Is abortion really wrong?

Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 01:33 pm
joefromchicago wrote:

Sure you can, because it's not logic. It appears that you are attempting to make a syllogism, but it's incomplete. No logical conclusion can be drawn from your two statements, so you're simply offering two empirical assertions, both of which happen to be factually incorrect.

If all ice cream is poison, and people who eat it dont die, then its safe to say theyre immune, right? How is that any less logical than assuming that all abortion is murder, so all people who have abortions are murderers?

Rather, how are either of those arguments of any importance to a debate on abortion, when neither adds anything to the discussion beyond "if we assume all these things are true, then THAT is why abortion is murder."
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 02:50 pm
Monolith wrote:
If all ice cream is poison, and people who eat it dont die, then its safe to say theyre immune, right?

No, it would only be safe to say that if it were also posited that all persons who eat poison and who aren't immune die. You're not very good at this logic thing, are you.

Monolith wrote:
How is that any less logical than assuming that all abortion is murder, so all people who have abortions are murderers?

It's less logical because I put forward a complete syllogism. You didn't.

Monolith wrote:
Rather, how are either of those arguments of any importance to a debate on abortion, when neither adds anything to the discussion beyond "if we assume all these things are true, then THAT is why abortion is murder."

If you had said that Scott's argument was irrelevant, I wouldn't have disagreed. But you didn't, you said it was absurd.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 06:57 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:

MY VIOLENCE pfft what about the EVIL WOMAN who commit MURDER.
Not just MURDER but 1st DEGREE MURDER.
They think about it, then do it.
That is premediated MURDER.......

Consider that the vast bulk of people opting for abortion are demokkkrats.

Would you really like to see 30,000,000 more demokkkrats in the country? Isn't 55,000,000 enough?

I will have to disagree with that.
Most of those who support abortion are liberals, not just democrats.
But yes most come from the democrat party.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 07:00 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
Eorl wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:

It is MORALLY SANE and MORALLY JUST to put to death all MURDERS.

Why is the absurdity of that statement not obvious to you?

Please add to your list of achievements...

Declared by Eorl...."not very bright"

Why is Scott777ab's statement absurd? If all persons who commit murder should be put to death, and all persons who perform abortions commit murder, then it follows logically that all persons who perform abortions should be put to death. Now, to be sure, one can argue that all murderers shouldn't be put to death, or that abortion isn't murder, but one can't argue with the logic of Scott's statement.

OK I am in a bit of shock!
Someone has said I used Logic.
Thanks you.
But really you should congradlate yourself to being not so blinded by hate and disgust of someone who is against abortion. Even if you disagree with my postion at least you recogize that I did use logic in my statements. Thank you very much for that.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 07:08 pm
joefromchicago wrote:

If you had said that Scott's argument was irrelevant, I wouldn't have disagreed. But you didn't, you said it was absurd.

And why is it not relevant?
What makes my statements about abortion irrelevant?

I say:

#1 No one should have the right to decide wether or not a baby lives or dies. No one has the right to deny someone of their life.
( This statement does not include true medical problems for mother or baby. In the case of medical problems I say save them both, but if one is going down move to the other, even if the one who is going down frist is the Mother you should save the baby, but if the baby is going down frist then you save the mother.)

#2 Any one who KILLS (aka murders ) someone has given up there personal right to live. In that if they can take life they should not be allowed to live.

#3 So any one who commits Abortion ( not including med problems ) is a murder.
3a They think about the abortion
3b They then go in to have it.
3c Then they do it.
-- That is premediated murder.

And based on statement two they have given up their right to live and should be put to death.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 07:59 pm
joefromchicago wrote:

No, it would only be safe to say that if it were also posited that all persons who eat poison and who aren't immune die. You're not very good at this logic thing, are you.

Are you kidding? You're trying to tell me im no good at logic, because i didnt fill in every detail of my unfounded poison ice cream example with further unfounded details?

joefromchicago wrote:

It's less logical because I put forward a complete syllogism. You didn't.

You seem to be missing the point. Just because you managed to create a syllogism doesn't make your argument any stronger when the premises you base it on are absurdities.

joefromchicago wrote:

If you had said that Scott's argument was irrelevant, I wouldn't have disagreed. But you didn't, you said it was absurd.

Mmm... are you confusing me with someone else, now? I never said anything about Scott's post, or called it absurd. I've been referring to you this whole time.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 08:56 pm
Is it possible that men should not be dictating to women what they are allowed to do with their bodies. I would not presume to tell a grown man what it feels like to be kicked in the testicles by a horse, and until I grow testicles or men can bear children, we need to stay out or each others way.

Years ago in my office during a bull session, one very young man was stating his views on reproductive rights and (I am not kidding) he said even in the case of rape, a women should not be even allowed to clean herself in the chance that a criminal's sperm might actually connect with her eggs. (OK, criminal was my word) Frankly, I was amused but one of the other women really took offense, and in a very angry tirade, shouted that the reason men try to prevent a woman from having an abortion is because they can't stand the thought of a mere woman thwarting the possibility of any man planting his seed. Now this is very extreme, but it was an interesting thought. And an extremely provocative conversation.
Please remember that was not the idea I dreamed up, I'm not bright enough, but I remembered it because it seemed so original.

So to echo what Frank has said, when men can get pregnant, then they can weigh in on reproductive rights, and to go two steps farther, if men ever develop the ability to bear children, abortions will be performed at spas with a facial tossed in, and those men who do chose to actually go thru childbirth will be allowed to compete in the Olympics under the new category..."Facing pain without meds".

Lastly if you are opposed to choice, then don't get an abortion.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 09:18 pm
I'll say it again, the really big problem with "right2life" is that, logically, it is an all or nothing proposition. If ANY unborn could be said to have a "righht to life" sufficient to override the woman's right to control the use of her own body, then they ALL do, INCLUDING the unborn child of the rapist.

American law makes no distinction amongst born people according to the circumstances of their conception and birth and, logically, it's impossible to see how such a distinction could be made amongst the unborn.

I view the conundrum as meaning that there is no such thing as a "right to life" sufficient to compell another person to donate the use of their body. That's basically the same thing as kidnapping.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 09:21 pm
Actually, I should probably qualify that just the tiniest bit. Once you get to being seven or eight months pregnant, then you have something resembling a contract of sorts between the woman and the unborn child; I have a very hard time seeing late term abortions other than to protect the life of the mother. Abortions within the first few months should be legal.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 10:56 pm
glitterbag wrote:
Is it possible that men should not be dictating to women what they are allowed to do with their bodies. I would not presume to tell a grown man what it feels like to be kicked in the testicles by a horse, and until I grow testicles or men can bear children, we need to stay out or each others way.

Years ago in my office during a bull session, one very young man was stating his views on reproductive rights and (I am not kidding) he said even in the case of rape, a women should not be even allowed to clean herself in the chance that a criminal's sperm might actually connect with her eggs. (OK, criminal was my word) Frankly, I was amused but one of the other women really took offense, and in a very angry tirade, shouted that the reason men try to prevent a woman from having an abortion is because they can't stand the thought of a mere woman thwarting the possibility of any man planting his seed. Now this is very extreme, but it was an interesting thought. And an extremely provocative conversation.
Please remember that was not the idea I dreamed up, I'm not bright enough, but I remembered it because it seemed so original.

So to echo what Frank has said, when men can get pregnant, then they can weigh in on reproductive rights, and to go two steps farther, if men ever develop the ability to bear children, abortions will be performed at spas with a facial tossed in, and those men who do chose to actually go thru childbirth will be allowed to compete in the Olympics under the new category..."Facing pain without meds".

Lastly if you are opposed to choice, then don't get an abortion.

If you are opposed to knifing people, or shooting people, then don't do, it, but don't presume to impose your anti-murder policy on people who want to commit murders!
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 11:14 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
glitterbag wrote:
Is it possible that men should not be dictating to women what they are allowed to do with their bodies. I would not presume to tell a grown man what it feels like to be kicked in the testicles by a horse, and until I grow testicles or men can bear children, we need to stay out or each others way.

Years ago in my office during a bull session, one very young man was stating his views on reproductive rights and (I am not kidding) he said even in the case of rape, a women should not be even allowed to clean herself in the chance that a criminal's sperm might actually connect with her eggs. (OK, criminal was my word) Frankly, I was amused but one of the other women really took offense, and in a very angry tirade, shouted that the reason men try to prevent a woman from having an abortion is because they can't stand the thought of a mere woman thwarting the possibility of any man planting his seed. Now this is very extreme, but it was an interesting thought. And an extremely provocative conversation.
Please remember that was not the idea I dreamed up, I'm not bright enough, but I remembered it because it seemed so original.

So to echo what Frank has said, when men can get pregnant, then they can weigh in on reproductive rights, and to go two steps farther, if men ever develop the ability to bear children, abortions will be performed at spas with a facial tossed in, and those men who do chose to actually go thru childbirth will be allowed to compete in the Olympics under the new category..."Facing pain without meds".

Lastly if you are opposed to choice, then don't get an abortion.

If you are opposed to knifing people, or shooting people, then don't do, it, but don't presume to impose your anti-murder policy on people who want to commit murders!

Men, women and children have been known to commit murder, we have laws to punish such things (well in theory). But people other than the pregnant women want to decide what she can or cannot do, or how many children she should bear. Some people would like to ban birth control. Again, if you don't believe in the right to choice, then don't engage in unprotected sex and don't have abortions. Access to reproductive rights for women are still allowed by law, we have not yet returned to the point of men forcing women to either engage in sex or bear the fruit of the rapist. There are no laws that allow murder even if a child is even a minute old. Women trapped in unwanted pregnancies thru rape or incest should not be expected to be the breeder to provide children for adoption.
Frankly if you want to breed to provide children for strangers, be my guest. Be aware that most women (as much as they value life) do not want to be drafted as petri dishes for social gratification.
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 05:26 am
Monolith wrote:
Are you kidding? You're trying to tell me im no good at logic, because i didnt fill in every detail of my unfounded poison ice cream example with further unfounded details?

Don't get mad at me. I'm not the one who can't frame a simple syllogism here.

Monolith wrote:
You seem to be missing the point. Just because you managed to create a syllogism doesn't make your argument any stronger when the premises you base it on are absurdities.

You judge the validity of a syllogism on whether or not it's factually correct? You really don't know much about logic.

Monolith wrote:
Mmm... are you confusing me with someone else, now? I never said anything about Scott's post, or called it absurd. I've been referring to you this whole time.

You're right and I apologize. It was Eorl who called Scott's argument "absurd." Why you responded to that post, then, remains a puzzle.
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 01:03 pm
glitterbag wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
glitterbag wrote:
Is it possible that men should not be dictating to women what they are allowed to do with their bodies. I would not presume to tell a grown man what it feels like to be kicked in the testicles by a horse, and until I grow testicles or men can bear children, we need to stay out or each others way.

Years ago in my office during a bull session, one very young man was stating his views on reproductive rights and (I am not kidding) he said even in the case of rape, a women should not be even allowed to clean herself in the chance that a criminal's sperm might actually connect with her eggs. (OK, criminal was my word) Frankly, I was amused but one of the other women really took offense, and in a very angry tirade, shouted that the reason men try to prevent a woman from having an abortion is because they can't stand the thought of a mere woman thwarting the possibility of any man planting his seed. Now this is very extreme, but it was an interesting thought. And an extremely provocative conversation.
Please remember that was not the idea I dreamed up, I'm not bright enough, but I remembered it because it seemed so original.

So to echo what Frank has said, when men can get pregnant, then they can weigh in on reproductive rights, and to go two steps farther, if men ever develop the ability to bear children, abortions will be performed at spas with a facial tossed in, and those men who do chose to actually go thru childbirth will be allowed to compete in the Olympics under the new category..."Facing pain without meds".

Lastly if you are opposed to choice, then don't get an abortion.

If you are opposed to knifing people, or shooting people, then don't do, it, but don't presume to impose your anti-murder policy on people who want to commit murders!

Men, women and children have been known to commit murder, we have laws to punish such things (well in theory). But people other than the pregnant women want to decide what she can or cannot do, or how many children she should bear. Some people would like to ban birth control. Again, if you don't believe in the right to choice, then don't engage in unprotected sex and don't have abortions. Access to reproductive rights for women are still allowed by law, we have not yet returned to the point of men forcing women to either engage in sex or bear the fruit of the rapist. There are no laws that allow murder even if a child is even a minute old. Women trapped in unwanted pregnancies thru rape or incest should not be expected to be the breeder to provide children for adoption.
Frankly if you want to breed to provide children for strangers, be my guest. Be aware that most women (as much as they value life) do not want to be drafted as petri dishes for social gratification.

Blah, blah, blah. My only point is that murder is wrong, and I wish that society would make it illegal.
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 01:34 pm
Talk to me when you grow a uterus.
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 02:36 pm
glitterbag wrote:
Talk to me when you grow a uterus.

If your point is that I cannot have an opinion about the ethics of an issue, unless I am a participant in it, then that's nonsense.
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 02:49 pm
Yeah, Brandon. What you said.
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 02:58 pm
If you two are against having an abortion, then I suggest you never have one.
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 03:10 pm
I have never had an abortion. I think the decision about whether to have an abortion should be left to the abortee.
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 03:53 pm
Great, well we all now know what the opinions are, I think we are done here.
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 04:55 pm
glitterbag wrote:
If you two are against having an abortion, then I suggest you never have one.

If you're against armed robbery, then don't do it, but don't force your morality down the throats of people who chose to be armed robbers.
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