Isn't N17 the Naas Road in Dublin?
I took a poll of all 24 voices in my head, and this is what they said.
Re: "Is it right to have sex on the first date?"
Is it right to have sex while washing the dishes?
At what point would you consider it a first date?
Is it really sex, if you don't know their name yet?
Does a rose by any other name smell so sweet?
You don't really know what a person smells like, until...
They say love is in the air. Pheremones always go better with soap.
Washing the dishes is a poor substitute for conversation.
Under, beside, across, over there, and tied up with a bow. But no, never actually "on" the first date. Then they couldn't move.
No, the second date is usually prettier. And the third, she was nice too. Never did see the fourth one again.
Well, if you have to ask, then your morals really can't afford it.
That's why I never ask, but simply offer. "Would you like to have a date? We could have sex later."
Put it this way: If they pass the entrance exam, then they'll probably graduate. Would you like to see the SAT?
Washing the dishes is slippery, wet and foamy, and you get to see how a person eats. But on the other hand, sex on the first date is ... also.
Soap is a four letter word. Wash is a four letter word. Moan is a four letter word. Yumm is a four letter word. Interesting... what other words can we find?
Sex on the first date? It sounds better than it really is. That's why I always like to listen.
Promptness is a virtue. Virtue should be appreciated.
If you can't make the rules, don't play the game.
Why is it called a Home Run, when it's usually out somewhere in the backseat of a car, underneath a tree, in the middle of a field, behind the counter in the bakery, or on the ex's couch?
Is something "left" or is it "right"? Well if it isn't left it must be right. Would you leave if it was offerred? No, so it must be right.
It wouldn't be Mother Nature if she was a virgin. Respect your mother.
When it's time, you'll be ready. So bring a watch.
If all you want is sex, don't bother with a date. If all you want is a date, don't bother with a relationship. If all you want is a relationship, don't bother with a wedding ring. Do you see where I'm going with this? Never disrespect your own limits.
Make any excuse you want, but I still believe in the sanctity of fornication.
You'll hear a lot of things. A lot of things. But it's up to you.
is there sex after marriage?
It's okay to have sex before the first date, and after the last date. c.i.
Life is so complicated. I need less freedom and fewer choices.
and everything in between. c.i.
Just stopping in to see if everyone is still having sex. Carry on ;-)
Just looking in again myself. I didn't think I was having sex, but after reading what the voices in CodeBorg's head are saying, I'm re-evaluating.
I didn't see anyone having sex! What's going on here?
Ah ha! So this is interesting...............
Codeborg slowly succumbs to the natural human instinct to become a slave...I suggest a move to Montana....the state, not our loveable A2Ker....
Is master cute? She needs me...
CodeBorg will obey...
The honor is to serve. What's for dinner?
CodeBorg, Go sit in the corner, facing the corner, and "cool off!" LOL c.i.
hey c.i., are you being a party pooper?
Did someone mention my name? Don't wanna miss any of the action ;-)
Lola, I'm "never" a party-pooper.

Just checking in to see if the Sex Police had tried to stop Lola. :wink:
I see we are all still having wanton sex.
(hee hee)
the sex Police will have to be damn fast to catch me. :-)