Dixie Chicks withdraw apology to Bush

Reply Sat 29 Jul, 2006 03:23 am
Yes, Mr. Nation.The entire speech zone is the whole nation--- even the anti-abortion clinics!!!but the rabid Keltic Wizard has told us they must be closed down because they "mislead" people. There are so many contradictions among the left wing!!!

If you read the posts about Anne Coulter,Mr. Nation, you would find that the left think she should be muzzled.

Another contadiction.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Aug, 2006 08:56 am
I keep hearing Hillary demonized and statements that she stands for nothing. See the following.

Saving the American Dream
We must build an opportunity agenda for the middle class and all who want to join it
By Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sen. Tom Carper, and Gov. Tom Vilsack

Table of Contents

For 230 years, Americans have been united by a simple, common dream that tomorrow will be better than today. The promise of American life, handed on through a dozen generations, rests on this basic bargain: All of us should have the opportunity to live up to our God-given potential, and the responsibility to make the most of it.

In the 20th century, that basic bargain built the greatest middle class the world has ever known. The expansion of opportunity in return for hard work and sacrifice made us the richest, safest, strongest nation on earth, and enabled us to defeat fascism and communism. We ended the last century with America's economic might at its zenith, with Americans at their most optimistic, and with nearly all who endeavored to make the most of their opportunities and talents getting ahead in life.

Over the last five years we've taken a different direction -- one that offered the greatest help to those with the most wealth, under the mistaken belief that when the wealthy do even better, the middle class will eventually get their share. But this economic philosophy has shortchanged America and failed the middle class, too. For the first time ever, we've had four straight years of rising productivity and falling incomes. Americans are earning less, while the costs of a middle-class life have soared: In the past five years, college costs are up 50 percent, health care 73 percent, and gasoline more than 100 percent.

U.S. companies and workers face new challenges because they have to compete against companies and workers from other countries that have made education the top national priority, take energy efficiency seriously, and spend half as much on health care as we do.

These trends aren't just a burden for middle-class families. They undermine our way of life, because middle-class strength and growth have been the backbone of America.

Together we can face that challenge. Throughout our history, America has responded to new challenges with a new faith in our basic bargain. The world has changed over the past 50 years, and the terms of our basic bargain must keep pace.

The chance for every American to get ahead, regardless of background, is the engine of America's economic growth and social progress. A growing economy and a growing middle class go hand in hand. To remain strong in the world, the American Dream must be strong and alive here at home. And as we continue to navigate through these changing economic times, restoring the promise of the American Dream is the central economic issue of our time.

That's why the three of us have spent the past year developing the American Dream Initiative, an opportunity agenda for the middle class and all who aspire to join it. With the help of leading thinkers from across the Democratic Party, we developed a set of new ideas for the Democratic Leadership Council's National Conversation in Denver in July. Our vision is straightforward and clear -- to leave our children a richer, safer, smarter, and stronger nation than the one we inherited. We will offer a new opportunity agenda that secures the pillars of the American Dream:

Every American should have the opportunity and responsibility to go to college and earn a degree, and to get the lifelong training they need.

Every worker should have the opportunity and responsibility to save for a secure retirement.

Every business should have the opportunity to grow and prosper in the strongest private economy on Earth, and the responsibility to equip workers with the same tools of success as management.

Every individual should have the opportunity and responsibility to start building wealth from day one, and the security and community that come from owning a home.

Every family should have the opportunity to afford health insurance for their children, and the responsibility to obtain it.

Of all the aspirations that make up the American Dream, perhaps the most important is the opportunity to go to college. College is the key to whether America will get ahead in a competitive world, and whether we can expand and strengthen the middle class here at home.

We propose a plan to produce one million more college graduates a year by 2015 -- so that within a decade, more than half our young people will finish college with a degree. Paid for by getting rid of wasteful business subsidies, our plan consolidates existing tax credits into a new $3,000 refundable tax credit for four years of college or training, and proposes a performance-based block grant that will enable states to reduce tuition costs and increase graduation rates. Together, these ideas will make it possible for any student willing to work part-time or perform community service to go to college for four years tuition-free.

The pillars of the American Dream -- a college degree, a home, a secure retirement, and the chance to get ahead in a growing economy -- are central to our basic values. When we demand responsibility, it makes our families, our markets, and our democracy stronger. When our success depends on how hard we work, not how well we're born, there is no limit to how high we'll reach or how far we'll go.

America needs a new direction steeped in our oldest values. The struggles of the last few years are America's past, not America's future. The American Dream has just begun.
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Reply Sat 5 Aug, 2006 10:58 am
Back on topic:

My husband and I went to hear the Dixie Chicks in DC last night at the Verizon Arena (where the Wizards play) and the place was pretty well packed with very happy and enthusiastic fans. We were in the nose bleed seats because we were late getting tickets. They were so good...Marty and Emily are very talented musicians and singers along with that great vocalist Natalie Maines. The place went wild when she sang "Not Ready to Make Nice" and her wonderful "Travelin' Soldier" was an encore that was heartbreakingly lovely.
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Reply Sat 5 Aug, 2006 11:07 am
VNN, lucky you. Yup they're extremely talented and passionate and compassionate.
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Reply Sat 5 Aug, 2006 04:19 pm
BernardR wrote:
What am I going to do about it? Well, I don't know where you are from but I learned many years ago that in the United States, we operate under the rule of law and under a balance of powers between the three branches of government. I have complete faith in the courts( in this case, perhaps, the Supreme Court) top adjudicate any matters which a party who has standing presents to the Court because it may be unconstitutional. You are, of course, aware that the question concerning the prisoners at Guantanamo was submitted to the US Supreme Court and that findings were made that certain rights had to be given to the prisoners and that the Congress along with the president were to be able to set up courts which would protect those rights. I am sure that if the so-called Free Speech Zones are judged by someone with standing to be unconstitutional, that matter will also be adjudicated.

If you don't understand that, pachelbel, there is nothing more that can be said.

Balderdash, poppycock, and BS. You understand nada. America operates under the rule of law? Laughing Laughing Since when?

Do you even get why the Dixie Chicks withdrew their apology??

Rolling Eyes Drunk Been havin' a few? Or have you been living in a cave for the past 50 years? You sure aren't in touch with what's going on, bub.
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Reply Sat 5 Aug, 2006 05:27 pm
pachelbel wrote:
BernardR wrote:
What am I going to do about it? Well, I don't know where you are from but I learned many years ago that in the United States, we operate under the rule of law and under a balance of powers between the three branches of government. I have complete faith in the courts( in this case, perhaps, the Supreme Court) top adjudicate any matters which a party who has standing presents to the Court because it may be unconstitutional. You are, of course, aware that the question concerning the prisoners at Guantanamo was submitted to the US Supreme Court and that findings were made that certain rights had to be given to the prisoners and that the Congress along with the president were to be able to set up courts which would protect those rights. I am sure that if the so-called Free Speech Zones are judged by someone with standing to be unconstitutional, that matter will also be adjudicated.

If you don't understand that, pachelbel, there is nothing more that can be said.

Balderdash, poppycock, and BS. You understand nada. America operates under the rule of law? Laughing Laughing Since when?


Do you even get why the Dixie Chicks withdrew their apology??

Because they're flaming leftists.

Rolling Eyes Drunk Been havin' a few?

No .... but it appears you've drinking the kool-aid.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Aug, 2006 11:25 pm
wasn't talking to you, wanna be cowboy.
let bernie defend himself, if he can Laughing
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 07:33 am
Every American should have the opportunity and responsibility to go to college and earn a degree, and to get the lifelong training they need.

So now i have a "responsibility" to go to college?
Arent I free to choose to go or not?
Under this plan,it sure doesnt seem so.

And "lifelong training"?
Does that mean that once I get training in one field I cannot change to another field?

Every worker should have the opportunity and responsibility to save for a secure retirement.

Secure by whose standards?

Every business should have the opportunity to grow and prosper in the strongest private economy on Earth, and the responsibility to equip workers with the same tools of success as management.

So,if those "tools of success" are a college education,then the plan is for private business to pay the tuition for all of its employees to go to college,right?
Remember,they have already said that I have a "responsibility" to go to college.

Every individual should have the opportunity and responsibility to start building wealth from day one, and the security and community that come from owning a home.

Day one?
Does that mean "day one" of my working carreer,or day one of my actual life?
What if I choose to NOT own a home,am I allowed to do that?
Judging by what is being proposed,I dont think I will be allowed the right to "freedom of choice".

Every family should have the opportunity to afford health insurance for their children, and the responsibility to obtain it.

If this means that medicare,medicaid,and the other govt giveaway medical programs are going to be eliminated,I can 100% agree.

We propose a plan to produce one million more college graduates a year by 2015 -- so that within a decade, more than half our young people will finish college with a degree. Paid for by getting rid of wasteful business subsidies, our plan consolidates existing tax credits into a new $3,000 refundable tax credit for four years of college or training, and proposes a performance-based block grant that will enable states to reduce tuition costs and increase graduation rates. Together, these ideas will make it possible for any student willing to work part-time or perform community service to go to college for four years tuition-free.

How long do you think you can go to school on $750 a year?
Thats what the $3000 refundable tax credit amounts to.

So,if you want to go to college,then you will agree to work either at least part time (which I have no problem with),or you become a slave to the govt,doing whatever job they choose for you to do.
Sure,they call it "community service" but it still amounts to servitude,just to get an education.

Also,who is gonna get the tax credit?
This plan has already said that its up to the employers to provide a college education for their employees.
and the responsibility to equip workers with the same tools of success as management.

So,if I am working full time,and my employer is being forced to pay for my education,then when am I supposed to find the time to do this "community service"?

This "plan" sounds nice,but it is to full of holes and BS to be worth anything.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 09:37 am
So in other words Tico, to be against a war that has turned out like most of us thoughtful and also patriotic people ( I might add) to be a fiasco, are "flaming leftists." Sorry, but you are wrong, wrong, wrong. You have been reading too much Newsmax, listening to too much Rush Limbaugh, and watching too much Fox News. I happen to have more true conservative views than most of the right wing in congress and the administration today.This administration is not conservative. They are spending like there is no tomorrow and cutting taxes on the upper class while we are trying to fight a war. I am not an economist, but when China holds your chits you better hope we stay friends.

My husband is retired military...we are not against defending out country. We are against this administration for its wrongful and deceitful policies. They pushed for a war with the utmost naivete and look where we are now. Safer? Ha! Read Tom Rick's book "Fiasco" and tell me I am wrong. Or don't you want to read something that goes against your ideology?

The Dixie Chicks are not leftist....Pete Seeger is a leftist. There are very few real leftists in this country. The left has been pushed further right for the last 20-25 yrs. Many of my Republican friends say they are now Independents because they despise the policies of the Bush administration and they have NEVER not voted Republican.

I guess you could say that I am tired of your old labels....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 09:54 am
Mystery, as a literalist, I guess you need an interpreter to understand Hillary. I don't have the time.
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2006 10:23 am
Advocate wrote:
Mystery, as a literalist, I guess you need an interpreter to understand Hillary. I don't have the time.

I read what was written.
I do not have the ability to read minds,like you seem to have.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 11:45 am
Vietnamnurse wrote:
So in other words Tico, to be against a war that has turned out like most of us thoughtful and also patriotic people ( I might add) to be a fiasco, are "flaming leftists." Sorry, but you are wrong, wrong, wrong. You have been reading too much Newsmax, listening to too much Rush Limbaugh, and watching too much Fox News. I happen to have more true conservative views than most of the right wing in congress and the administration today.This administration is not conservative. They are spending like there is no tomorrow and cutting taxes on the upper class while we are trying to fight a war. I am not an economist, but when China holds your chits you better hope we stay friends.

My husband is retired military...we are not against defending out country. We are against this administration for its wrongful and deceitful policies. They pushed for a war with the utmost naivete and look where we are now. Safer? Ha! Read Tom Rick's book "Fiasco" and tell me I am wrong. Or don't you want to read something that goes against your ideology?

The Dixie Chicks are not leftist....Pete Seeger is a leftist. There are very few real leftists in this country. The left has been pushed further right for the last 20-25 yrs. Many of my Republican friends say they are now Independents because they despise the policies of the Bush administration and they have NEVER not voted Republican.

I guess you could say that I am tired of your old labels....

It was just a guess, VN. I forgot the question mark.

I suppose the possibility exists that there's another reason they withdrew it. But that one's still at the top of my list.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 07:27 pm
It is on the top of your list that they are leftists and that is why they were against the war in Iraq. Tico, if it were just that simple, if it were only that simple to just give someone a label because you disagreed with them on the war. Question....Have you been to war? Anyone close to you fighting in the Iraq War? Just curious.
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:30 pm
Vietnamnurse wrote:
It is on the top of your list that they are leftists and that is why they were against the war in Iraq. Tico, if it were just that simple, if it were only that simple to just give someone a label because you disagreed with them on the war.

No, I label them "leftists" because that's what I believe them to be, and I doubt they would disagree with me, as you are.

Question....Have you been to war? Anyone close to you fighting in the Iraq War? Just curious.

I've never been. My wife is a veteran of the first Gulf War, and I have relatives fighting over there now.
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 09:38 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Vietnamnurse wrote:
It is on the top of your list that they are leftists and that is why they were against the war in Iraq. Tico, if it were just that simple, if it were only that simple to just give someone a label because you disagreed with them on the war.

No, I label them "leftists" because that's what I believe them to be, and I doubt they would disagree with me, as you are.

Question....Have you been to war? Anyone close to you fighting in the Iraq War? Just curious.

I've never been. My wife is a veteran of the first Gulf War, and I have relatives fighting over there now.

Is Chuck Hagel a "leftist?"


This is why your labels are so ridiculous, Tico. But you keep on keepin' on, I guess...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 09:58 am
Dookiestix wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Vietnamnurse wrote:
It is on the top of your list that they are leftists and that is why they were against the war in Iraq. Tico, if it were just that simple, if it were only that simple to just give someone a label because you disagreed with them on the war.

No, I label them "leftists" because that's what I believe them to be, and I doubt they would disagree with me, as you are.

Question....Have you been to war? Anyone close to you fighting in the Iraq War? Just curious.

I've never been. My wife is a veteran of the first Gulf War, and I have relatives fighting over there now.

Is Chuck Hagel a "leftist?"


This is why your labels are so ridiculous, Tico. But you keep on keepin' on, I guess...

No, he's not. Thank you for demonstrating how ridiculous it is to claim that all I'm doing is labeling everyone who is against the war, a "leftist."

Lieberman is still a leftist even though he supports the war ... but he's a leftist who "gets it."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 10:10 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Vietnamnurse wrote:
It is on the top of your list that they are leftists and that is why they were against the war in Iraq. Tico, if it were just that simple, if it were only that simple to just give someone a label because you disagreed with them on the war.

No, I label them "leftists" because that's what I believe them to be, and I doubt they would disagree with me, as you are.

Question....Have you been to war? Anyone close to you fighting in the Iraq War? Just curious.

I've never been. My wife is a veteran of the first Gulf War, and I have relatives fighting over there now.

Is Chuck Hagel a "leftist?"


This is why your labels are so ridiculous, Tico. But you keep on keepin' on, I guess...

No, he's not. Thank you for demonstrating how ridiculous it is to claim that all I'm doing is labeling everyone who is against the war, a "leftist."

Lieberman is still a leftist even though he supports the war ... but he's a leftist who "gets it."


GOD, that was funny, I almost choked on my coffee. Lieberman a leftist? LOL!!! One can merely watch Fox News to see that every pundit on that propogandist network, including even Sean Hannity, supported Lieberman, and will continue to do so when he runs as an independent.

60% of Americans seem to now support the "leftist" view that Iraq is an absolute mess and that we need to get out. And that number has consistently been growing. This is why Lieberman became toast.

I'd wear a helmet when reality finally slams you upside your head.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 10:18 am
Dookiestix wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Vietnamnurse wrote:
It is on the top of your list that they are leftists and that is why they were against the war in Iraq. Tico, if it were just that simple, if it were only that simple to just give someone a label because you disagreed with them on the war.

No, I label them "leftists" because that's what I believe them to be, and I doubt they would disagree with me, as you are.

Question....Have you been to war? Anyone close to you fighting in the Iraq War? Just curious.

I've never been. My wife is a veteran of the first Gulf War, and I have relatives fighting over there now.

Is Chuck Hagel a "leftist?"


This is why your labels are so ridiculous, Tico. But you keep on keepin' on, I guess...

You're fighting an imposing up-Everest battle here, Dookie and VNN. This is a person that has adopted the petulant childish stance described by Glenn Greenwald



Do Bush followers have a political ideology?

Now, in order to be considered a "liberal," only one thing is required - a failure to pledge blind loyalty to George W. Bush. The minute one criticizes him is the minute that one becomes a "liberal," regardless of the ground on which the criticism is based. And the more one criticizes him, by definition, the more "liberal" one is. Whether one is a "liberal" -- or, for that matter, a "conservative" -- is now no longer a function of one's actual political views, but is a function purely of one's personal loyalty to George Bush.

That's what's so astonishing. The man has failed in, not one or a couple, but in every aspect of his presidency and still there are these sheep who blindly follow.

Where are all these neo-cons trumpeting the successes they so ardently promised? There's not a one to be seen, neo-con or success.



One can see this principle at work most illustratively in how Bush followers talk about Andrew Sullivan. In the couple of years after 9/11, Bush followers revered Sullivan, as he stood loyally behind Bush, providing the rhetorical justifications for almost every Bush action.

Read on, in Andrew Sullivan's own words, at this same site, to get a handle on just how deluded folks like Tico really are. There's no honesty in their agenda. It's simply a continuing pattern of smoke, mirrors, deception, slight of hand, dog and pony shows, not to mention outright lies.

That's all they have because there's definitely nothing positive to point to.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 10:33 am
Dookiestix wrote:
GOD, that was funny, I almost choked on my coffee. Lieberman a leftist? LOL!!! One can merely watch Fox News to see that every pundit on that propogandist network, including even Sean Hannity, supported Lieberman, and will continue to do so when he runs as an independent.

Yup .. me too. That's because he's a leftist who gets it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2006 10:37 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
GOD, that was funny, I almost choked on my coffee. Lieberman a leftist? LOL!!! One can merely watch Fox News to see that every pundit on that propogandist network, including even Sean Hannity, supported Lieberman, and will continue to do so when he runs as an independent.

Yup .. me too. That's because he's a leftist who gets it.

Seems as though leftists who "get it" are losing primaries (whatever the hell that means...). Laughing
0 Replies

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