Setanta wrote:
Using the special insight which being white gives me into how all other whites experience America, i claim that Snood don't know jack about how whites "regard" him--and my claim is unassailable, just because i'm white, and i claim that gives me special insight into how white folks regard Snood.
See how simple-minded and idiotic such presumption is, Snood?
Set, how you allowed yourself to be outslicked into joining this bunch of liars and fools I'll never know. Abandon ship and come back over to the light. We miss you.
There is nothing wrong-NOTHING-in someone with a great deal of experience in something claiming to know of it and to speak for it. It is done all the time. I will give you two examples.
Smith: Acme Ball Bearings is a lousy place to work, they treat people like hell.
Jones: Have you ever worked at Acme Ball Bearings?
Smith: No. But I know it is a lousy place to work. I overheard a couple of people say so.
Jones: I have worked there, for 20 years. They pay 50% more than the average wage for each employee's skill group, their benefit and retirement packages are well above average, and I have received every promotion I was qualified for. Moreover, they have a personnel department with an impartial review board who fully discusses every suspension and termination before it happens, and for all the years I have been there, I have never seen anyone get terminated unless they were drunk, on drugs, or clearly so incompetent that they were a detriment to the department they worked in. I have worked in all three divisions, and more than one department in each division. I know most of the supervisors personally, and a fairer or more decent group of people I have never met. The attrition rate is one of the lowest of any company in the nation. In fact, we have quite a few three-generation employees, where not only did the employee's parents work there, but their grandparents before them. The company has never been the subject of any civil or human rights investigations, and has received several awards from civil rights and women's groups for fairness in it's hiring and personnel practices.
Smith: Yeah, but did you get to know EVERY employee who worked there?
Jones: No.
Smith: Then where the HELL do you get off saying that Acme Ball Bearings is a good place to work? You have to know if EVERY EMPLOYEE there is happy before you can say that!!!
Well, folks, after all that, does Jones have the right to say Acme Ball Bearings is a good place to work or not? Does he actually have to know each and every employee there to be able to say so?
Suppose Joe Schultz, an American, travels to an Asian country. While discussing the country there, Vikash, a citizen of that country says to Schultz, "We have arranged marriages over here. It is much better. Americans should try arranged marriages."
Schultz: Oh, Americans would never like the idea of arranged marriages.
Vikash: How do you know? Do you know if EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN would be against arranged marriages? If you don't, you an NEVER say that Americans would be against arranged marriages!!!
See how ridiculous this entire idea is of having to know every single member of a group before you speak for it actually is? It was just a dodge by Lash because she wanted to deny Snood his right to speak as a member of the group he belongs to. As a result, Snood, a black man, was beset by four ridiculous white people telling him what HE knows about black people, and what he doesn't. Unbelievable.
Set, will you please cut your losses, admit you got temporarily outmaneuvered, and abandon that position? It can only go downhill for you from here. Did you ever, in your entire life, think you would end up as part of a white gang surrounding a black person, a gang which had the arrogance to tell him what he does and does not know about the experience of being black in America?
Come back to us, Set.