Sofia wrote:My theory is this: If the guy calls again, I did the right thing. If he doesn't call, I did the right thing, and I also know what that guy was all about.
TESTING people ... isn't that manipulative? How genuine is that?
Well, the longest relationship I ever had (6 years) started with a good round of sex. It's an excellent way to get to know each other, and really breaks the ice. Nothing brings out deep and meaningful issues better than a lot of sweating and breathing together. Except maybe skinning a deer and tanning the hide using it's own brain, on the first date. That was cool too.
I had another relationship, deep and true, where we mutually decided to "save ourselves" and we were great, faithful friends for six months. Wow! We were so Aware and Conscious and it just blossomed like a rose! I still smile and sigh when I think about it. Then we had sex and three weeks later said goodbye. No clear reason, just that we were done. The mystery and suspense were gone, and turns out that was all the stuff. Now I find that rose petals go really well on a salad.
Far better not to play games, push, pull, or manipulate people artificially.
If you are addicted to intrigue, that may be all you will have.
So either have sex never (but keep looking forward to it every day) ...
or as soon as you can find a private room.
Or ... or ... do exactly what you really want to do.
Just be sure to cut loose and make it fully expressive, so it shows who you really are. But that's just a theory, ... based on not very much experience.
"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching." (
Satchel Paige, 1906-1982)