Ha! CodeBorg - that's the best idea I've heard in years!
We'll practice at home. We have a party this saturday, we can try to lift various items from the guests. spells a smashingly successful party!!
Uh huh! The REAL Margo shows her colours! :wink:
Rae!!! Then again, at least you know what's in the pocket before you start chatting and whatnot.... Better go to bed now...
do you think people will be ok with us picking their pockets sat night? I mean, we could have a disclaimer at the door.....
no disclaimer, then they would be alert! they may get confused and think we have rae-like intentions, that makes pocket lifting easier. if the welder shows up with his new girlfriend, i may attempt to lift her head of though...
Cool !! A pick pocket party !!! Just make sure that the men don't have holes in their pockets
To get serious again, my biggest problem is my extremely low self esteem when it comes to personal stuff. I mean put me in front of an audience and ask me to give a chat abt trends in banking, and I will do it with no problem whatsoever. But put me in a singles bar and ask me to talk to the man infront of me and I will break into cold sweat !! In fact, I am so paranoid, that even when someone shows an interest in me, the first thought which enters my head is "god he really must be desperate !!"
Case in point - the date with "I"'s friend "R" (on my dating quandary thread). We are meeting next week, and now I am thinking, "Is he doing it, just because he wants to be polite ??"
You have charm, looks, sense of humour...OK, I've only picked these things up from our online contact and a few pictures on your site. You have direct comments from various friends, here, who have met you...to the same effect.
I've been nervous about approaching women since - forever! I've never got beyond seeing myself as a predator if I do...and that's not a good self image to have when you try to get to know someone. A gentle word about something you are both aware of "in the moment" - the food, in this instance, or the weather - it doesn't matter. You'll soon see if it's worth making it 1-2 minutes or just 20 seconds. In any case, you'll know if it's NOT worth pursuing and maybe exchange numbers....who knows.
I've often wondered about the very direct approach (few words involved) of handing over my card, saying "If you'd like to be taken to dinner sometime, call/email me", smile and walk away...any comments. (I've never done it, btw!)
Gautam - pull yourself together! You are a fun, witty, sophisticated guy. OK, so I'm not gay, I can't really comment on your "appeal" in that respect, but I'd have no qualms about introducing you to anyone I know who is and therefore might be interested...you're a great guy. Good luck with "R"...let us know. If nothing else, it doesn't sound as if he isn't interested in seeing you. He may look on you as a "friend" rather than a "lover", but what's the harm in that? You need to find out before you give up hope.
Courage, mes vieux! KP
pocket picking party??
whadd I miss?

It could work for you but...Ill wear a skirt, just to be safe.
Hey, 'k!
A guy used the BEST line on me in the supermarket a couple of weeks ago - might be worth you considering it - we were in the fruit section, and both looking at mangoes and rockmelons.
He asked me how you could tell if fruit like that were ripe - in no time we were thick as thieves - me getting him to sniff and feel fruit - very sensual and funny, lots of chance for badinage.
Them his girlfriend came up, looking like thunder - but that is a whole other story - but - the approach worked brilliantly.
Follow him until you get to the exotic fruit!
CodeBorg - just a comment. I have always been absolutely charmed by direct, non-strutting, non-sleazy approaches - they only happen when I am attached, of course (!!!!!) - not now that I am single - but I would certainly have seriously considered saying yes to going out with all the guys who have approached me in that way - who have all been rather lovely.
Kitchenpete, don't worry about coming across as a "predator." As long as you're confident, easy going, and having fun, that's how you'll come across: confident, easy going, and fun. You're always going to come across some women that hate the world, and don't want to talk to you, or anyone else. Just can't take it personal. Just remember they're lucky to talk to you, not the other way around.
And as far as walking up and handing them your card: worst move ever. Don't give your number away, she typically won't call, even if there's interest. You have to take the initiative. Besides, giving your card to someone defintiely looks cheesy.
"Pick pocket party," huh? Sounds like the intro to a bad porn. I can just picture it now: "Hey stud. Looks like you've got something bulging from your pocket. I'm just going to reach down and...ooh. Yeah. Why don't you follow me to my room?"
Gautam! No, you have self-esteem issues? You're adorable, your successful, you're smart and funny! I know, it's not rational. Like my issues.
KP - I would probably take your card home, think about it once or twice and then toss it out with out calling. I like the easy-chat idea though. It's more natural, more informative.
Ok, so we three need to think up a phrase or a state of mind that we can evoke in the moment when we want to make a comment.
I am told that drooling persists after the surgery for abt a week or so.
So "look baby you make me drool" might be an opening gambit (atleast for a week)
When is the surgery, Super G?
Thanks to Slappy and Lil'k for comments on the card technique - I'll stick to my avoidance of that one!
Singles thing tonight on a boat down on the Thames...we'll have to see what that turns up...I'll let you know.
Mantra: "I am confident. I am successful. I am attractive. I am witty. I am 'a catch'. NO! I am NOT arrogant!"
Gautam - a week!?! Wow. Are you having ALL your teeth pulled?
KP - Go for it! While out on that boat, keep thinking of answering to us here when it's all done. Recall our gems of support when you start to get nervous.
Dammit, son! Use your ABC's!