Political Correctness: Make a Judgment

Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 09:22 am
Setanta wrote:

As for racist thinking, Snood is no more immune from that pitfall than are either you or i.

Glad you brought that up, Set. That's the big thing that gets overlooked in this country-the impact that black racism has had on the whites in America. The toll has been staggering-all those jobs in black owned companies that whites haven't got a chance to work in. All those refusals for loans from black-owned banks. All those beatings from black police forces.

It takes a real mensch like you to stand up and call for an end to the madness....

God, what a freakin' ditz.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 09:35 am
Setanta wrote:

Careful, Set. You are being selective in applying the rules of implication. I can recall one of your unqualified statements in this very thread that you later asserted did not mean "all".

If you want to play this game, it will be a simple matter for you to quote posts in which what you allege is evident.

Well, I don't see it as a game, I see it as keeping people honest. And I hesitate to do what you request at the risk of igniting a Setantawar, but I know you will accuse me of not backing my assertions up otherwise, so here it is.

Setanta wrote:
The comment attacked black people, the comment attacked women, ...

Setanta wrote:
Strawman--i didn't say that they were attacks on all blacks and all women--but when a remark attacks more than one woman, and more than one black, that remark attacks women and blacks.

Now, I'm perfectly willing to accept that while I thought you meant "all" that you did not. So while maybe you thought snood meant "all", possibly he didn't. I'm just asking that you confer the same benefit of the doubt on him as you would like for yourself, and I would like for myself. There's no point quibbling over something that he didn't really mean to say, is there?

Setanta wrote:

You presumed to claim that you could speak, uniquely, to the experience of every black person in this country.

snood wrote:
Well, I know of some people who would tell you that being african-american doesn't grant you any special insight or perspective or voice about issues specifically involving african americans. I had someone on this forum tell me that being an african american man gave me no better idea about how african american men are regarded in america. Still trips me out to this day...

Unless there are other quotes of snood's that say what you indicated in your first post, then his words don't say what you seem to think they say. And in any case, do you actually think that's what he meant? We all sometimes choose words unwisely. Instead of locking onto one and arguing to death how it's the wrong one, why not just acknowledge what he was clearly trying to say.

You don't need to throw "black man badge" up in my face. I did not use the term, and i have not attempted to defend its use.

Nor have I said you did. It's not always about you, Set. There was a whole lot more to that section than the words "black man badge".

It is reasonable for him to say that he knows more about how most black men experience America, but not all. And that is the only point i made with regard to that part of his statement. It is completely unreasonable and illogical for him to assert that being black means he knows how he is regarded--the point to which i most specifically objected. In my objection, i was careful to point out precisely why that claim is unreasonable.

As for racist thinking, Snood is no more immune from that pitfall than are either you or i.

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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 10:04 am
Setanta wrote:
Private Messages which you have in the past sent to me about Lash suggest to me that you are obsessed with Lash, and that you want to paint her in the worst possible hues which a concerted effort in tandem with your online buddies can accomplish.

Occum Bill wrote:
(I initially fell under the impression that Lash was black, because one of the first times I remember running in to her she was taking the boots to a bigot, absent the standard whitey overcompensation for sensitivities).

Neither one of you twits has the brains he was born with.

Bill-you thought Lash was black.

Does this sound like a black person to you?

Lash wrote:
If it isn't one of your best nigger jokes, it's ok with me.
Oh by the way, if you read the thread, you see that she purposely requotes that TWICE more. Lash loves to say it. Oh yeah, she sounds black all right. No reason whatsoever for any black member to get upset. No way any black person reading it will be any less likely to register and join this online community. Hell no.

How's this one?

Lash wrote:
Some blacks' reactions to 'nigger' remind me of Muslim's reaction to the cartoons.

And, if blacks found it so objectionable, they wouldn't use it, and buy records promoting its use.

I gave hell to people who said it in the seventies. Now, I think we should say it until it loses it Super Stupid Mojo.

This woman has been actively pushing for the use of N-word to be used and accepted by white people on this board for two goddamn years. Where the hell have you two been? And Snood has every damn right in the world to be pissed about it. And anybody, of any color, should realize that Lash is actively trying to make this forum less minority-friendly by doing so.

But that's okay, Lash is all right to do this. You see, she has been through all that folderol about not using racial epithets. She was very advanced when she was young, more advanced certainly than the rest of us, and so she can see through the not-using-epithets thing.

Lash wrote:
Little Lash was notorious in her family and among friends for pitching a fit when people would use the word nigger, circa 1970. I must have been 8 when I first took on my daddy over this. Didn't matter who you were. Don't kick a dog, say something crappy about a black or a Jewish person, based on nothing other than that aspect of who they were, don't make fun of retarded or poor people. I had a very advanced social conscious for my age; likely because my brother suffered brain damage during surgery when I was four. I was in constant pain for him, and for a lot of other people everywhere I looked.

So you see ladies and gentlemen? It's okay for Lash to use these words, and to pitch for their acceptance on this community. She has credits!! And what's more, Lash has a close personal black friend who totally enjoys it when Lash calls her the N-word, so that makes it even more so!

And anyone who doesn't think so, especially someone of the non-white persuasion who doesn't thinks so, can just shut the hell up or else four white people will set him straight but good about what he knows and doesn't know about being black. And they'll have none of his damn nonsense, either.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 11:21 am
Setanta wrote:
snood wrote:
I think its fair to say you play fast and loose with your presumptuousness pretty often.

Given that your presumptuous statements triggered this silly brawl, that's rich.

Well, to be accurate, this "silly brawl" began with an assertion and a subsequent refutation about 'PC' over-sensitivity.

In fact, it now appears that you may have had ulterior motives in sparking a brawl, because you PMd others (at least two) in order to fuel the argument--although it does seem that you did not get exactly what you wanted.

Amazing it looks to you as if I started a brawl by saying I know better about being black than white people.

You presumed to claim that you could speak, uniquely, to the experience of every black person in this country.

That is bullshit, plain and simple - show me where I said anything about "every black person in this country".

Called on that, you sullenly acknowledged that you could not speak for all black people, while claiming that you had not actually said as much (although that was the implication when you make such statements without qualification), and you attempted to imply that there were damned few black people for whom you weren't able to speak, and with special insight.

Yeah, you did tie me up and waste my time refuting things I never said. Kudos on your well-developed art of obfuscating gibberish.

You also claimed that the mere fact of your skin color meant you knew better how other people "regard" you. Since then, you've attempted to trim your sails by the dishonest expedient of substituting "treat" for "regard" as though those were interchangeable verbs--which they are not.

Well, it's clear it wouldn't matter how I said it, Setanta. You seem to see something very wrong about it. Not sure what. Long as you know, I guess that's all that's important.

At bottom, you refuse to retreat from your claim that you have special insight into the lives of black people--all black people i would suspect,

well if you "suspect" it, must be true, eh?

despite your grudging retreat from the absolute--and you refuse to retreat from you claim that you know how people regard you, just because of the color of your skin.

That's a tortured twisting of what I tried to say, and again - kudos, you're good at doing that.

That's monumental presumption. Here, let me try that on. Using the special insight which being white gives me into how all other whites experience America, i claim that Snood don't know jack about how whites "regard" him--and my claim is unassailable, just because i'm white, and i claim that gives me special insight into how white folks regard Snood.

As I said, if you know WTF you're talking about, that's what's important.

See how simple-minded and idiotic such presumption is, Snood?

I think there's something idiotic and simple-minded going on, but my assertion that blacks know better than whites how blacks feel in a white world ain't it.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 01:33 pm
I don't love to say nigger, keltic. I'm just not afraid of it.

I was the only white employee among a couple of hundred black employess who all worked very closely together in a very volatile situation.

The word nigger was used more than any other during the years I was there--rivalling a, and, the...LOL

I heard it all day every day.

Put yourself in that situation--and see if you don't pick up dialects, speech patterns and words. I used it the same way my friends did.

I contend that those who are afraid of it have something to hide. PC for penance. Penance for what? I don't feel guilty, so I don't pay penance. I'm working my ass off for equality, and currently have that ass on the line for what I believe is right regarding this very issue.

I'm pretty sure my "nigger" joke remark was a wary remark to someone I thought was going to make a racist comment. I'll go see.

I think you and snood like to create divisions--and that your type of thinking pushes back progress, rather than moves toward it.

I do think snood's motivations in his PMs are portrayed accurately by Set. He still wants to punish people for things they aren't responsible for--because he still has a chip on his shoulder.

Live it, keltic. Policing words becomes much less important when you do.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 01:40 pm
As I thought...Condi Rice was being insulted--and some of it was racial.

ehBeth and I had an uncharacetristically caustic exchange about it:

EhBeth said:
I'd respond, but then lash'd drop past and accuse me of being politically incorrect.

I said:
If it isn't one of your best nigger jokes, it's ok with me.

I said all this:
To which ehBeth replied, rather nastily:

I'm canajun. I don't think I know any.
Maybe you could tell me one.

To which I must say how surprising it is that Canada has no racists. That's very special. I'm sure they have no drug abusers, government corruption or clouds, as well.

To leave the stupid insults, however, and get back to her remark, which started the whole thing-- Lash won't accuse you of being politically incorrect re Condi unless you make some insulting bigoted racial remark.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 01:55 pm
snood wrote:
I think there's something idiotic and simple-minded going on, but my assertion that blacks know better than whites how blacks feel in a white world ain't it.

Had you only said that blacks know better than whites how blacks feel in a white world, i'd have had nothing to comment upon. However, that isn't what you wrote, and, as with the rest of vitriol in the post of which this was the end, the real twisting which has gone on here has been your attempt to make out that you said something which you patently did not say, and that you didn't say what you obviously did say.

In my view, as this discussion has unfolded, you have wished to claim for yourself a special, unique view of people and of race relations, because you are black, which you would not be willing to acknowledge in others. Therefore, applying your rather loose standard here, a white person would know better than a black person what it means to be white, which completely refutes your second contention to the effect that you know better than anyone else how you are regarded just because you are black.

As the tone gets nastier, get your mirror at any point at which you want to start slinging around accusations.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 02:27 pm
Lash wrote:
I'm pretty sure my "nigger" joke remark was a wary remark to someone I thought was going to make a racist comment. I'll go see.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 02:29 pm
Lash wrote:
As I thought...Condi Rice was being insulted--and some of it was racial.

ehBeth and I had an uncharacetristically caustic exchange about it:

EhBeth said:
I'd respond, but then lash'd drop past and accuse me of being politically incorrect.

I said:
If it isn't one of your best nigger jokes, it's ok with me.

I said all this:
To which ehBeth replied, rather nastily:

I'm canajun. I don't think I know any.
Maybe you could tell me one.

To which I must say how surprising it is that Canada has no racists. That's very special. I'm sure they have no drug abusers, government corruption or clouds, as well.

To leave the stupid insults, however, and get back to her remark, which started the whole thing-- Lash won't accuse you of being politically incorrect re Condi unless you make some insulting bigoted racial remark.

I'm still trying to figure out where you got the idea I was going to be making some sort of racist remark.


I officially give up.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 02:39 pm
I should have spoken more clearly.

You see what you said-- and Condi had been getting racial remarks but not from you.

My comment was flip and rude toward you (and I regret it now, obviously), but you were teasing me about being a bit overprotective about Condi--and were teasing me about being PC when it suited me...

I was trying to say (in a rude way) that you could say what ever you wanted about her as long as it wsn't racially insulting.

I hope you understand... We were digging at each other.

I see PC and real insult from actual racial insult to be two different things.

This statement didn't assign you any responsibility:

"As I thought...Condi Rice was being insulted--and some of it was racial. "
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 02:41 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
Setanta wrote:
The comment attacked black people, the comment attacked women, ...

Setanta wrote:
Strawman--i didn't say that they were attacks on all blacks and all women--but when a remark attacks more than one woman, and more than one black, that remark attacks women and blacks.

Now, I'm perfectly willing to accept that while I thought you meant "all" that you did not. So while maybe you thought snood meant "all", possibly he didn't. I'm just asking that you confer the same benefit of the doubt on him as you would like for yourself, and I would like for myself. There's no point quibbling over something that he didn't really mean to say, is there?

You've failed in your attempt to claim that i hold Snood to a different standard than i do myself. This probably results from you having jumped in well after this "discussion" started. Snood stated:

snood wrote:
Well, I know of some people who would tell you that being african-american doesn't grant you any special insight or perspective or voice about issues specifically involving african americans.

Lash responded that that were only true if all black people have the same opinions. I responded to that exchange by pointing out that i did not have any real problem with the core statement by Snood, but that there is a significant quibble in that it cannot be absolutely true--that Snood cannot reasonably claim to have his special insight into the lives of all black people--otherwise, i considered the contention reasonable. I've stated that again and again in this thread, so i can only assume that you have jumped into the mud pit which Snood has recently dug without having reviewed the entire discussion.

It doesn't matter if Snood meant all blacks, because my comment was only to the effect that if he meant all blacks, the contention is indefensible. In fact, in this discussion, i concentrated on the second statement which he made:

I had someone on this forum tell me that being an african american man gave me no better idea about how african american men are regarded in america. Still trips me out to this day...

And i will continue to insist that being black does not give Snood any special knowledge of how he is regarded by others in this society. That was the contention on Snood's part to which i took especial exception.

During the course of that discussion, the Mountie came along to sneer at those arguing with Snood with a comment about Foxfyre and motor cycle gang members, to suggest that if was being claimed that anyone here said they knew better than Snood how black men experience America. No one said that, and several nasty exchanges succeeded before the Mountie decided he had had enough. Then, long after the discussion had ended and the discussion had moved to other things, Snood's buddy KW shows up, with Snood acknowledging that he sent for him by PM, and KW immediately claims that people have said that they know better than Snood what it means to be a black man in America.

No one said that.

Snood is now whining about things being twisted. But he used the language special insight, as the quote above shows. He used the verb "to regard," as the quote above shows. He wants to squirm out of those statements, and to claim that what he wrote has been misrepresented. That simply is not the case. He is also getting personally nasty because his ploy of bringing in reinforcements hasn't worked out as he planned, and his bulldog, KW, is now lashing out with vicious personal remarks about O'Bill and about me. It's a measure of what's going on here. Snood is pissed because he was justifiably called on some dubious comments, so he's flinging out accusations which are better applied to him than to men, and he's brought in his online thug to help with enforcement. He's attempting to raise the level of hysteria now by claiming that i made remarks about "PC" which i did not make.

Your quote of me fails to accomplish what you intended. If you want to argue that, i'm more than willing. I suspect, though, that you'll simply allude to that as "Setantawar," and claim it's not worth it.

Snood is whining because he was called on what he wrote, and i can and will continue to quote what he wrote, and to advance the same objections to it which i originally advanced. And if anyone wants to take me to task for that, i'm more than willing to engage them, even it it entails snotty remarks about Setantawar--if you start it, don't whine about being involved in it.

Setanta wrote:

You presumed to claim that you could speak, uniquely, to the experience of every black person in this country.

snood wrote:
Well, I know of some people who would tell you that being african-american doesn't grant you any special insight or perspective or voice about issues specifically involving african americans. I had someone on this forum tell me that being an african american man gave me no better idea about how african american men are regarded in america. Still trips me out to this day...

Unless there are other quotes of snood's that say what you indicated in your first post, then his words don't say what you seem to think they say. And in any case, do you actually think that's what he meant? We all sometimes choose words unwisely. Instead of locking onto one and arguing to death how it's the wrong one, why not just acknowledge what he was clearly trying to say.

You don't need to throw "black man badge" up in my face. I did not use the term, and i have not attempted to defend its use.

Nor have I said you did. It's not always about you, Set. There was a whole lot more to that section than the words "black man badge".

It is reasonable for him to say that he knows more about how most black men experience America, but not all. And that is the only point i made with regard to that part of his statement. It is completely unreasonable and illogical for him to assert that being black means he knows how he is regarded--the point to which i most specifically objected. In my objection, i was careful to point out precisely why that claim is unreasonable.

As for racist thinking, Snood is no more immune from that pitfall than are either you or i.

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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 03:14 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
Occum Bill wrote:
(I initially fell under the impression that Lash was black, because one of the first times I remember running in to her she was taking the boots to a bigot, absent the standard whitey overcompensation for sensitivities).

Neither one of you twits has the brains he was born with.

Bill-you thought Lash was black.
It was my initial thought, you tedious bore. Look up the word initial and save your breath, because I've already started skimming your posts to extract the increasingly tiny amounts of relevant data.

Your suggestion that there's some kind of an alliance between Set, Fox, Lash and I is somewhere between paranoia and outright stupidity. Most recently I've been toe to toe with Lash more often than not over Gay Vs. Religious Rights, Fox has admitted she's actually trying to be mad at me for abusing her on the immigration issue, and Set and I have seldom ever agreed on the color of sh!t. I see no observable kinship between the others that is anymore compelling. For myself; I don't even have that big of an issue with Snood's viewpoint here, beyond what I offered before you began cluttering the thread with hyper-sanctimonious claptrap. I suspect you mean well; but you continue to do nothing but further make an ass of yourself.

Anyone who thinks this is a team effort is displaying their own ignorance. The "four racist whitey's" neither exist as a group nor individually, anywhere but in but KW's pathetic imagination.

Ps. I'd also like the record to reflect that Snood's PM to me was in no way a request to beat on anyone, let alone Lash. He simply said he would be interested in my take, and in fact, I had provided it on this thread just seconds before opening his PM. Our subsequent PM's constituted a reasonable debate over what I had written, nothing more. I'd also like to clarify that the only PM I got from Lash was a simple thank you for kind words.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 04:06 pm
This discussion never had much altitude to begin with. That you now acknowledge sending PMs to get others to participate suggests to me that you have an agenda, which i suspect is to attack Lash. Private Messages which you have in the past sent to me about Lash suggest to me that you are obsessed with Lash, and that you want to paint her in the worst possible hues which a concerted effort in tandem with your online buddies can accomplish.

Damn, how you do go on and on. I asked people like O"Bill and KW to comment here because I value their opinions. And if I felt like I needed a little bucking up here, I often feel that way after exchanges with certain folk, but there was no conspiracy to "attack" anyone. I simply said, "Your comments are welcome". Period. Believe it or put it on your nose and soak it, macht nichts to me. The rest of that stuff is in your mind. Setanta, do you realize that those PMs happened between me and Lash over a year ago? You seem fixated on creating some kind of drama whether there is fodder for it or not.

So it's pretty pathetic to have you comment on how low this discussion might be. It doesn't bother me, by the way, that you attempt to slur me. Both because your opinion has little value to me, and because i have consistently argued the specific terms of your statement, and it is only now that i see re-opening this "discussion" with the reinforcement you called for, that i have developed sufficient contempt for your exercise to sink to your level of personal invective.

Yeah, I did feel I needed some encouragement. I often feel that way after exchanges with some folk. My "level of personal invective"?
To use one of your oft-used quips - pot meet kettle.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 05:12 pm
Yes, your level of personal invective. I had no reason to, and did not introduce personal comments into the discussion as it unrolled several pages back. Then your bulldog shows up here, and starts slinging around really nasty characterizations of me and some other posters, and you immediately adopt a sneer yourself.

This discussion went quite a way without the introduction of invidious remarks--and i place the blame for the failure of that squarely on you and KW.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 06:02 pm
Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
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Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2007 06:49 am
I have valued members bringing in pertinent news stories that help us to maintain what I consider to be important dialogue about words, their usage, their meaning and the fallout.

There have been great contributions here. Hopefully, we can return to that level of conversation.

Thanks. <smiles>
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2007 10:34 am
Who are you, and what have you done with Lash?
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Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2007 10:41 am
snood wrote:
Everyone's entitled to an opinion.

In that case...

Hi, I'm Don King, and I think everyone should get their hair cut just like me!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2007 11:35 am
snood wrote:
Who are you, and what have you done with Lash?

I'm your new friend, same as the old friend--only showing it now.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2007 11:36 am
Kiss me.
0 Replies

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