Lola's Salon

Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2002 11:36 pm
Some people go through life not having a clue what God intended for them. They go to school, they shoot heroin, they join the republlican party, they go shopping at Walmart...but nothing, anywhere, fits. Unlucky souls like that often came into the saloon, and Harvey would pour them a drink, then another. Harvey, on the other hand, always knew what God intended for him, and that was to pour drinks for those others.

He took another glass and buffed it up with the towel, his back to the bar and the room. That's when he noticed her, reflected in the smokey mirror.

He saw the white leather cowboy boots with the long leather fringes propped up on a stool. Her legs were bare, and they were exquisite, like wine stems, but wine stems made of meat and shaped like a beautiful women's legs, which, of course, they were. She wore a white cowboy hat too, he noticed. The hat and the boots were like bookends, squeezing tight a story of vivacious, six gun shootin sexuality made from red lace and the hearts of a hundred Texas cowboys.
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Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2002 08:25 am
"Just 'Great', I tell ya, just 'Great!" says Cobalt to the panting back-footed ferret who has been racing here and there, east and west relaying messages. "So, I who am now embarking on the practice of an austere, celibate life, am walking into a hotbed of intrigue and 'steam heat'?????"

Cobalt,reflecting on her desire to reach the oasis of Lola's Salon, is now thinking that instead of the five star Martell Cognac Brandy she was looking forward to ordering.... she now regretfully sighs and knows that "Just java, Ma'am, unleaded" is the order she'll place this evening.

Well, this Lady hopes that she meets no Tramps of the road this day, but is welcomed in absentia, at least until the sun rises tomorrow. "Ta-marrah, taaaa-maaaarrrr-rah,...... taaa-marrahs a brand new day!"
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Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2002 08:45 am
Have been frowning hard frowns since I was dragged back into the saloon.
Just when it was getting interesting too.Stoopid gangsters...stoopid cultureless gangsters don´t understand ANYTHING these days.
I´ll take another scotch and look at the ladies for awhile.
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Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2002 09:37 am
Hebba is standing at the bar... looking amazingly like a cowboy.

"It is," Diane thinks, "the clothes."

Piffka says it's the brow... so broad, so mahogany-like, frowning as though he's looking into the sun.

The clothes are very western. His deerskin vest is a mellow brown and its softness is apparent from across the room. Like a lot of "real" cowboys do, Diane dressed him in a white shirt to dress up his jeans. Piffka found him a Bolo tie, made from the long tail hairs of a black & white pinto. The bolo is carved wood, inlaid with a silver Navajo bear, a stylized paw with claws.

He is a sight. He's taken off his hat inside, which is a very good thing. Thank heavens Danon clued him in to that nicety.

"I'd better send Hane over to apologize," Piffka says. "She forgets herself. Y'know, when she went to London, she was planning on taking her cowboy hat, just so she could show off. These things do come back to bite her...."
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Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2002 10:01 am
"Hubba, Hubba, Hubba, Hebba!!! With you there.
The ladies are works of fine art. Albeit, western art, but their presence simply adds grace and elegance to the genre."
said danon.
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Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2002 10:21 am
Piffka looks sadly down at her own scuffed up ropers. The fringe has rolled up a little and one lace has an extra knot in the middle from a repair job last summer. Her jeans have wisps of hay in the pockets. All in all, it might be time to clean up a little. If only it would warm up. If only Cobalt would arrive.

She shrugs on her sheepskin lined jean jacket and heads outside. Might as well do the evening feed before I change.
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Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2002 10:27 am
"Look, I need to take a break." says Harvey the bartender. "Any of you ladies want to make a fast buck and mind the store a moment?"

"Sure." says jes, getting behind the bar while Harvey makes a beeline to the john. Them enchiladas he had for lunch were just a little too enchiladaesque.

jes is soon pouring drinks for everyone. Regardless of what they order, she serves either whiskey or beer, as she has no idea how to mix anything else. No one seems to notice or care or, if they do, they're too polite to say. jes soon runs out of whiskey and looks under the bar. Rummaging through the bottles and cups that need washing, her hand hits -- paper?

jes stands up behind the bar, a bottle in one hand and the paper in the other. She sets the bottle down and glances at the paper. One of the cowboys from the rodeo gets up and whoops loudly. "Heya! That's the map to the old Mandela mine! They say there's gold and all sorts of precious stuff in there!"

"Mandela mine?" says jes. "You mean like Nelson Mandela?" Confused, she looks at the map, wondering what it has to do with the former dissident.

"I think it's that Nelson feller's cousin." says another of the cowboys. "Lemme see that map and I'll confirm it for ya."

jes thinks better than to hand over the map. Harvey reappears, looking a lot fresher than when he left. "What the --?" he asks. "Damnit, you found the map! But no one can get there, 'cept by horseback. And it's my map, anyway."

"Tell you what." says jes. "Why don't we take you along? You get your share of the loot and we provide the transportation and the, um, entertainment. Plus a sculpture if hebba's up to it. You like existentialism?"

"Why, I don't rightly know." says Harvey, scratching the stubble on his chin. "Is that one of them fancy imported Russian vodkas? I don't drink what I serve. It'll boil yer insides. But I'll think about yer offer. In the meantime, thanks for taking over the bar for me and remind me that I need to lay off the habaneros."
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Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2002 11:11 am
Another sculpture? Omigod, Hebba will never have any time for fun!

Piffka has walked in and walked right back out. Uh-oh. How to tell her friends that Pearl doesn't, well... she doesn't like to be ridden.

Sigh. Who'd believe ANYBODY would keep a big ol' hay-burning thing that got all huffy when anybody tried to put a saddle on her?

Rolling her eyes, rolling it all around in her mind, Piffka decides to talk to the Pearl about not blowing their cover. Maybe she'll see reason this time???
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Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2002 03:53 pm
Diane, sitting at the bar with Hebba and Danon while looking at all the men in Lola's, she smiles with pleasure at the sight of them, thinking that, for each and every one of them she has but three words:

"Mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm!!!"
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Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2002 09:05 am
Skipping down the stairs the next morning, before anyone else wakes up, Diane stops to stretch, cat like, in the light pouring through the window.

Feeling unusually lithe and flexible, she puts some money in the jukebox and gets a quick cup of coffee as "Oh What a Night" starts to play.

Wondering if Danon will mind if she rides Scorpion, she heads out to the barn, gets a sidelong glance from Pearl and realizes that Pearl is the one who really has a say in these matters.

I'll have him back in a few hours you big, beautiful girl. Pearl blinks and Diane saddles up, riding out as "Back in the Saddle Again" starts playing on the jukebox.

Scorpion, I just need to do a little last minute shopping, then maybe we can explore that pretty little canyon I noticed yesterday. There are a few surprisingly interesting little stores in Flagstaff where I can get just the right things. Later, maybe I can convince LW to turn his wizardmobile into a wizardflatbedfordmobile and we can truck on up to Winslow. Might be fun, might even be some eagles around.

Later, with her packages tied to the saddle, she and Scorpion head east toward a magnificent range of mountains where the valley is located. As they reach the rim, Diane is thinking of all that still needs to be done when Scorpion turns his head toward her and says, "Shut up. Turn off your mind and just look!" Diane knows when not to argue and looks. The sky is the bluest blue she has ever seen, providing a magnificent backdrop to the mountains.

In the silent sky an eagle is soaring on the thermals, slowly turning his body to catch each breeze. From across the valley, his mate calls out and they both head east toward the Mogollon Rim.

Diane and Scorpion sit there, drinking it all in, in perfect silence.

A coyote howls, Scorpion stirs, and they head back to the saloon, as the color blue seems to swirl around them.
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Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2002 10:06 am
And who do Diane and Scorpion meet near the Saloon, but Pearl with Piffka... astride. They are having a discussion...

Piffka -- So get rid of the Spanish bridle? Are you sure??? It's so pretty!!!

Pearl -- I hate this fringe. Now, I'll accept the copper snaffle, but you'd better never ever, saw on my face.

Piffka -- Well, OK, no running off then. And watch the jumpiness. It makes me nervous. Let's see if I've got it... a good sheepskin for a blanket, a light-weight western saddle (I'm not to embarass you anymore with the jumping saddle) and never again in an arena. Geez.

Pearl -- Right. The corners always spook me. If you could see what I could see, then you'd know why. And don't forget this bridle. I think one of those Western numbers with the cute little detail around one ear. That's what I want, that's all I want. She stopped and shook, just for emphasis.

As a light a color as possible, that's the only good thing about this stupid Spanish thing. And NOT too heavy. How often do I have to repeat this?

Meanwhile, with all the restrictions and demands that Pearl had given poor Piffka, what Diane saw coming down the road was Piffka riding bareback, with just a blanket keeping her jeans clean. Pearl was tossing her head around, apparently some leather fringe lying right between her eyes was tickly.

Piffka brightened up to see Diane and agreed to turn around .... that is, she accepted gracefully Pearl's abrupt wheeling about to walk near the handsome buckskin.

"Diane! The cockroach is done. Wait'll you see!"
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Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2002 09:35 pm
"Morn'n ladies," danon said as they approached Lola's. "Diane, you sure took a chance riding that Quarterhorse, He's been known to crowhop some pretty good cowboys off his back. But, he like's the ladies so I'm pretty sure you had a good time. I see you shortened the stirrups, that's ok, I'm 6'2'' with long legs so you made a wise choice.
Hop down and have some coffee, I made it myself, Gevalia Dark French Roast, and it's good and strong."
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Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2002 10:51 pm
Piffka, I can't believe Pearl let you on, although I can see she has put certain restrictions on you. Do you think she has become even more assertive after spending time with this big, beautiful boy? After all, he did teach her to talk. Personally, I don't think I could handle her. Anyway, I love seeing you back in the saddle again and it looks like Pearl likes it even with all her complaining.

Now tell me about hebba's cockroach!!

As they walked back into the saloon, Danon was in the kitchen, with steaming cups of the most wonderful smelling coffee. Both Piffka and Diane sip in pleasure and agree that life is good.

Danon, I'm relieved you aren't angry with me for taking Scorpion out. He was wonderful, no problem at all; in fact, he made the ride better than it might have been by reminding me to slow down and just look. I guess the fact that I had a good supply of apples and carrots on hand sort of helped.

Um, I also had a few granola bars that he really seemed to love. My aunt and uncle had a ranch in Colorado where they raised cattle and a few Arabians. One three year old named Shiek would come up to the house, put his head through the kitchen window and beg for granola bars like a big ole dog. Scorpion seemed to love them just as much as Shiek. And yes, I did have to shorten the stirrups. You are a long, lanky Texan, aren't you?

Now let's go and check out hebba's cockroach. I hope he is pleased with the result, God knows he has had a rough time with this project.

As they go out to the barn to see hebba, Diane thinks to herself, "Before we leave this place, I need to see that little canyon again. Its beauty is compelling, it seems to call to me."
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Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2002 02:20 am
Lola is tired and late coming in. Her father in law passed away tonight and she's been with family. As Lola sits down beside her bed, to take off her shoes, she decides that tomorrow she'll remember to enjoy every minute of the day that she is able.

As soon as Cobalt gets here, we should all pile into the Wizardmobile and head East. Danon, will you and scorpion come along too?
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Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2002 07:53 am
I would really like that Lola.
Actually, I am just here in AZ on an adventure. Scorpion and I came out here in my PT Cruiser that's parked out back. It's the one painted in the flame design with '60's type flowers growing from the flames. I missed out on the hippie movement back then, got drafted, so now I'm trying to get the feel of the scene for some artwork.

My deepest sympathies for you and your family. A loved one's passing is always sad, especially so at this time of the year.
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Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2002 07:54 am
Diane quickly fixed Lola a drink while Trevor drew her a bath and later, tucked her in.

Everyone in the saloon has expressed their sympathy for her loss. This is an especially difficult time to lose someone you love.

A quiet day is planned, one filled with friends and companionship.

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Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2002 08:30 am
Piffka finds a quiet moment to go upstairs and talk to Lola, to tell her how sad it is when death comes. Never a kind visitor, Death near the Christmas holidays is a cruel and unwelcome guest. Piffka leaves Lola with a vase of white roses and a book of poems, then goes downstairs and out the door.
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Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2002 09:21 am
Lola, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Please give your family condolences from mine.

jes's fingers are freezing so the coffee is quite welcome. She wraps her hands around the mug and, when no one is looking, uses her coffee cup as a finger-warming bowl.
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Peace and Love
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2002 09:32 am
Peace&Love stops plinking on the piano keys long enough to go upstairs and give her dear friend Lola a big hug. She gives a second hug for Lola to pass on to Mr. Lola. And, more hugs for the Lola daughters and the rest of the family.
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Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2002 09:39 pm
Thanks all......it's been a busy day and another one all week. Your well wishes are very welcome.
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