It's right to have sex on a pre-date, and after you're over 100 years old.

Hey, waitasecond ...
What if you've already had sex before the first date?
Does that change whether it's okay when you're actually dating?
Or do you have to cover up and pretend to everybody like you just met them?
Oh, life is so complicated! I hate dating ... can we just ... go hang out somewhere?
OHMIGAWD!....what has happened tolittle innocent Chatoyant?

Somebody throw some cold water on her.
Sex on the first date.
Codeberg...>SLAP<....snap out of it! You're babbling....Keep it simple.
Hey, sex on the first date depends on how old you are! If you've not got a lot of time to waste, then yah gotta go for it!
I don't like dating.
I do like sex.
If I have to go on a date to have sex, well, I guess I will.
I wanted to ask a question to the women regarding dinner and first dates. Back when I was dating, I had credit, but not a lot of money, so often I would offer to cook dinner instead of going out. I cook far better today, but I cooked very well indeed for a university freshman. Is this generally considered intimidating for a woman or sweet? I seem to have had experiences with both sentiments.
I always loved to have meals prepared for me when I was in uni. The other thing I liked (maybe even preferred) was to be invited over for the meal prep process. There's something really neat about finding someone you can work with in a kitchen. Just don't ask me to do the dishes before you start cooking. That's a bit annoying.
I don't know if it's right's right much fun..
Lol at ehBeth, call me a gentleman, but the thought would have never even occured to me....wash the dishes crass for a first date...
Gotta admit, he was a good cook, but being asked to do the dishes (including pots and pans) when I said, "is there anything i can do to help?" was not what i had in mind.
He wasn't lacking in audacity, was he?
no, he wasn't lacking in audacity.
cav, I would imagine that a young woman who wanted to avoid having sex on the first date would be nervous about being invited to your apartment (even if you were going to cook for her) - it wouldn't have been a problem for me, though!
One of the nice ones actually sat on my kitchen counter and crossed her sexy legs....I nearly ruined the chocolate souffle!
Whew!....Talk about pressure cooking.
Wait...I thought it was wrong, NOT to have sex on the first date?
Wow..What a thread. I just popped back to see how it was going. And the seed grew wonderfully..