Arella, I'm happy to meet your friends; don't get me wrong. But so far I haven't seen any posts of substance.

What is the purpose of their presence?

Don't be coy, Neo - she asked them to come becasue she felt besieged. Or have you totally not noticed the ongoing sluggout?

Again, snood, nobody is beseiged, though some fail to make the case for their proposition - it is proposition, argument, and manner of presentation, not personages, that are under attack. Again, more of the same is but more of the same; no argument of substance, let alone validity, in support of the religionist proposition at discussion has been presented. Nor, by the evidence of that so far posted by the newcomers to this discussion, as noted by Neo, does there appear to be promise of same.

Attack my arguments all you want. But being called a liar hasn't a thing to do with my argument Timber. That's plain and simple personal affrontage even if you can't see it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:29 pm
Given the title of this thread, I'm going to be making a formal request to the moderators to have this moved to the History forum, where more of the experts in the field might be interested in popping by.

Might not work - but questions about history really deserve to be responded to by more people in the field.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:30 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
Feeling put upon, and without argument of substance, one of our number has cried out to the herd for reinforcements. We're in for a tedious bout of preaching, proselytizing, and parroting, by all appearances - one might think the member responsible for the cattle call would have learned from prior experience the silliness of such a dishonest ploy.[/color]

Timber, now YOU are assuming. My friends aren't here to prostelyize. I made that very clear to them that we are not to do that.

Then you might wanna bring that up with 'em again; seems your message in such regard didn't get through -







http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=2215020#2215020 (here we have proselytizing disguised as critical commentary, however the ineptly executed presentation is straw man, red herring, and transparently agendized)

Factual commentary pertaining to observed phenonena is not assumption.

And what's dishonest about this Timber? A couple of days ago I posted in a thread I was going to invite Christian friends to A2K. So, looks like I was honest and just did what I said I would do.

Announcing your intent has no bearing on the dishonesty of the tactic.

And you can just keep your little jabs about prior ploys Timber. When I was accused of it at first I hadn't done it. I did do it weeks later and admitted doing it.

Here you assume, and incorrectly. As mentioned previously and more than once, who did what when as would regard any prior call to the mob is not at issue, the issue is preaching, parroting and prosyltizing while claiming to do otherwise, individually or in mob voice. Additionally, it is no more your place to tell me or anyone else what to keep to myself than it is mine to tell you or anyone else to keep anything to themselves ... nor would I presume to do so in the first place. You may endorse or attack any proposition as you find appropriate, in civil manner of course, just as so may, and be assured will, I.

I'm not hiding a thing here.

Indeed you are not, and it would be pointless, on the face of the evidence alreadly plentifully to hand, were you to try.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:35 pm
Setanta wrote:
On page 4--page 4, mind you--i responded to Coastal Rat in an ongoing discussion we were having about the historical basis for the events described as "Passion Week." At the end of that response, i commented on MOAN's latest "Well, that's just what i believe" post. She then went ballistic, and successfully derailed this thread by making it all about herself, and not about the topic at hand. She's absolutely correct--i call her MOAN, secure in the knowledge that it will set her off. She has lied at this site, and told more lies to cover her other lies, until a site was linked which gave the lie to her. She manufactured an incident in the attempt to gain my sympathy--and when it worked, when she played me for a fool, another member pointed out to me what she was likely up to. I particularly resent her having done so because in the process of making a fool of me, she elicited compassion and and expression of humane regard from me. No one likes being played for a fool--even less will anyone appreciate it when the means was to elicit sympathy on false pretenses. So i will continue to call MOAN by that name, and i will relish how easily one can jerk her chain by doing so.

Well, now I understand the reason for all your bullying and nastiness. You think I played you for a fool. I told you, I'll gladly send you the ER bill, report, etc. It's refreshing that you finally admitted your motive in calling me MOAN. There may be hope for you yet Setanta! Laughing

This thread is not about the so-often expressed invincible ignorance of MOAN's belief. She has contributed nothing to the discussion at hand.

The topic is whether or not there is any historical foundation to assert that the putative Jesus did exist. I have pointed out that i consider it probable, but that i see no historical evidence for it. I have pointed out that i don't have for an object to disprove that the putatitve Jesus existed. The subject, before being derailed by the petty childish egoism of MOAN, had turned to whether or not there are sources independent of the cult which confirm that the putative Jesus existed. I assert that there are not.

Man, you are just absolutely hilarious! I guess I owe you an apology, huh? I mean, you being so innocent and all? I practically begged you Setanta to let it go and get off me. I honestly tried to stop all this but you and a few others just wouldn't have it. You had to keep it going with your taunts and your posts that had nothing to do with the topic at hand. So, I'd say that calls you Mr. Kettle, wouldn't you?

I begged you all to stop. You wouldn't. Well, I have more support now. They know me for what I really am Setanta. You know nothing about me just as I know nothing about you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:41 pm
Demonstrate that you have been attacked by me, AM/MA, as opposed to your proposition, arguments on its behalf, or manner of presentation thereof.

Oh, and I really got a kick out of your assessment of what might constitute transparency.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:52 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
Feeling put upon, and without argument of substance, one of our number has cried out to the herd for reinforcements. We're in for a tedious bout of preaching, proselytizing, and parroting, by all appearances - one might think the member responsible for the cattle call would have learned from prior experience the silliness of such a dishonest ploy.[/color]

Timber, now YOU are assuming. My friends aren't here to prostelyize. I made that very clear to them that we are not to do that.

Then you might wanna bring that up with 'em again; seems your message in such regard didn't get through -







http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=2215020#2215020 (here we have proselytizing disguised as critical commentary, however the ineptly executed presentation is straw man, red herring, and transparently agendized)

Man, how could I be so stupid? I had no idea that any one of them told you that you had to believe anything or that you would go to hell if you didn't, etc. I'll definitely have a talk with whoever did that, Timber. Now, tell me who it was and I'll take care of it.

Main Entry: pros·e·ly·tize
Pronunciation: 'prä-s(&-)l&-"tIz
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -tized; -tiz·ing
intransitive verb
1 : to induce someone to convert to one's faith
2 : to recruit someone to join one's party, institution, or cause
transitive verb : to recruit or convert especially to a new faith, institution, or cause

You just show me who did those things? Who tried to induce you into believing like they do?

Oh and as far as Aussie Angel goes, well, she just doesn't like people she cares about or Our Savior being at the very least, picked on. Like I said, they aren't going to break the terms of Service Timber. And, how many of your posts now in this thread have been off topic? I'd say a few at least, wouldn't you? So I guess we're both a bit guilty of that, huh?

Factual commentary pertaining to observed phenonena is not assumption.

And what's dishonest about this Timber? A couple of days ago I posted in a thread I was going to invite Christian friends to A2K. So, looks like I was honest and just did what I said I would do.

Announcing your intent has no bearing on the dishonesty of the tactic.

What is the dishonesty Timber? I told you I did it. I told you my motive for doing it. Now, what's dishonest about it?

And you can just keep your little jabs about prior ploys Timber. When I was accused of it at first I hadn't done it. I did do it weeks later and admitted doing it.

Here you assume, and incorrectly. As mentioned previously and more than once, who did what when as would regard any prior call to the mob is not at issue, the issue is preaching, parroting and prosyltizing while claiming to do otherwise, individually or in mob voice. Additionally, it is no more your place to tell me or anyone else what to keep to myself than it is mine to tell you or anyone else to keep anything to themselves ... nor would I presume to do so in the first place. You may endorse or attack any proposition as you find appropriate, in civil manner of course, just as so may, and be assured will, I.

Good Lord, you are starting to sound like Setanta. No, but what you do presume to do is put me down with fancy words and there's no assuming there Timber. Setanta at least admitted he did what he did to offend me.

Now, shall we all discuss the topic at hand, or would you like to keep this going some more? I'll discuss this all you want Timber. Not a problem.

I'm not hiding a thing here.

Indeed you are not, and it would be pointless, on the face of the evidence alreadly plentifully to hand, were you to try.

And just what got the burr under your saddle in the first place? You really threw me with that interjection. That just didn't seem like you at all.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:55 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Demonstrate that you have been attacked by me, AM/MA, as opposed to your proposition, arguments on its behalf, or manner of presentation thereof.

Oh, and I really got a kick out of your assessment of what might constitute transparency.

I'm quite sure you know I was talking about that post where you interjected about my hating to assume. It was completely uncalled for. But, glad to make you happy, Timber. I swear, some of you are just unbelievable. Some of you throw around words that are meant to demean, but my friends come on here and say not one negative word and you already implied they are inadequately equipped and a mob. DUH!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 04:57 pm
Can anyone tell me anything about the site the link was provided to in the original post? I really have no idea what it was about and would like to. I'm sure my friends would like to know too.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 05:11 pm
The burr under my saddle is any fundamentalist religionist proposition, particularly but not singularly of Christian or Islamic bent, and the inept, inadequate, mob-think proselytization of such propositions and their attendant absurdities endemic not just on this website but throughout damned near any venue the medeival-minded herd can find access to. The activities and rants of the more vocal proponents of such propositions are those propositions' greatest embarrassments. In the long run, that is fortunate.
0 Replies

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