Is abortion really wrong?

Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2006 02:45 pm
Presumably, life begins when the fetus (as opposed to the embryo)becomes viable, that is, potentially able to live outside the mother's womb. At least, that's the way it appears to me.
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Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2006 07:45 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
Now let me tell you a story..........

A young man who had a lot of potential...Only 18 yrs old and at his first yr at a great college , gets his high school sweetheart pregnant....Both only 18 with no way to afford a child....have two options...1. abort the baby and forget about it and keep on the course of life as they know it or 2. have the baby...face the possibiblity of being shunned by many, having to drop out of college and struggling financially the rest of their lives to take care of that unplanned baby....

well let me tell ya how that story went....
They decided to keep the baby, got married ...struggled (yes) but the man finished college .....as did the woman.....the man became a successful nuclear engineer and the woman a nurse....both have been married 25 yrs have 5 kids and never regret not having an abortion...

who are those people....??? MY parents.......they made the choice to keep me and i thank God every day for that......

I have no respect for any person that puts their needs above an innocent childs welfare...That to me is selfish/.....

Oh great, this ridiculous circular argument again.

I presume you tour college campuses today telling people they should be having sex before marriage, so that people like you get to exist ? No, I thought not.

There are in almost infinite number of things that had to happen exactly right from the beginning of time for you to exist, not being aborted was just one of them.

The only way this argument works is if you insist that every woman must have sex with as many men as she can at every opportunity from her earliest possible age of conception until menopause or her womb falls out, just to enable every potential person to exist.

Why should I respect someone who calls a foetus an "innocent child" for the sake of propaganda?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 03:49 am
Re: Is abortion really wrong?
Jeremiah wrote:
While I think I made my views known, I will say one more thing...

While abortion should be a last option, and not one to be used often (and preferably, not at all), I think it is very easy to sit on the sidelines and say "How horrible of her!" and be moralistic about it, when it's not your problem.

What if, by some stroke of luck, you happened to get a girl pregnant tomorrow? What goes through your mind when you realize you're probably going to have to drop out of college, get a low paying job (at 18 or 19, what are your options?), struggle to make ends meet, and basically give up a promising future, all to put food on the table and diapers on your child that you didn't really want in the first place?

It's easy to say what you would do if you were in that boat, but it's a hell of a lot harder to do it when you're there. Especially when you have lots of goals, ambition, and drive, like I do and I believe you do. It's so easy to judge when it's not your future on the line.

With my one "mistake", I didn't even know the girl was pregnant until after she had an abortion, so I don't have much weighing on my conscience. At the time, I was very anti-abortion, and was very sad to hear what she had done. But now...boy, am I glad. It might sound harsh, but I can't imagine not having a college degree, scraping to make ends meet, living in PA (where the girl was), and most importantly, having to focus all of my energies on someone else, instead of my goals and dreams.

You may say, "well, I always have safe sex"...ok, great if you do. But I'll tell you what, everyone makes mistakes. Condoms break, or alcohol impairs judgement, or you think you're going to pull out in time, or she tells you she's on the pill (and she's not). These things happen all the time to all sorts of people, good and bad, smart and dumb.

Would you be willing to give up your entire future because of one random mistake? You may say yes, but you wont ever really know until you're in that situation. I hope you wont ever be, for your sake.

And I am all for adoption, by all means. But far be it for me to dictate what a woman has to do with her body. It's a bit much to ask a woman to pop a child (that she doesn't even want) out and then give it up. Can you imagine shitting a whole orange?? Doesn't sound very fun to me.

And for the record, I'm not pro-abortion. I believe adamantly that 3rd trimester abortions should be completely illegal.

Without using the bible or any type of relgion I think it is a horrible crime to commit abortion.
Abortion is nothing more than MURDER, and any who commit abortion are murders.
0 Replies
material girl
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 05:37 am
Re: Is abortion really wrong?
Scott777ab wrote:
Jeremiah wrote:
While I think I made my views known, I will say one more thing...

While abortion should be a last option, and not one to be used often (and preferably, not at all), I think it is very easy to sit on the sidelines and say "How horrible of her!" and be moralistic about it, when it's not your problem.

What if, by some stroke of luck, you happened to get a girl pregnant tomorrow? What goes through your mind when you realize you're probably going to have to drop out of college, get a low paying job (at 18 or 19, what are your options?), struggle to make ends meet, and basically give up a promising future, all to put food on the table and diapers on your child that you didn't really want in the first place?

It's easy to say what you would do if you were in that boat, but it's a hell of a lot harder to do it when you're there. Especially when you have lots of goals, ambition, and drive, like I do and I believe you do. It's so easy to judge when it's not your future on the line.

With my one "mistake", I didn't even know the girl was pregnant until after she had an abortion, so I don't have much weighing on my conscience. At the time, I was very anti-abortion, and was very sad to hear what she had done. But now...boy, am I glad. It might sound harsh, but I can't imagine not having a college degree, scraping to make ends meet, living in PA (where the girl was), and most importantly, having to focus all of my energies on someone else, instead of my goals and dreams.

You may say, "well, I always have safe sex"...ok, great if you do. But I'll tell you what, everyone makes mistakes. Condoms break, or alcohol impairs judgement, or you think you're going to pull out in time, or she tells you she's on the pill (and she's not). These things happen all the time to all sorts of people, good and bad, smart and dumb.

Would you be willing to give up your entire future because of one random mistake? You may say yes, but you wont ever really know until you're in that situation. I hope you wont ever be, for your sake.

And I am all for adoption, by all means. But far be it for me to dictate what a woman has to do with her body. It's a bit much to ask a woman to pop a child (that she doesn't even want) out and then give it up. Can you imagine shitting a whole orange?? Doesn't sound very fun to me.

And for the record, I'm not pro-abortion. I believe adamantly that 3rd trimester abortions should be completely illegal.

Without using the bible or any type of relgion I think it is a horrible crime to commit abortion.
Abortion is nothing more than MURDER, and any who commit abortion are murders.

So are the abortion doctors murderers or the woman having the abortion?
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 05:54 am
real life wrote:
When does life begin?

A redundant and irrelevant question, when you consider that the egg and sperm were alive to begin with. Arguing that the embryo is alive and therefore abortion is murder, is like arguing that having sex is murder because only one sperm survives and the millions of others die.

No, the real question is to ask when does it become a human being?

Certainly not at the point of fertilisation. Fertilised eggs can split into two to become identical twins or two can merge to form one.
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real life
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 08:13 am
blacksmithn wrote:
Presumably, life begins when the fetus (as opposed to the embryo)becomes viable, that is, potentially able to live outside the mother's womb. At least, that's the way it appears to me.

When exactly is 'viability'?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 08:15 am
When exactly will the cross examination end, counselor?
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 08:41 am
real life wrote:
blacksmithn wrote:
Presumably, life begins when the fetus (as opposed to the embryo)becomes viable, that is, potentially able to live outside the mother's womb. At least, that's the way it appears to me.

When exactly is 'viability'?

Do you not know how to read? Blacksmithn described what viability meant in the very same paragraph you quoted.

However, if you really want a more official definition here it is:

Viability (noun)

The quality or state of being viable. Specifically: --

(a) (Law) The capacity of living after birth.

(b) The capacity of living, or being distributed, over wide geographical limits; as, the viability of a species.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 09:46 am
Eorl wrote
Oh great, this ridiculous circular argument again.
I presume you tour college campuses today telling people they should be having sex before marriage, so that people like you get to exist ? No, I thought not.

Ok my whole point was to refute the guy who started this topic...I was showing that young couples can make it without aborting a child..But obviously you didn't see the point.

Eorl wrote
The only way this argument works is if you insist that every woman must have sex with as many men as she can at every opportunity from her earliest possible age of conception until menopause or her womb falls out, just to enable every potential person to exist.

My story had nothing to do with the possible existence of future children, but with children already in the womb...So this statement of yours is ridiculous. Im not a psychic and can't predict the future of any " potential person" Im talking about the now, A woman already pregnant faced with options. I can't stand to hear about young couples who have sex then freak out when they become pregnant, decide its in their best interest to abort the baby.... there all always other options that don't involve killing the baby.....there is no excuse and you can go round and round trying to make up silly little arguments, but there is no excuse for a young couple to abort....

Eorl wrote
Why should I respect someone who calls a foetus an "innocent child" for the sake of propaganda?

Why should i respect someone who cant even spell fetus? Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 10:06 am
n. Chiefly British.
Variant of fetus.


I think that before one is quick to criticize, one needs to know about what one is saying!!! Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 10:13 am
Now, don't go confusing the issue with facts!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 11:17 am
Re: Is abortion really wrong?
material girl wrote:

So are the abortion doctors murderers or the woman having the abortion?

Both and they both should be charged with murder.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 11:20 am
The First Heathen Evangelist: by Lash
A Mental Midget: by Doktor S
A Loony Fanatic: by Setanta
Bigotted: by Setanta
Rash and Impetuous: by Frank Apisa

Sounds like you have a problem.

And your proud of it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 11:23 am
As a fetus ages in the womb, its destruction, strikes me as being more and more similar, in a moral sense, to the murder of a person already born. To me this doesn't depend on the definitions of any words, such as "life." Since I am against murder of innocent people for convenience's sake, I am also against this similar act. Late term abortion strikes me as essentially morally indistinguishable from the murder of a baby soon after its birth.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 11:36 am
Phoenix wrote
I think that before one is quick to criticize, one needs to know about what one is saying!!!

I know what he was saying, I was joking..hence the laughing smiley face.....

was trying to lighten the discussion....geesh..........lol
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 12:48 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
Late term abortion strikes me as essentially morally indistinguishable from the murder of a baby soon after its birth.

At what point is it distinguishable?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 02:00 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Late term abortion strikes me as essentially morally indistinguishable from the murder of a baby soon after its birth.

At what point is it distinguishable?

Irrelevant. Killing a fetus shortly before birth or a baby shortly after birth are strike me as morally similar.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 03:31 pm
I have always been of the opinion that we should wait until the fetus is quite a bit older.

Say 18 years or so.

Then he/she can make up his/her own mind.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 05:44 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:

Ok my whole point was to refute the guy who started this topic...I was showing that young couples can make it without aborting a child..But obviously you didn't see the point.

I wasn't that I didn't get your point, but rather that I thought it was nonsense. There is a big difference.

kate4christ03 wrote:

Eorl wrote
The only way this argument works is if you insist that every woman must have sex with as many men as she can at every opportunity from her earliest possible age of conception until menopause or her womb falls out, just to enable every potential person to exist.

My story had nothing to do with the possible existence of future children, but with children already in the womb...So this statement of yours is ridiculous. Im not a psychic and can't predict the future of any " potential person" Im talking about the now, A woman already pregnant faced with options. I can't stand to hear about young couples who have sex then freak out when they become pregnant, decide its in their best interest to abort the baby.... there all always other options that don't involve killing the baby.....there is no excuse and you can go round and round trying to make up silly little arguments, but there is no excuse for a young couple to abort....

But it's OK for you to go around making silly little arguments to justify trying to force your silly religious rules on others?

A foetus is not a child, it is a potential child by definition. You use the words "child" and "baby" to cloud the issue.

A woman who is ovulating has options too....she can prevent that egg from becoming a person by abstaining from sex. Why is that moral to you? If your parents had done as your religion expects (abstain), you would not exist ! That is a fact, not a silly little argument.

You attempt to use the "goodness" of your existence to justify that abortion is morally wrong, but your "proof" also proves that abstinence would be equally morally wrong because the result would be the same....ie, no you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2006 07:26 pm
What this thread really needs is some input from Frank.
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