Tartarin wrote:It will be interesting to see what response Kucinich's demand (request?) for an unedited copy of the Lynch rescue video will receive from Rummy.
Does anyone know whether or not Kucinich could subpoena this tape if it is not forthcoming?
This entire fabrication could cause a harsh backlash against Dubya. It could also lead to other lies and/or videotapes that could cause a national uproar still roaring close to Election Day 2004.
What is the truth about the Lynch episode? Where are the "weapons of mass destruction"? Where are Messrs. Hussein and bin Laden?
Our reputation with our allies has been damaged already. Can we expect an international repudiation of Dubya much more strident than we've heard 'til now?
What really inspired Operation Iraqi Freedom? Is the Dubya administration covering up what its real motives were?
It seems I -- and so many other voters -- have more questions than answers.