Bernard, it is my theory that Bush secretly visited Iraq before the war, probably spirited there on an SR-71 by the CIA in the dead of night, and found out Hussein had no WMD. This could have happened before he became president. He therefore was the only guy in the U. S. that knew this for 100% certain, except maybe the pilot and a couple of other unnamed people in the CIA. Therefore, all the other people that said Hussein had WMD, lied unintentionally, they did not know the truth, Bernard. The CIA, all the Democrats, the Senate intelligence committee, the Dept. of Defense, and the Whitehouse staffers all said Hussein had WMD, but they did not lie because Bush fed them the information and they believed him. Of course, Bush knew better. He had been there secretly probably. That has to be it. Thats the only way I can figure out why he was apparently the only guy that really lied. He made it all up. Even before he became president, he was probably working with Republican moles in the CIA, which fed the info. to Clinton, who ignorantly made silly statements from information planted by Bush. Clinton was one sharp cookie, but in this instance, he was almost certainly duped by Bush behind the scenes. And the amazing thing is Bush also managed to get his moles in the CIA to pass the false information to the French, the British, the Russians, and other intelligence agencies around the world, and they were spreading the same nonsense about Hussein having WMD.
This man Bush has to be one of the slickest and most deceptive guys ever. I don't know how he found time to set this all up, considering he also helped the CIA plot 911. Yep, you wouldn't believe it, but another thread on this forum has that all documented too, Bernard.