Watch out, high heat melts latex.
oh..thay could be more than I could bear <giggle>
and the boy gets a gold star
the girls; shoulda guessed!
hang on, i did guess...
big boston sized smooches :wink:
big Aussie hugs back at cha doggiedoo
You of all people should know us, however we're dressed!
have missed ya man..what have you been up to lately? Anything interesting or educating? Stayin out of trouble or just finding it wherever you can?
Good Qs quinn.
We do miss you swoondomgy!
speaking of aim. I hit three bull's eyes in one throw while playing darts last night!
EXCELLENT k, actually it one of the easiest to do theres just some sort of mental block people seem to get when trying for it.
Drinking usually helps.
I hit a good patch that quickly slipped away with the next beer. Oh well. I also had a 6 point throw. A triple, a double and a single.
Screecher-cat, btw, is doing better again (as Cass can verify). I just need to feed him a bit less than I was, I think. Either that or up the insulin.....
Yep...Screecher is certianly lookin great and loving attention

Good to hear, good to see.
Argh! Today his gluc shot up and he's drinking water again.... this'll be the death of me!
Patience.. Patience... You'll do just fine with the lil feller.
Two steps forward, one step back and all that stuff.