Dear Dr. Chai,
What exactly are your intentions with those scissors in your hand? Giving out free vasectomies?
Wally, bro, I told you not to get involved with that chick.
But hey - i'll be following in your footsteps proudly! It'll be my pleasure - and theirs...
Dear Dr. Chai,
Considering the hazards of randomly flying sperm, should I even sit near any men, either on the bus or at work? At work, I've already dispatched one guy with an axe and increased the feminine safety quotient immensely, but there's still another dude to contend with. On the bus, I often end up sitting with odd guys who talk to themselves (no, they don't have cel phones, they just randomly blurt things out and gesticulate wildly, usually on the Massachusetts Turnpike).
So, should there be men's and women's buses? And, if so, can ours be seafoam green? I really despise pink.
Anxious and Fertile Commutrix
DrewDad wrote:willy tea wrote:Wally, bro, I told you not to get involved with that chick.
But hey - i'll be following in your footsteps proudly! It'll be my pleasure - and theirs...
I smell a bear....
Leave my brother alone or I will kick you in the can.
willy tea wrote:Wally, bro, I told you not to get involved with that chick.
But hey - i'll be following in your footsteps proudly! It'll be my pleasure - and theirs...
"Wally Tea" has a certain ineffible... "quality." Do you think you can measure up?
My man, I recommend you stop trying to cross every T..
But in answer to your question: My brother's a good guy... but I'm just goood. The ladies need not worry.
I "wandeled" into this forum.
Willy "kicked" his way in.
Wally Tea wrote:I "wandeled" into this forum.
Willy "kicked" his way in.
I never do any kicking - unless they really want me to, of course.
I'm more into feeling my way in...
So, if Chai had a daughter, would she have called it Wanda Tea?
Dear Dr. Chai,
Upon taking your advice regarding my daughter's first date I have failed to find a store that carries Haz-mat suits. Can you please tell me where I can find one in a size four, preferably in teal blue??
Also, will pinning a corsage to it break down the integrity of the suits protection?
Chai Tea wrote:I once roughed up a waffle iron pretty badly.
I'm not proud of that. It wasn't one of my finer moments.
I can't eat a waffle since then without a little tear rolling down my cheek.
Do I need therapy?
So, who does Dr. Chai talk to when she has problems? I'm not sure Roland can handle a problem of this magnitude.
I usually just recite the periodic tables until I calm down.
I do wish you would put those scissors down when you're talking. I find it most disturbing.
Dear Dr. Chai:
As a married woman, why are you placing ads on dating sites? Can't you just have an affair with the soccer coach, mailman or pool boy like every other woman in America?
Just Curious
That's it!
I'm going to go buy a pool. Where do you think I should put it?
It's quite seductive when a woman leans over a pool and hits the 9 ball into the corner pocket.
I guess it could double as a dining room table...I could use those sticks that come with the pool for my guests to pass around pieces of bread, or hot pots....just like they do on the beverly hillbillies.
Dear Dr Chai,
Why do every man I like turns out to be straight? Am I a closet woman?
Yrs in confusion
the prince wrote:Dear Dr Chai,
Why do every man I like turns out to be straight? Am I a closet woman?
Yrs in confusion
They are not really straight prince, just confused as to they sexuality.
Like your signature says..... :wink:
Put the pool in the driveway. That'll keep the cars from blighting the landscape...
Well, the cars are up on blocks on the front lawn anyway, so it's not like the driveway gets used.