nimh wrote:Mame wrote:Have you taken "Appreciation Donuts" to your local cop shop/firehall/truck stop yet this month? That would go a long way to endearing you to many men. Esp if you posted your pic on the donut box.
Now there's an idea

Yes, that was going to be my very suggestion to montana....but since I, against my better judgement, ate sugar free jelly bellies late last night, I have been "indisposed" for some time.
I once gave some firemen shopping at the supermarket advice on how to make borracho beans, and it is a moment I will regret for the rest of my hands are shaking as I type this.
There I was, in the spice, cooking oil, baking goods aisle....there were 3 of them....2 stood at either end of the aisle, preventing my escape, and ensuring no one who was looking for Swans Down Flour could enter. The 3rd took his time looking over the various bottles of slippery oils....olive, ginger oil!!! oh god.......
Just as he was entering my "private space" meaning 20 feet away....Praise the Lord!.....Gus came swooping down from a bungee cord he had grabbed from the automotive section. Before I knew it, I was gliding in his arms, high above the produce department.
He gently dropped me into a bin of fresh cilantro that was on special that week and whispered "Quick, leave by the entrance near the sushi Chai, NOW! Don't worry about me...just go..."
As I was in the doorway, I glanced around one last time, just in time to see one of the fire fighters approaching gus with a mean looking bag of Doritos.
Yes, donuts would be an excellent idea Montana.