Ok - the original intention was to be able to ask stupid questions that were not deserving a whole forum. And while I appreciate the flattery - it was not for me to answer questions but rather ask a whole slew of them! Like when you hear the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask.
eh? butbutbut what about the ones I ask, eh?
Ok, here is one, have you ever heard of the book, Land of the Blind, set in Spokane? --- where I was for a very short time a year ago...
I see certain likenesses between my town, Eureka, and yours, or what I take to be yours.
How stupid is that?
They say the grass is always greener on the other side. Where is the other side and who are they?
I live in the county of Spokane (north) but not the City.
GreenEyes wrote:They say the grass is always greener on the other side. Where is the other side and who are they?
Did you look close to see the green in my eyes?
GreenEyes wrote:They say the grass is always greener on the other side. Where is the other side and who are they?
If the grass is greener on the other side, water your's more!
PDiddie wrote:Here's the first one: <<points at husker's breasts>>
"Are those real?"
Everything on husker is real is that ok?
hey bub, asking stupid questions is my little niche on a2k. go find your own!
oh yeah, go sooners!!!!!!
will nebraska ever develop a balanced offense?
husker wrote:Ok - the original intention was to be able to ask stupid questions that were not deserving a whole forum. And while I appreciate the flattery - it was not for me to answer questions but rather ask a whole slew of them! Like when you hear the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask.
Make you a deal, husker. For every question of ours you answer, you can ask one, and we have to answer it. Fair?
BTW, the food bank is a good thing. Proud of you.
Yes, that is the book, and Spokane is central to it. And so, osso? so nothin.
I thought the book might be a tad negative, re the short experience I had, but that would be similar for people showing up in my city for such a short time.
If you would have stoopid questions here, you would be hard put to find Tourist Information.....or any other kind, except by stopping at a grocery store and just talking to people.
[quote="Visitor BTW, the food bank is a good thing. Proud of you.

Thanks - I'm chairman of the board for that nonprofit and active in a number of others.
Quote:Yes, that is the book, and Spokane is central to it. And so, osso? so nothin.
I thought the book might be a tad negative, re the short experience I had, but that would be similar for people showing up in my city for such a short time.
If you would have stoopid questions here, you would be hard put to find Tourist Information.....or any other kind, except by stopping at a grocery store and just talking to people.
When I moved here it was like going back in fashion time like 10 years!
The Slap-Dog's been running a similiar thread, lotta fun too!
So, just how ill-tempered would a sea-bass have to be before it would actually kill someone?
man, is that a stupid question...
Why do fat people try to run me off the road when I ride my bicycle?
Why do fat bicyclists try to run me off the road when I ride my tricycle?