OK, NH. Out with your dirt.
Were you a virgin when you got married?
(Not, do you wish you were a virgin, or you may have technically been a virgin... God is listening to you, NH.) :wink:
Sofia, do you mean to say I'm not the first one to come up with that theory?
You know a guys never called me and I'm ok with that. (No dates)
If your interest is simply in quenching your raging hormones, go right to it. If a long term relationship is what you want, IMO it is better to get to know the person before the passion completely destroys your judgment!
"God is listening to you, NH.) "
Gosh, I'm glad!
I agree with your theory ;-) I have been on both sides of the fence and waiting creates a much stronger bond IMO, although there were times when I wasn't looking for a commited relationship, so just sex worked at the time.
When the guy is really hot it is EXTREMELY hard to resist though. I had boyfriends like that, but I was strong and waited. It was worth the wait and they respected me for it ;-)
interesting responses, yes i have had sex on the first date, but in every case it was her idea not mine ( i didn't object)
I knew you were a gentleman!
Back in the days, a lovely Irish lass had this to say about my invitation to dinner: "I'll think about it (insert wink and a smile)"...I thought that was so sexy....I was bursting at the seams for an answer (1 day seemed like an eternity), and it was a really amazing first date, and no sex, just a great meal, a few drinkies, and a bit of tame fooling around.
I would say if you've known each other for a long, long time, then it's okay!
It's not just him you're having sex with, it's all the others he has had sex with before you.
Safe sex!
Three times after a first date. Two were one-night stands. Ohmygawd. I am such a slut.
yep it is an interesting life you lead.
whats yer mumma gunna say??? shhhhh
Well, since I'm still alive, no serious diseases and only one child, she probably won't be too shocked.
You go girl ;-) Whatever makes you happy :-D
I hear ya. All my one night stands were many years ago. It's been so long thought that I could actually use one right about now, LOL!