Quote:Every American should have the opportunity and responsibility to go to college and earn a degree, and to get the lifelong training they need.
So now i have a "responsibility" to go to college?
Arent I free to choose to go or not?
Under this plan,it sure doesnt seem so.
And "lifelong training"?
Does that mean that once I get training in one field I cannot change to another field?
Quote:Every worker should have the opportunity and responsibility to save for a secure retirement.
Secure by whose standards?
Quote:Every business should have the opportunity to grow and prosper in the strongest private economy on Earth, and the responsibility to equip workers with the same tools of success as management.
So,if those "tools of success" are a college education,then the plan is for private business to pay the tuition for all of its employees to go to college,right?
Remember,they have already said that I have a "responsibility" to go to college.
Quote:Every individual should have the opportunity and responsibility to start building wealth from day one, and the security and community that come from owning a home.
Day one?
Does that mean "day one" of my working carreer,or day one of my actual life?
What if I choose to NOT own a home,am I allowed to do that?
Judging by what is being proposed,I dont think I will be allowed the right to "freedom of choice".
Quote:Every family should have the opportunity to afford health insurance for their children, and the responsibility to obtain it.
If this means that medicare,medicaid,and the other govt giveaway medical programs are going to be eliminated,I can 100% agree.
Quote:We propose a plan to produce one million more college graduates a year by 2015 -- so that within a decade, more than half our young people will finish college with a degree. Paid for by getting rid of wasteful business subsidies, our plan consolidates existing tax credits into a new $3,000 refundable tax credit for four years of college or training, and proposes a performance-based block grant that will enable states to reduce tuition costs and increase graduation rates. Together, these ideas will make it possible for any student willing to work part-time or perform community service to go to college for four years tuition-free.
How long do you think you can go to school on $750 a year?
Thats what the $3000 refundable tax credit amounts to.
So,if you want to go to college,then you will agree to work either at least part time (which I have no problem with),or you become a slave to the govt,doing whatever job they choose for you to do.
Sure,they call it "community service" but it still amounts to servitude,just to get an education.
Also,who is gonna get the tax credit?
This plan has already said that its up to the employers to provide a college education for their employees.
Quote:and the responsibility to equip workers with the same tools of success as management.
So,if I am working full time,and my employer is being forced to pay for my education,then when am I supposed to find the time to do this "community service"?
This "plan" sounds nice,but it is to full of holes and BS to be worth anything.