patience I can muster. Cash is more difficult.
Well, fan me with a blowtorch, quinn.
It's just a figure of speech.
little k
Just found this thread. What a postively delightful looking critter you have there! Lovely!
little k
"positively delightful" is what I meant to say.
I didn't catch the typo the first read - looked right to me! And, thanks. He's a very good cat. Even people who don't like cats love him. And, people who are normally allergic to cats don't really react to him.
Love your avatar! Good to see you!
I just found the cat in the tub, licking up the shower water. He's got a fine dew of water all over his adorable little face. He loves shower water almost as much as toilet water.
It's a pleasure to be here, too, little k.
I'm so pleased that you & your critter have survived the trauma of his illness. He's worth it! And a allergy-causing critter, too! Well done!
awe krissykat...hope he and you as well are doing okay today
hang in there honey!!!
Thanks quinn. Last night his gluc was high, tonight it was low-ish!
humph, just never knowin with that little fella
Thank goodness he has a caring mum!
Thanks, I'll pass the hugs to Screech and Boo too!
OH yes, kitty kisses and doggie hugs as well!!!
I know the routine by now <grin>
Yikes! I think I almost over-dosed Screech. I'd dropped down to 8 units 2xday for weeks now, but tonight he was lethargic beyond belief. I stayed awake a little while with him on my belly. He'd barely open his eyes most of the time then he started looking around bewildered-like. He then slid off the bed on his stomach and floof, laid out on the floor. Got him to eat some syrup and then some food. He seems ok right now, even played with a bit of string. Trying to get all the little bits of sticky off his mane. Purring up a storm.
Phew..... need to check in with the vet this week....
but, now what....? Do I stay up all night? Or assume once the peak is past, everything will be ok? The peak should be past by now, 4 hours after the shot was administerd. Can I sleep?
k...knew somthing was up when I saw the time you posted this...gosh, wish I could have been tehre for you!
Did you talk to the vet? Did you ever sleep?
Its so much like a sick child, I hope all is better today.
I got 6 hours last night - not bad. Talked to the vet this a.m. before his shot. She told me to do exactly what I thought I should do. Good to know I've learned something through all of this. Screech is playing up a storm with his new toy! Maybe that's why he OD'd last night.
whew...all is well

Learned something...well, yep..I guess you would, and you must and all that...and its good.
Whats the new toy?