The abortion question is one of about four or five real issues I have with the Republican party, and is possibly the least of those issues. By way of contrast, I have issues with pretty much everything the dems ever do or think about doing.
Worst possible case regarding abortion is Roe/Wade gets tossed, the issue goes back to the states, and some woman living in South Dakota who has to fly to NY more than once for abortions might have to decide whether or not she'd be better off living in NY, and not come back.
That's the closest thing to a real issue dems have. Take that one issue out of American politics, and the dem party would have died a natural death 30 years ago.
The issues I have with republicans include:
- The "War on Drugs(TM)"
- NWO BS and the idea of making some sort of a super country out of Canada, the US, and Mexico.
- "Right to Life(TM)"
- Inability to discern non-issues, like gay marriage (the ones who want to get married aren't the ones I'd worry about).
- basic cowardice in dealing with demokkkrats and the left in general
The really big problem with "right2life" is that it is logically an all or nothing proposition, i.e. if any unborn has any sort of a right to be born, then they all do, no exceptions.